1、一晃眼,多少个年华已过,匆匆离去的是时光和背影,刻在心头的是回忆和期待。 A blink of an eye, how many years have passed, leaving in a hurry is time and back, engraved in the heart is the memories and expectations.

2、也许你并不是为我而生,可我却有幸与你相伴。愿我在有生之年,年年为你点燃生日的烛焰。 Maybe you are not born for me, but I am lucky to be with you. May I light the candles for your birthday every year in my lifetime.

3、亲爱的自己,从今天起为了自己骄傲的活着吧,好好爱自己,没有人会心疼你。 Dear oneself, from today on to live proud of yourself, love yourself well, no one will love you.

4、亲爱的自己,记得要常常仰望天空,记住仰望天空的时候也要看看脚下。 Dear oneself, remember to look up to the sky often, remember to look up to the sky when you also want to look at your feet.

5、亲爱的,生日快乐。愿时光在变,你不变。祝你温柔且坚强,善良却有锋芒。 Happy birthday to my dear. May time change and you never change. May you be gentle and strong, kind but sharp.

6、亲爱,自从有了你我不孤单了。祝自己生日快乐。 Honey, I'm not alone since I have you. Happy birthday to myself.

7、今天有了你,世界更精彩;今晚有了你,星空更灿烂;今生拥有你,人间更温暖。生日快乐! Today has you, the world is more wonderful; tonight has you, the starry sky is more splendid; this life has you, the human world is more warm. Happy birthday!

8、今天,我的生日,希望往后的日子里,像这片烛光一样,充满光明,我能过得更快乐。 Today, my birthday, I hope that in the future, like this candlelight, full of light, I can have a happier life.

9、以后就算我再忙,我都要记得想你们!记得传递给你们我衷心的祝福! Even if I am busy, I will remember to miss you! Remember to pass on my heartfelt blessing to you!

10、但愿我寄予您的祝福是最新鲜最令你百读不厌的,祝福您生日快乐,开心快活! I hope my best wishes to you are the freshest and the most enjoyable. Happy birthday!

11、你忘了我的生日,没关系!但!你不能忘了自己的生日! You forgot my birthday, it doesn't matter! But! You can't forget your birthday!

12、在你生日这一天,没能陪在你身边,不能给你我温暖,只能留下我的愿,愿你快乐每一天! On your birthday, I can't accompany you, can't give you my warmth, can only leave my wish, wish you happy every day!

13、在这特殊的日子里,我想说我真高兴,时光没有改变我们的友谊,祝你生日其乐无穷。 On this special day, I would like to say that I am very happy. Time has not changed our friendship. I wish you a happy birthday.

14、如果明天没有人陪我过生日,我就自己过,我毫不在意的说,过个求生日。 If there is no one to accompany me for my birthday tomorrow, I will live it by myself. I don't care about it. I want to have a birthday.

15、宝贝,你的生日就在今天,祝你可爱依旧,快乐多多! Baby, your birthday is today, I wish you lovely still, happy!

16、希望我下个生日,会有一个爱我并我爱的男朋友。 I hope I have a boyfriend who loves me and I love next birthday.

17、往后的日子里,不将就,不辜负,感谢经历,感谢陪伴,感谢所有,祝自己生日快乐。 In the future, I will not make do with it, live up to it, thank you for the experience, thank you for your company, thank you for everything, and wish you a happy birthday.

18、快乐的一天,祝自己生日快乐,谢谢有亲爱的陪伴,以后的日子一起走下去,爱你! Happy day, I wish you a happy birthday, thank you for your dear company, the days to come together, love you!

19、思念不能自已,痛苦不能自理,结果不能自取,幸福不能自予。祝自己生日快乐。 Missing can't help, suffering can't help itself, result can't help itself, happiness can't help itself. Happy birthday to myself.

20、总会有不期而遇的温暖,和生生不息的希望,要幸福,要快乐,祝自己生日快乐。 There will always be unexpected warmth, and endless hope, to be happy, to be happy, I wish you a happy birthday.

21、愿你傻人有傻福,想要的都拥有,得不到的都释怀。 Wish you silly people have silly blessing, want all have, can not get all let go.

22、愿往后余生,不负流年,不负自己,祝自己生日快乐。 I wish you a happy birthday for the rest of your life.

23、愿您在这只属于您的日子里能幸福地享受一下轻松,弥补您这一年的辛劳。 I hope you can enjoy a happy time in this day only for you and make up for your hard work this year.

24、愿我以梦为马,随处可栖。梦在远方,路在脚下。 May I take dreams as horses and live everywhere. Dream in the distance, road at the foot.

25、愿我们永远敢爱敢恨,活的简单勇敢坚定纯粹,像个少年;愿明年今日不会辜负此时的心意。 May we always dare to love and hate, live simple, brave, firm and pure, like a teenager, and live up to our wishes today next year.

26、愿所有的快乐所有的幸福所有的温馨所有的好运围在你身边。生日快乐! May all happiness, all happiness, all warmth, all good luck surround you. Happy birthday!

27、我已不是当年的我,光阴也不再附有同样的华彩。今天知道谁会更在乎自己,好好爱自己。 I am not what I was, and time no longer has the same color. Today, I know who cares more about myself and loves myself well.

28、我总是向往很多事情。祝自己生日快乐。 I always yearn for many things. Happy birthday to myself.

29、把我的礼物送上,把我的心儿捎上,相信你会快乐无比。祝生日快乐! Send my gift and my heart, I believe you will be very happy. Happy birthday!

30、支支灿烂的烛光,岁岁生日的幸福。幸运的你,明天会更好! Support a brilliant candle, happy birthday. Lucky you, tomorrow will be better!

31、朋友是一壶酒,祝福是一方酒杯,酒想念酒杯于是就有了干杯,朋友,祝你生日快乐,干杯。 A friend is a pot of wine, a blessing is a party of wine, wine Miss wine so there is a toast, friend, I wish you a happy birthday, cheers.

32、正如玫瑰逗人喜爱,愿你的生日带给你愉快,因为你是最可爱的妹妹,祝生日快乐! Just as roses are cute, may your birthday bring you happiness, because you are the most lovely sister. Happy birthday!

33、没有鲜花,没有陪伴,我替我的男朋友对我自己说声:生日快乐。 No flowers, no company, I say to myself for my boyfriend: happy birthday.

34、深深祝福你,永远拥有金黄的岁月,璀璨的未来! Deeply bless you, always have golden years, bright future!

35、生命和爱是人类最高的意义。在试着把握生命的同时,愿你早日找到爱!生日快乐! Life and love are the highest meaning of human beings. In trying to grasp life at the same time, I hope you find love as soon as possible! Happy birthday!

36、生日快乐,又老了一岁,感谢在过去的一年里给我帮助的朋友们。 Happy birthday, another year old, thanks to the friends who helped me in the past year.

37、生日快乐,希望你在以后的日子里天天开开心心,平平安安。 Happy birthday, I hope you will be happy and safe every day in the future.

38、真高兴今天是你的生日,老实说我是上帝赐给你的礼物,但愿这礼物不是太糟糕,祝你快乐! I'm so glad today is your birthday. To be honest, I'm a gift from God. I hope it's not too bad. I wish you happiness!

39、祈望你心灵深处芳草永绿,青春常驻,笑口常开。祝你生日快乐,健康幸福! I hope the grass in your heart will be green forever, your youth will last forever, and your smile will always open. Wish you a happy birthday, health and happiness!

40、祝福一位美丽迷人,聪明大方,成熟端庄,又倍受赞叹的妙人儿,生日快乐。 Happy birthday to a beautiful, charming, intelligent, mature, dignified and highly praised wonderful person.

41、祝自己生日快乐希望新的一岁自己所拥有的会越来越完美。 I wish you a happy birthday and hope that what you have in the new year will be more and more perfect.

42、祝自己阳历生日快乐,不用再为无所谓的人难过。 I wish myself a happy birthday and don't have to feel sorry for the indifferent people.

43、许愿祝福我们的爱情永远永远,一生手相牵,心相系! Wish our love forever, hand in hand, heart in hand!

44、走在熟悉的路上,感觉到你的出现,回过头来,才知道原来那只是曾经。祝自己生日快乐。 Walking on the familiar road, I feel your presence. Looking back, I know that it was only once. Happy birthday to myself.