1、不是对一句话认真,而是对说话的人。 Not to a word seriously, but to the speaker.
2、不止是失望,更多的是绝望。 It's not just disappointment, it's despair.
3、不要老发誓一辈子,一辈子真的很长。 Don't always swear a lifetime, a lifetime is really long.
4、世界的每个角落,都有灰暗的尘埃。 Every corner of the world, there are gray dust.
5、什么都介意,却又可以妥协。 Mind everything, but compromise.
6、伤心的时候,总拿眼泪来委屈自己。 Sad time, always take tears to aggrieve themselves.
7、你就委屈一下,栽在我手里不行吗? Can't you just be wronged and planted in my hands?
8、你执笔写,我的悲伤。 You write, my sorrow.
9、你有没有听过,有人越简单越快活。 Have you ever heard of someone who is more simple and happier.
10、你陪我一程,我念你一生。 You accompany me, I miss you all my life.
11、分手后的思念不叫思念,叫犯贱! Missing after breaking up is not called missing, it's called being cheap!
12、刻苦铭心的不是爱情,是背叛。 It's not love, it's betrayal.
13、嘴角A微笑始终掩饰不住生命A卑微。 The smile at the corner of the mouth can't hide the humble life.
14、回忆好忧伤,但最伤心的是没有留下回忆。 Memories of good sadness, but the most sad is not to leave memories.
15、在所有你想珍惜的关系里,问心无愧就好。 In all the relationships you want to cherish, just have a clear conscience.
16、在无人的深夜,只有无情的墙壁陪着我。 No one in the night, only the merciless wall with me.
17、多年不见的你,此刻你在何方? I haven't seen you for many years. Where are you now?
18、失望到极致,也就坚强到极致。 Disappointment to the extreme, also strong to the extreme.
19、如果我知道怎么戒掉你,那该有多好。 If only I knew how to quit you.
20、如果我突然消失了,你会想我吗? If I suddenly disappeared, would you miss me?
21、孤夏的冷夜,丢失了黄昏。 Cold night of lonely summer, lost dusk.
22、就让我一个人失忆,消失在你的世界里。 Let me a person amnesia, disappear in your world.
23、山南水北,各不相逢。 In the north and in the south, each does not meet.
24、岁月遗忘了多少心安。时代沧桑几许释怀。 Years have forgotten how much peace of mind. The vicissitudes of the times.
25、当过往褪了色,照片再清晰也无法去轮回。 When the past fades, no matter how clear the picture is, it can't be reincarnated.
26、微凉的天气。下着小雨。心情低落。 Cool weather. It's drizzling. I am in low spirits.
27、心中荒芜的情绪,演绎着空洞。 In the heart desolate mood, deducting is empty.
28、意冷心寒,断辞情终。 The meaning is cold and the heart is cold.
29、我在一座孤城等待一个旧人的到来。 I was in a lonely city waiting for an old man to come.
30、我拼命对自己敷衍,你又何必对我说抱歉。 I try my best to be perfunctory to myself. Why do you say sorry to me.
31、我曾傲视群雄,也挥刀划破过苍穹。 I used to be proud of the heroes, and I also cut through the sky with my knife.
32、我淋过最大的雨,是你在烈日下的不回头。 I was drenched the biggest rain, is you do not look back under the scorching sun.
33、我用一生的幸福做赌注你怎么舍得我输。 I gamble with the happiness of my life. How can you give me up to lose.
34、我还喜欢你,一如既往的喜欢你。 I also like you, as always.
35、散伙是人间常态,你我又不是什么例外。 Breaking up is normal in the world, and you and I are no exception.
36、散就散了吧,我再难过有什么用。 Let's just let it go. No matter how sad I am, it's no use.
37、无人与我把酒分无人告我夜已深。 No one shared the wine with me, no one told me it was late at night.
38、既然可以拥抱,那就不要放掉。 Since you can embrace, don't let it go.
39、是不是等到天亮,你就会爱我。 If you wait until dawn, you will love me.
40、智慧源于经验,经验源于小愚笨。 Wisdom comes from experience, experience from little fool.
41、曾经流泪,我们的爱已成覆水难收。 Once in tears, our love has become a disaster.
42、曾经的恋人,如今的路人。 Once lovers, now passers-by.
43、最好不相遇,如此便可不相聚。 It's better not to meet, so we can't get together.
44、最爱的那片太阳花海,没有悲伤。 My favorite sea of sunflowers, no sadness.
45、有一天明白,我、也痛。 One day you will understand that if you hurt me, you will also hurt.
46、有时候,选择快乐,更需要勇气。 Sometimes, it takes courage to choose happiness.
47、有没有那么一刻,你心疼过我的执着。 There is no such a moment, you love my persistence.
48、期待是所有心痛的根源。 Expectation is the root of all heartache.
49、没有我,希望你以后会比我过的好。 Without me, I hope you will be better than me in the future.
50、活要活A个性,死要死A光荣。 Live to live personality, die to die glory.
51、用手捂着胸口,很堵也带着隐隐的疼。 Cover your chest with your hand. It's very blocked and it's painful.
52、留不住的是人心,抵不过的是背叛。 What can't stay is the heart of the people, but it's betrayal.
53、相见争如不见,有情还似无情。 If you don't see each other, you will be merciless.
54、空白是因为,文字也表达不了这份感情。 Blank is because the words can not express the feelings.
55、至今,我依然如履薄冰地坚信并期待着。 So far, I still firmly believe and look forward to it.
56、要等多久,能等多久,离开前握紧我的手。 How long to wait, how long to wait, hold my hand before you leave.
57、记得有一首歌叫做,有一种爱叫放手。 I remember a song called, there is a love called let go.
58、请允许我尘埃落定,用沉默埋葬过去。 Please allow me to settle the dust and bury the past with silence.
59、那首掌心里的海,关于你的独家记忆。 The sea in the palm of my hand, the only memory about you.
60、雪落无痕,雁过留声。 There is no trace of snow, and the wild geese pass by.