1、一杆长枪在手,天下**归我有! A lance in hand, the world I have to chrysanthemum!

2、不管结果的好坏,我们都要去学着承受。 Regardless of the good or bad results, we are going to learn to bear.

3、世界上没有未完的故事,只有未死的心。 No unfinished story in the world, not only the dead heart.

4、似乎回到从前,依旧那么孤独。 Seems to go back to the past, still so lonely.

5、低头要有勇气,抬头要有底气。 Have the courage, the rise should be emboldened.

6、何以乐集于一身?何以忘缅怀于一世? Why is music set in one? How to forget the memory of the world?

7、你心里有没有我,是肯定还是如果。 Do you have me in your heart, be sure or if.

8、你想走就走吧,我给你想要的*。 You want to go, I'll give you the freedom you want.

9、你是我的眼,带我领略四季的变化。 You are my eye, take me to appreciate the change of the four seasons.

10、你有什么身份,你就有个身份证。 What status do you have, you have an ID card.

11、你毕业那天你还爱我,就要娶你。 You graduated that day, you still love me, I want to marry you.

12、你用一个人的寂寞,换走两个人的*。 You use a person's loneliness, for two people to go free.

13、你给的那片荒芜请告诉我该怎么逃。 Please tell me how to get out of that desert.

14、你让我满心是伤痕 You make me full of scars, is on their own cruel.

15、你说我不爱你,可是我爱你了又能怎样。 You say I don't love you, but I love you and how can.

16、你走后,除了回忆真的什么也木有啦。 After you go, in addition to the memory of what is really there.上一页12下一页

17、借我一段笑,款款摆渡这沧桑尘寰。 Lend me a smile, the vicissitudes of life, leisurely ferry.

18、分手,所有的理由终究都会成为借口。 Break up, all the reasons will eventually become an excuse.

19、别总是割我一刀,又给我擦血敷药。 Don't always cut me with a knife, and gave me wipe blood dressing.

20、原来已经有一个她取代了我! Originally there has been one she replaced me!

21、台上只剩下拥抱,车开了你含着泪微笑。 There is only a hug on the stage, the car opened you smile with tears.

22、听到你对我说的话,我就会得意一整天。 I'll be proud to hear what you said to me.

23、埋葬了自己的初怀,遗忘了自己的伤痛。 Buried myself in my arms, and forgot my own pain.

24、壹子很短,我意和㈠e就e。 A lifetime is very short, I am willing to and you will be wrong.

25、女人就要像向日葵一样,微笑,坚强。 Women will be like a sunflower, smile, strong.

26、如果结局注定悲伤、那我宁愿选择放弃。 If the outcome is bound to be sad, then I would rather choose to give up.

27、妞,我用忧郁的小眼神秒杀你! Girl, I use the blue eyes of the small spike you!

28、婚姻是青春的结束,人生的开始。 Marriage is the end of youth, the beginning of life.

29、学会忽略,是通向内在平静的一条大路。 Learn to ignore, is a road leading to the inner calm.

30、对不起,敬个礼。发个屁,臭死你。 I'm sorry, I respect a gift. Send a fart, smelly dead you.

31、对于无奈的你,我只能选择离开。 For the helpless you, I can only choose to leave.

32、就连分开前我都没有拥抱过你。 I didn't even hug you before I separated.

33、平平凡凡的做人,认认真真的做事。 Ordinary life, conscientious work.

34、忘了吧,结果只有悲伤的,没有甜蜜的。 Forget it, the result is only sad, no sweet.

35、忙于采集的蜜蜂,无暇在人前高谈阔论。 Busy collecting bees to talk with eloquence in front of people.

36、情人总分分合合,可是我们却越爱越深。 Lovers total score points, but we love the deeper.

37、我不会依赖别人,因为我受够了失望。 I won't rely on others, because I'm fed up with disappointment.

38、我不会挽留任何一个企图离开我的人。 I will not detain anyone who is trying to leave me.

39、我不说我不问,并我代表我不在乎。 I don't say I don't ask, and I don't care about me.

40、我什么也不好,但我知道对爱人好。 I'm not good, but I know it's good for my lover.

41、我们之间唯一的羁绊,叫做刻骨铭记。 The only connection between us, called my mind.

42、我们继续延续我们的爱,根深蒂固的爱。 We continue our love, deep love.

43、我们都在变,何必感概从前。 We are all changing, why should the sense of the past.

44、我会一直在,纵使寂寞开成海。 I will always be, even lonely open into the sea.

45、我在一座孤城,等待一个旧人的到来。 I am in a city, waiting for the arrival of an old.

46、我姓苏,所以输给了你。 My name is Sue, so I lost to you.

47、我想大声告诉你,对你的爱深不见底。 I want to tell you loudly that you don't see the bottom of your love.

48、我是和寂寞相爱,孤独感从没离开。 I'm in love with loneliness, loneliness never left.

49、我记得你爱我,或许是我记反了。 I remember you love me, maybe I remember.

50、我还没有成熟到,可以原谅你给的背叛。 I'm not mature enough to forgive you for betrayal.

51、把它溶解成零度,是否不在变成毒。 Dissolve it to zero, if it is not a poison.

52、把思念藏在心间,任季风渐瘦了容颜。 The missing hidden in the heart, as the monsoon gradually lost the face.

53、拥有一颗无私的爱心,便拥有了一切。 Have a selfless love, they have everything.

54、放开风筝的线、才能收获整片蓝天。 Let go of the kite line, in order to gain the whole piece of blue sky.

55、故事要怎么写,结局才不寂寞。 How to write the story, the outcome is not lonely.

56、时间在怂恿,劝深爱的人放手! Time to encourage people to let go of the deep love!

57、有一种爱叫放你的手牵别人的手。 There is a kind of love that puts your hands in the hands of others.

58、有些事情总得要放弃,只是早晚罢了。 Some things have to give up, but sooner or later.

59、有些伤痛,忍过了疼久了也成习惯了。 Some pain, endure the pain for a long time has become a habit.

60、有时候交谈变得空洞,沉默却想沟通。 Sometimes conversations become empty, but they want to communicate.

61、有时候,我只是需要一个可以说话的人。 Sometimes, I just need someone to talk to.

62、有的人还不知名字,就已经成了心事。 Some people still do not know the name, it has become a worry.

63、朋友变情人再变朋友,谁懂这坎坷。 Friends become lovers and friends, who knows this rough.

64、水能载舟,亦能煮粥! Water can carry a boat, can also cook porridge!

65、没收了我的童年,涂抹了我的天真。 The confiscation of my childhood, the smear of my innocence.

66、没有什么过不去,只有再也回不去。 Nothing can not go, only then can not go back.

67、爱情会让人变笨,但我不介意变笨一点。 Love makes people stupid, but I don't mind getting a little stupid.

68、爱我,玩我,损我,你还想怎样,分吧。 Love me, play me, hurt me, do you want to, points.

69、白领算个屁,养猪才洋气。 White collar is a fart, pig to Western style.

70、等你爱我,哪怕只有一次也就足够。 When you love me, even if only once is enough.

71、等我有钱了,就带你去最好的神经病院。When I have money, I will take you to the best nerve hospital.

72、经不住似水流年,逃不过此间少年。 Stand up Youth passes as a fleeting wave. escape youth here.

73、给我一杯忘情水,还我一夜不流泪。 Give me a cup of water to forget, I also don't cry all night.

74、蚁穴虽小,溃之千里。 Nest is small, the collapse of a thousand miles.

75、触摸不到的幸福,再努力也是徒劳。 Can not touch the well-being, and then efforts are in vain.

76、请你离开!因为我不再爱你了! Please leave! Because I don't love you anymore!

77、谁最牛逼谁最火,除了雷锋就是我。 Who is the most powerful force who the most fire, in addition to Lei Feng is my.

78、陪着我好吗?像最初相识我当初未怕累。 With me, okay? Like the original acquaintance I had not afraid of tired.

79、需要。怎样去拥有一道彩虹。 Need。 How to have a rainbow.

80、骏马是跑出来的,强兵是打出来的。 The horse is running out, therefore is playing out.
