1、一旦爱情得到了满足,他人魅力也就荡然无存了。 Once love is satisfied, the charm of others is gone.

2、一直都相信,只要你在我身边,什么都可以征服。 Always believe that as long as you are by my side, anything can be conquered.

3、万里何愁南共北,两心那论生和死。 How can I worry about the South and the north? My two hearts talk about life and death.

4、两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。 If the two love for a long time, it is not in the morning and evening.

5、人不能绝灭爱情,亦不可迷恋爱情。 Man can not destroy love, nor can he be infatuated with love.

6、人生漫漫,或许是我们遇见的太早了。 Life is long, maybe we met too early.

7、今晚星高月朗,适合和我相爱一场。 This evening, the star Gao yuelang, is suitable to fall in love with me.

8、他始终有那种寡淡的神情,很遥远,又很孤寂。 He always had that dim look, far away and lonely.

9、你上辈子积了多少德、遇上了我。 How much virtue did you accumulate in your last life and met me.

10、你是人间星河,是我的满目柔情。 You are the Star River in the world and my tenderness.

11、你来的那天春天也来到。 Spring came the day you came.

12、你没有如期归来,而这正是离别的意义。 You didn't come back on time, and that's what parting means.

13、你身边人多就离我远点,懒得抢,更没力气吃醋。 Many people around you stay away from me. You don't want to rob. You don't have the strength to be jealous.

14、像旧巷子里的猫,我很*,但没有归宿。 Like the cat in the old alley, I am free, but I have no home.

15、其实我努力过,只是你未曾在意过。 In fact, I tried, but you didn't care.

16、其实有一样最重要的东西是你的,只有你拥有。 In fact, one of the most important things is yours, only you have it.

17、去爱那些对你好的人,忘掉那些不知珍惜你的人。 Love those who treat you well and forget those who don't cherish you.

18、因为不喜欢主动所以一路走来弄丢了好多人。 Because I don't like to take the initiative, I lost a lot of people along the way.

19、在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。 On high, we'd be two birds flying wing to wing. On earth, two trees with branches twined from spring to spring.

20、女人用友情来拒绝爱情。男人用友情来换取爱情。 Women refuse love with friendship. Men trade friendship for love.

21、如果爱情可以补考,我一定不会只作弊! If love can make up the exam, I will not only cheat!

22、就是把你艾特出来,告诉她们,我有最好的你。 It's to get you AIT out and tell them I have the best of you.

23、希望我是最好的,是你以后再也遇不到的。 I hope I'm the best one you'll never meet again.

24、开始的时侯,我们就知道,总会有终结。 At the beginning, we know that there will always be an end.

25、快乐的方式有很多种,最直接的,就是见到你。 There are many ways to be happy. The most direct way is to see you.

26、总有一个人的名字,是你拒绝所有人的理由。 There is always a person's name, is your reason to refuse everyone.

27、我不知道你属什么,我只知道我属于你。 I don't know what you are, I just know I belong to you.

28、我只想把你当我生命里的主角,仅此而已。 I just want you to be the protagonist in my life, that's all.

29、我喜欢你,漫山遍野的喜欢。 I like you, all over the mountains.

30、我对你来说,不重要,重不重要都不重要。 I don't matter to you. It doesn't matter whether I'm heavy or not.

31、我希望有双手能让我牵一辈子,而不是一阵子。 I hope I can hold hands for a lifetime, not for a while.

32、我想认真谈场恋爱,从你开始,没有结束。 I want to have a serious love affair. It starts from you and never ends.

33、我最想去的地方,是你心里! The place I want to go most is your heart!

34、我知道天下事,却独独不知道你的心。 I know everything in the world, but I don't know your heart.

35、我莫名奇妙的笑了,只正因想到了你。 I smile inexplicably, just because I think of you.

36、我还是很喜欢你,像云漂泊九万里,不曾歇息。 I still like you very much, like the cloud drifting 90 thousand miles, never resting.

37、晴天,阴天,下雨天,都不及和你聊天。 Sunny day, cloudy day, rainy day, can't talk with you.

38、曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。 People who truly loved once are far more likely to love again.

39、最甜美的是爱情,最苦涩的也是爱情。 The sweetest is love, and the bitterest is love.

40、最痛的距离,是你不在我身边却在我心里。 The most painful distance is that you are not by my side but in my heart.

41、每一个冷血人的过去,都有一段血肉模糊的经历。 Every cold-blooded person's past, has a period of flesh and blood experience.

42、每一个现在,都是我们以后的记忆。 Every present is our future memory.

43、浪漫是两个人的事,不用全世界看到。 Romance is a matter of two people, not to be seen all over the world.

44、爱情和智慧,二者不可兼得。 Love and wisdom cannot be both.

45、爱情是一个平台,上面聚集着形形色色的人。 Love is a platform on which all kinds of people gather.

46、爱情是发生在两个人之间的一种共同的经验。 Love is a common experience between two people.

47、用冰凉的酒来麻醉自己深爱你的心,让它冰封。 Use cold wine to anesthetize yourself, love your heart deeply, let it freeze.

48、要善待爱情,因为它不会一辈子跟着你! Be kind to love, because it won't follow you all your life!

49、要赢得爱,首先在于使自己可爱。 To win love, the first thing is to make yourself lovely.

50、谈好恋爱的秘诀在于,不必严肃,但必须正经! The secret of good love is that you don't have to be serious, but you have to be serious!