1、一个人除非自己有信心,否则不能带给别人信心。 A person cannot bring confidence to others unless he has confidence.
2、一个人除非自己有信心,否则无法带给别人信心。 A person cannot bring confidence to others unless he has confidence.
3、一个有信念者所发出的力量,大于九十九个有兴趣者。 The power of one person with faith is greater than that of 99 people with interest.
4、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。 An inch of time is an inch of gold but you can't buy that inch of time with an inch of gold
5、不惜寸阴于今日,必留遗憾于明日。 Do not hesitate to leave an inch of Yin today, but regret tomorrow.
6、不是别人都比你狡猾你才会上当,而是因为你太贪。 It is not because others are more cunning than you that you will be fooled, but because you are too greedy.
7、不要放弃,放弃了今天就是放弃了一辈子。 Don't give up, give up today is to give up a lifetime.
8、与其临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。 It's better to retreat and form a net than to admire fish.
9、世人缺乏的是毅力,而非气力。 What the world lacks is perseverance, not strength.
10、乐观本身就是一种成功。乌云后面依然是灿烂的晴天。 Optimism itself is a success. Behind the dark clouds was still a bright sunny day.
11、事业的大厦如缺乏毅力的支柱,只能是空中楼阁。 The edifice of a career, if it lacks the pillar of perseverance, can only be a castle in the air.
12、人生伟业的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。 The establishment of great undertakings in life lies not in knowing, but in being able to do.
13、人生最大的幸福,莫过于连一分钟都无法休息。 The greatest happiness in life is that you can't rest for a minute.
14、人生的价值,并不是用时刻,而是用深度去衡量的。 The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth.
15、什么都想自己干,这个世界上你干不完。 You want to do everything by yourself. You can't finish it in this world.
16、任何一项劳动都是崇高的,崇高的事业只有劳动。 Any work is noble, and the only noble cause is labor.
17、任何的限制,都是从自己的内心开始的。 Any restriction starts from your heart.
18、你一天的爱心可能带来别人一生的感谢。 Your love in one day may bring others a lifetime of gratitude.
19、你不能拼爹的时候,你就只能去拼命! When you can't fight your father, you can only fight!
20、你刚才做功课的样子很认真,希望你继续保持。 You just did your homework very seriously. I hope you will continue to do it.
21、保持你的好奇心,这将是你创造的源泉! Keep your curiosity, it will be the source of your creation!
22、假如你希看成功,以恒心为良友,以经验为顾问。 If you want to succeed, take persistence as your good friend and experience as your adviser.
23、做完作业再玩,不是玩的更开心吗? Don't you have more fun after finishing your homework?
24、再好的种子,不播种下去,也结不出丰硕的果实。 No matter how good a seed is, it will not bear rich fruit if it is not sown.
25、别指望伯乐从天而降,拜你为上卿。能力是干出来的。 Don't expect Bole to fall from the sky. I worship you as the supreme minister. Ability comes from doing.
26、努力到无能为力,拼搏到感动自己。 Hard to powerless, hard to move themselves.
27、只有先改变自己的态度,才能改变人生的高度。 Only by changing your attitude can you change the height of life.
28、只要路是对的,就不怕路远。 As long as the road is right, we are not afraid of a long way.
29、外在压力增加时,就应增强内在的动力。 When the external pressure increases, we should enhance the internal power.
30、天下大事必作于细,天下难事必作于易! Great things in the world must be done in detail, and difficult things in the world must be done in ease!
31、天生我才必有用,千金散去还复来。 I'm born to be useful. I'll come back after thousands of gold have dispersed.
32、失败只有一种,那就是半途而废。 There is only one kind of failure, that is, giving up halfway.
33、奋斗之路越曲折,心灵越纯洁。 The more tortuous the road of struggle, the purer the soul.
34、如果我们可以改变情绪,我们就可以改变未来。 If we can change our emotions, we can change the future.
35、学会生活,学会学习,学会合作。 Learn to live, learn to learn, learn to cooperate.
36、宁可输给强大的敌人,不要输给失控的自己。 It's better to lose to a powerful enemy than to lose to yourself out of control.
37、对事不对人;或对事无情,对人要有情。 Right things, not people; Or be ruthless to things and affectionate to people.
38、将来的你,一定会感谢现在拼命的自己! In the future, you will thank yourself for working hard now!
39、小事不做,大事难成,要脚踏实地,从平凡开始。 If you don't do small things, big things are difficult to achieve. You should be down-to-earth and start from the ordinary.
40、尺有所短;寸有所长。物有所不足;智有所不明。 everyone has his own advantages; sometimes an inch may prove long. There is a shortage of things; I don't know.
41、工作是为了生活,生活只是为了好玩。 Work is for life, life is just for fun.
42、幸福不是因为你拥有得多,而是由于你计较得少。 Happiness is not because you have more, but because you care less.
43、当时间的主人,命运的主宰,灵魂的舵手。 Be the master of time, the master of fate and the helmsman of the soul.
44、很多失败不是因为能力有限,而是因为没有坚持到底。 Many failures are not because of limited ability, but because they don't stick to it.
45、思想如钻子,必须集中在一点钻下去才有力量。 Thought is like a drill. We must concentrate on one point and drill down to have strength.
46、成就是谦虚者前进的阶梯,也是骄傲者后退的滑梯。 Achievement is not only the ladder for the modest to advance, but also the slide for the proud to retreat.
47、我们总是对陌生人太客气,而对亲密的人太苛刻。 We are always too polite to strangers and too harsh to close people.
48、把你太太当合作伙伴,不要把她当太太看。 Treat your wife as a partner, not as a wife.
49、挫折其实就是迈向成功所应缴的学费。 Setbacks are actually the tuition fees for success.
50、攀登者智慧和汗水,构思着一首信念和意志的长诗。 The climber's wisdom and sweat conceive a long poem of faith and will.
51、敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须充满光明。 Those who dare to declare war on darkness must be full of light.
52、无知识的人,其生命如同无叶子的树,缺少勃勃生机。 The life of a man without knowledge is like a tree without leaves, lacking vitality.
53、无论过去发生什么,最好的尚未到来。 No matter what happened in the past, the best has not yet come.
54、昨晚多几分钟的准备,今天少几小时的麻烦。 More minutes of preparation last night, less hours of trouble today.
55、是金子总会发光,有实力必然成功。 Gold always shines. If you have strength, you will succeed.
56、有远大抱负的人不可忽略眼前的工作。 Ambitious people should not ignore the work in front of them.
57、机遇如清水,无处不可流;机遇如月光,有隙皆可存。 Opportunities, like water, flow everywhere; Opportunities are like moonlight. There are gaps.
58、机遇永远是准备好的人得到的。 Opportunities are always available to those who are ready.
59、比我优秀的人都还在努力,我有什么资格说放弃。 People who are better than me are still working hard. What qualifications do I have to give up.
60、汗水浇灌希望,奋斗决定命运。 Sweat irrigates hope, struggle determines destiny.
61、没有失败,只有暂时的不成功。 There is no failure, only temporary failure.
62、没有走不通的路,只有不敢走的人! There is no impassable Road, only those who dare not go!
63、没有退路的时候,正是潜力发挥最大的时候。 When there is no way back, it is the time to maximize the potential.
64、涓涓细流一旦停止了喧哗,浩浩大海也就终止了呼吸。 Once the trickle stops the noise, the vast sea stops breathing.
65、犯错,就诚实地认错。狡辨诿过只会害了你自己。 If you make a mistake, admit it honestly. Cunning will only hurt yourself.
66、生活是一件平常的事情,哪有那么多传奇。 Life is an ordinary thing. There are so many legends.
67、痛苦是人生的拐杖,它使强者更强,弱者更弱。 Pain is the crutch of life. It makes the strong stronger and the weak weaker.
68、目光能看多远,你就能走多远。 You can go as far as you can see.
69、纵使黑暗吞噬了一切,希望还可以重新点燃。 Even if darkness devours everything, hope can be rekindled.
70、绝境不仅仅是一场磨难,更是人生的一种醒悟和升华。 Desperate situation is not only an ordeal, but also an awakening and sublimation of life.
71、绝大多数人,在绝大多数时候,都只能靠自己。 Most people, most of the time, can only rely on themselves.
72、能把在面前行走的机会抓住的人,十有八九都会成功。 Those who can seize the opportunity to walk in front of them will succeed in nine out of ten.
73、萤火虫的光点虽然微弱,但亮着便是向黑暗挑战。 Although the firefly's light spot is weak, when it is on, it challenges the darkness.
74、要争就能赢,要拼才能赢。 If you want to fight, you can win. If you want to fight, you can win.
75、要听别人的意见,不管是好的还是坏的。 Listen to others' opinions, whether good or bad.
76、诚心诚意,“诚”字的另一半就是成功。 Sincerely, the other half of the word "sincerity" is success.
77、读一本好书,就如同和一个高尚的人在交谈。 Reading a good book is like talking to a noble man.
78、读书不要贪多,而是要多加思索。 Don't read too much, but think more.
79、青春去时不告别,老年来时不招手。 Youth goes without saying goodbye, and old age comes without waving.
80、靠山山会倒,靠水水会流,靠自己永远不倒。 The mountain will fall, the water will flow, and you will never fall by yourself.
81、顾客后还有顾客,服务的开始才是销售的开始。 There are customers after customers. The beginning of service is the beginning of sales.
82、骐骥一跃,不能十步;驽马十驾,功以不舍。 A horse can't take ten steps in one leap; A slow horse drives ten horses, but it is hard to give up.