1、不要把自己想的太重要,在别人眼里或许你什么也不是。 Don't think of yourself as too important. Maybe you are nothing in other people's eyes.
2、也永远不要因为身边没有人,就觉得自己不好。 Never feel bad just because there is no one around you.
3、亲爱的,我们走过的那条街,还记忆犹新在昨天。 My dear, the street we passed is still fresh in my memory. It was yesterday.
4、人和人是不平等的,其中最重要的,是人与人有知识的差异。 People are unequal, and the most important one is the difference in knowledge between people.
5、人生如戏,与日俱增的不止是年龄,还有演技! Life is like a play. It's not only age, but also acting skills that grow with each passing day!
6、今天不想跑,所以才去跑,这才是长距离跑者的思维方式。 Today, I don't want to run. That's why I run. That's the way of thinking of long distance runners.
7、他离我如此遥远,是我拼尽全力也无法靠近的距离。 He is so far away from me that I can't get close with all my efforts.
8、他说别喝酒胃会疼,我说放下酒杯心会痛。 He said don't drink, stomach will hurt, I said put down the glass heart will hurt.
9、他说爱你的时候,是无心之过,别轻易感动。 He said that when he loved you, it was unintentional. Don't be moved easily.
10、何止是野心,我预谋了一辈子的念想,从遇见你开始。 It's more than ambition. I've planned for my whole life, starting from meeting you.
11、你是一种感觉,写在夏夜晚风里。 You are a feeling, written in the summer evening wind.
12、你是人间四月天,我是东北地三鲜。 You are the April day in the world, I am the three delicacies in the northeast.
13、你知道吗,我还爱你只是没了勇气再次说出来。 You know, I still love you, but I don't have the courage to say it again.
14、再难过,都要试着微笑,这样说不定就不难过了。 No matter how sad you are, try to smile. Maybe you won't be sad.
15、别嫌弃一直陪你的人,然后去陪嫌弃你的人。 Don't dislike those who always accompany you, and then accompany those who dislike you.
16、回忆是座桥,却是通往寂寞的牢。 Memory is a bridge, but a * leading to loneliness.
17、在你转身错落的那个轮回间,我已万劫不复。 In the samsara when you turn around, I am doomed.
18、在我面前,敌人不是逃之夭夭,就是一败涂地! In front of me, the enemy either ran away or was defeated!
19、年少无知的我们,又有什么资格说爱,为爱悲伤。 Young and ignorant of us, what qualifications to say love, sad for love.
20、幸福就是每天早晨醒来一看表,竟然还能再睡半个小时。 Happiness is to wake up every morning, look at the watch, can sleep for another half an hour.
21、总以为只要不顾一切什么都可以。其实不是那样的。 Always thought that as long as regardless of everything can. It's not like that.
22、情窦初开给你,喜欢给你,爱也给你。 Love for you, love for you, love for you.
23、感觉跟你慢慢地,已经不是一个世界的人了。 Feel with you slowly, is not a world of people.
24、我不难过,我不会让看我笑话的坏人得逞。 I'm not sad. I won't let the bad guys who see my jokes succeed.
25、我只是个仙女,为什么要让我这些。 I'm just a fairy. Why should I do this.
26、我宁愿得到善意的争辩,不愿面对冰冷的沉默! I would rather have a good argument than face the cold silence!
27、我对你已经失望,我不再对你报有什么奢求了。 I have been disappointed in you, I no longer have any extravagant demands on you.
28、我的世界由我一个人就好,已经足够热闹。 My world is just by myself. It's lively enough.
29、我看过最虐心的小说,就是和你的聊天记录。 The most sadistic novel I've ever read is the chat with you.
30、我说什么你也不放心上,因为你始终拿我不重要。 You don't worry about what I say, because you always take me as unimportant.
31、收获是事业的雨量计;聚集着奋斗者洒落的每滴汗珠。 Harvest is the rain gauge of the cause, gathering every drop of sweat scattered by the strivers.
32、故事缺了你,就无法继续,故事有了你,就没有结局。 The story can't go on without you. The story has no ending with you.
33、无论笑得多么灿烂,内心里还是孤寂的毫无声息。 No matter how brilliant the smile, my heart is still lonely and silent.
34、是不是失望到了极点才会忍不住放手即使结局痛的扎手。 Is not disappointed to the extreme can not help but let go, even if the outcome of pain.
35、有一种感觉一直回荡不停歇。在我心里面。 There is a feeling that reverberates all the time. In my heart.
36、每一滴眼泪都承载了太多的无奈,只是你都看不见。 Every tear carries too much helplessness, but you can't see it.
37、爱情最大的悲剧,就是爱你直到瞧不起自己。 The greatest tragedy of love is to love you until you look down on yourself.
38、爱是天时地利的迷信,因为你也在这里。 Love is a superstition of the right time and place, because you are here.
39、百日情深,不及他人笑言诋毁。 A hundred days of deep love is not as good as others' slander.
40、绽放的笑,是我仅存的骄傲。 The blooming smile is my only pride.
41、舒畅的心情是自己给予的,不要天真地去奢望别人的赏赐。 Happy mood is given by yourself. Don't expect others' reward naively.
42、花一些时间,总会看清一些事。用一些事情,总会看清一些人。 Spend some time, always see something. With some things, you will always see some people clearly.
43、行者常至,为者常成。 The traveler often comes, the doer often becomes.
44、被影响情绪的感觉,就好像人生里的一段日子被别人过了去。 The feeling of being affected by emotions is like a period of life passed by others.
45、赢家总有一个计划,输家总有一个借口。 Winners always have a plan, losers always have an excuse.
46、身边真正需要有人的时候,又发现原来需要的是一个人独处。 When you really need someone around you, you find that what you need is to be alone.
47、这一鬓斑白是为你洗脱了他人的目光。 This white sideburns is for you to wash the eyes of others.
48、适可而止的放弃,至少不会输的太狼狈。 Enough to give up, at least will not lose too embarrassed.
49、那一次刻骨铭心的相许,那一刻为谁声声催天雨。 The unforgettable promise of that time, for whom to urge the rain at that moment.
50、闭上眼,以为我能忘记,但流下的眼泪,却没有骗到自己。 Close your eyes, think I can forget, but shed tears, but did not deceive yourself.