1、一份刻骨铭心的爱,带来的却是撕心裂肺的疼。 An unforgettable love brings heartbreaking pain.

2、不可说的,皎洁的,月亮的,星星的,梦的,心事。 Unspeakable, bringing, moon, star, dream, mind.

3、不是没有人对我好,我又何必委屈自己处处讨好。 It's not that no one is nice to me. Why should I feel wronged and please myself everywhere.

4、不要等到人生垂暮,才想起俯拾朝花,且行且珍惜。 Don't wait until the end of life to remember to pick up the morning flowers, and line and cherish.

5、两年了,今天终于要放弃了,对不起我也是有自尊的。 It's been two years. Today I'm going to give up. I'm sorry I have my own self-esteem.

6、人人都忙于自己的欢喜与悲伤,有时候寂寞寂寞就好。 Everyone is busy with their joys and sorrows. Sometimes it's better to be lonely.

7、人总是珍惜未得到的,而遗忘了所拥有的。 People always cherish what they don't get and forget what they have.

8、人这辈子做过最徒劳的事,就是频频回头,重蹈覆辙。 The most futile thing a man has done in his life is to turn around and repeat the same mistakes.

9、今天不开心没什么,反正明天也有新的难过。 It's OK to be unhappy today. Anyway, there will be new sadness tomorrow.

10、你去爱你的这个那个吧,我也该找个好人就嫁了吧。 You go to love this one and that one. I should find a good man and marry him.

11、你喜欢看着电脑发呆,我却爱看着你的头像沉默。 You like to look at the computer daze, but I love to look at your head like silence.

12、你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你。 You are everything when you are, and everything is you when you are not.

13、你已了无音讯,但我对这世界仍然生不起半点爱意。 You have no news, but I still can't afford to love the world.

14、你是不是又在苦心翻找一句话,只为了给那个人看。 Are you struggling to find another sentence just to show that person.

15、你是我的不知所措,我是你的无关痛痒。 You are my bewilderment, I am your irrelevant.

16、你曾经说过的永远,变成了永无止境的伤害。 You once said forever, has become the endless injury.

17、你还是离我而去,我的世界,从此不再有你。 You still leave me, my world, no longer have you.

18、做过最后悔的事,就是小时候希望快点长大。 The most regretful thing I have ever done is to grow up as a child.

19、分手,所有的理由终究都会成为借口。 Break up, all the reasons will eventually become excuses.

20、别希望过度,止于适度和有所保留其实挺好的。 Don't want to overdo it. It's good to be modest and reserved.

21、别认怂,你什么都没有,大不了重新来过。 Don't think so. You have nothing. It's a big deal.

22、别让往昔的悲伤和对未来的恐惧,毁了你当下的幸福。 Don't let the sadness of the past and the fear of the future ruin your present happiness.

23、努力把日子填满,别来提醒我有多孤单。 Try to fill the days, don't remind me how lonely I am.

24、去吹吹风,能吹醒的话感冒也没什么关系。 It doesn't matter if you can wake up with a cold.

25、可不可以不勇敢,可不可以不坚强,可不可以哭一场。 Can we not be brave, can we not be strong, can we cry.

26、可惜你啊,不知进退,不经诱惑,不堪一击。 It's a pity that you don't know how to advance or retreat. You are vulnerable without temptation.

27、后来,我的故事里不只没有你,我连我自己都找不到了。 Later, I didn't just have you in my story, I couldn't even find myself.

28、喜欢你是个秘密,只有我和我的输入法知道。 Like you is a secret, only I and my input method know.

29、奉劝各位:除了灾难、病痛,时时刻刻要快乐。 I would advise you to be happy all the time except for disaster and illness.

30、害怕多年以后再提到我,你会笑着说不认识。 I'm afraid that you will laugh and say you don't know me after many years.

31、小时候我们把玩具当朋友,长大了朋友把我们当玩具。 When we were children, we used toys as our friends. When we grew up, our friends used us as toys.

32、小时候,喜欢喝爱的人玩;长大后,却被爱的人伤害。 When I was a child, I liked to drink and love people to play; when I grew up, I was hurt by people I love.

33、很多关系到最后,也只是相识一场。 Many of them are related to the end, and they are just acquaintances.

34、心事这东西,你捂着嘴,它就会从眼睛里跑出来。 Mind this thing, you cover your mouth, it will run out of the eyes.

35、心累到一定程度,连生气和计较的力气都没有了。 My heart is tired to a certain extent, and I don't have the strength to be angry or to worry.

36、想得开,也就那么一回事。想不开,什么都是事。 Think about it, that's all. I can't think of it. Everything is a matter.

37、我不是等你喜欢我,我在等我不喜欢你。 I'm not waiting for you to like me, I'm waiting for me not to like you.

38、我以为我突然消失你会拼了命的寻我,但是我错了。 I thought I'd disappear all of a sudden and you'd find me desperately, but I was wrong.

39、我们的关系只能这样,退一步舍不得,进一步没资格。 Our relationship can only be like this. We are reluctant to take a step back. We are not qualified further.

40、我做过最勇敢的事,就是听你说你和她的故事。 The bravest thing I've ever done is to listen to you and her story.

41、我只有假装离开你的坚强,却没有放弃你的力量。 I have to pretend to leave your strong, but not give up your strength.

42、我想知道你正在输入的是什么,后来为什么没发给我。 I want to know what you are typing and why you didn't send it to me later.

43、我的意中人是个盖世垃圾,有了七彩祥云就娶别人了。 My lover is a piece of rubbish. With colorful auspicious clouds, I will marry someone else.

44、我的选择是爱你或更爱你,你的选择是爱我或不爱我。 My choice is to love you or love you more. Your choice is to love me or not.

45、我见过的所有美好事物,都发生在别人身上。 All the good things I've seen happen to others.

46、所有一切你能伤害我的机会,不过都是我给的。 All the opportunities you can hurt me, but I gave them.

47、所有人都以为你高冷,只有自己知道那是自卑。 Everyone thinks you are cold, only you know it is inferiority.

48、敷衍表示谎言已经开始,冷淡表示感情即将结束。 Perfunctory means that lies have begun, indifference means that feelings are coming to an end.

49、无论我们离得有多远,都不会让你觉得孤单。 No matter how far away we are, it won't make you feel lonely.

50、明明只删了一个你,却空了一整个列表。 Clearly only deleted one you, but empty a whole list.

51、是什么不熟气质,丢什么不丢个性。 What is not familiar with temperament, what does not lose personality.

52、有些事,不是我不在意,而是我在意了又能怎样。 Some things, not that I don't care, but what I care about.

53、爱若难以放进手里,何不将这双手放进心里。 If love is hard to put into your hands, why not put them into your heart.

54、相见的时候我们红了脸,离别的时候我们红了眼。 We blushed when we met, and we blushed when we left.

55、约定已不再是约定,曾经的约定以成为了现在的谎言。 The agreement is no longer the agreement. The previous agreement has become a lie now.

56、让我在温润的地方,择一人而白头,择一城而终老。 Let me in the warm place, choose a person and white head, choose a city and grow old.

57、说出口的伤痛都已平复,绝口不提的才触及心底。 Said that the pain has been healed, never mentioned before touched the bottom of my heart.

58、走一步、算一步,过一天、算一天,这就是现在的我。 One step, one step, one day, one day, that's who I am now.

59、跌跌撞撞才明白,原来人生是要失去一些珍惜的人和物。 Stumble to understand that the original life is to lose some treasure of people and things.

60、这座城市很拥挤,但没有你,却也显得空空荡荡。 The city is crowded, but without you, it seems empty.

61、道理我都懂,但是能安慰我的不是道理,是你。 I know the truth, but it's not the truth that can comfort me. It's you.

62、那一个承诺困守半生,那一记回眸一世倾心。 That one promises to be stuck for half a life, that one remembers to look back on one life to fall in love with.

63、青春是人生的实验课,错也错得很值得。 Youth is an experiment of life, and it is worth making mistakes.