1、一个最困苦最卑贱最为命运所屈辱的人,只要还抱有希望,便无所怨惧。 One of the most the most humble most humiliation by fate, and as long as still hope, then does not have hatred.

2、一次失败,只是证明我们成功的决心还够坚强。 A failure, just to prove we are determined to succeed is strong enough.

3、一颗自满的心灵无法装得下更多的智慧,只有把心灵的杯子倒空了,才能品味到世间珍贵的香茗。 A complacent the wisdom of the mind cannot hold any more, only the heart of the cup is empty, can taste the precious chance in the world.

4、万物都有它存在的道理性、原则性;只要你遵守人生的游戏归则,坚守做人的原则;成功离你就越来越近。 Everything has its existence rationality, principled; As long as you comply with the game of life is, stick to the principle of life; Success is getting closer and closer to you.

5、不下水,一辈子不会游泳;不扬帆,一辈子不会撑船。 Don't go, lifetime can't swim; Don't set sail, lifetime won't punting.

6、不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。 Do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.

7、不论你在什么时候开始,重要的是开始之后就不要停止。 No matter when you start, the important thing is don't stop after starting.

8、为了最好的结果,让我们把疯狂进行到底。For best results, let's get crazy.

9、乐观者在灾祸中看到机会;悲观者在机会中看到灾祸。 The optimism sees the opportunity in the disaster; The pessimist sees the disaster in the opportunity.

10、人一生其实都处于理解与被理解之中,在工作、生活中,如果都能做到相互理解、支持、帮助,还会有什么问题不能克服、解决吗? People all his life in understanding and being understood, in work and life, if can do understand each other, support, help, also can't overcome and solve what problem?上一页12下一页 Day after day, is not afraid of thousand miles; Often do, is not afraid of everything.

11、人之所以有一张嘴,而有两只耳朵,原因是听的要比说的多一倍。 The reason why people have a mouth, and have two ears, the reason is that listening to more than one times.

12、人生在世界是短暂的, Life is short, in the world for this short life, our best reward is to work.

13、人的潜能是一座无法估量的丰富的矿藏,只等着我们去挖掘。 The potential of people is an immeasurable rich mineral deposits, just waiting for us to dig.

14、人要认识发现自己,而在孤独沉思时,是比较容易认识发现自己的。 People who want to know he found himself, but in the lonely contemplation, is found themselves easy to know.

15、伟人之所以伟大,是因为他与别人共处逆境时,别人失去去了信心,他却下决心实现自己的目标。 Great men are great, because he adversity coexistence with others, others lost confidence, he was determined to achieve their goals.

16、伟大的事业是根源于坚韧不断地工作,以全副精神去从事,不避艰苦。 Great work is rooted in strong constantly, with full spirit to do, not hard.

17、你可能犯各种错误,但只要你豁达、坦诚,并且勇敢,你就不会对这世界有害。世界是属于年轻人的。 You can make all kinds of mistakes, but as long as you are magnanimous, frank, and brave, and you won't be harmful to the world. The world belongs to the young people.

18、你既然认准一条道路,何必去打听要走多久。 Since you look for a road, why ask to go long.

19、凡在理论上必须争论的一切,那就干脆用现实生活的实践来解决。 Everything must debate in theory, then simply use real life practice to solve.

20、千万别说直到永远,因为你压根不知道永远有多远。 Don't say forever, because you don't know how far is it forever.

21、即使慢,驰而不息,纵令落后,纵令失败,但一定可以达到他所向往的目标。 Even slower, chi and, true, true failure, but what can achieve his desire.

22、只有满怀自信的人,能在任何地方都怀有自信,沉浸在生活中,并认识自己的意志。 Only people with confidence, have confidence, anywhere on any immersed in life, and to know his will.

23、只有经历过地狱般的折磨,才有征服天堂的力量,只有流过血的手指,才能弹出世间的绝唱。 Only experienced a hellish torture, have conquered the power of heaven, only through the blood fingers, to pop up to the swan song of the world.

24、只要你想种下美好记忆的种子,便能找到你心灵中的**地。开垦吧,现在就开始。 As long as you want to plant the seeds of memories, can find a virgin land in your heart. Break up, start now.

25、只要能收获甜蜜,荆棘丛中也会有蜜蜂忙碌的身影。 As long as it can harvest sweet, the brambles also there will be a busy bee.

26、在世界的历史中,每一伟大而高贵的时刻都是某种热忱的胜利。 In the history of the world, every great and noble moment is some kind of victory.

27、在现实生活中,做事情不要一味地模仿别人,而是要去探索其中的原因,懂得创新。简单地模仿只能使自己陷入困境。 In real life, don't do things blindly imitate others, but to explore the reasons, know the innovation. Simply imitate can only make yourself in trouble.

28、坚持到底,成功降临;半途而废,希望破灭。 Came to stay the course, the success; By the wayside, hopes.

29、天下无难事,只怕有心人。天下无易事,只怕粗心人。 The world is difficult if you put your heart into it. The world is easy, careless people.

30、失败是什么?没有什么,只是更走近成功一步;成功是什么?就是走过了所有通向失败的路,只剩下一条路,那就是成功的路。 What is failure? Have no what, just approached step successful; What is success? Is has come all the way to failure, only a way, that is the path to success.

31、奋斗者的幸福是从痛苦起步的,享乐者的痛苦是从“幸福”开始的。 Striver happiness start from the pain, the pain of profligate begins with "happiness".

32、如果女人懂得理财,懂得独立,人生就是你的。女人无法在厨房中要求独立,学会理财才是追求独立自主的基础。 If the woman know finance, know independence, life is you. Women can't for independence in the kitchen, learn to financial management is the pursuit of an independent foundation.

33、如果有那么一天,你不再记得,我也不再记得,时光一定会代替我们记得。 If one day, you no longer remember, I no longer remember, time will replace we remember.

34、孝子之至,莫大乎尊亲;尊亲之至,莫大乎以天下养。 Son to, great elders; To the elders, a great deal in the world.

35、孤单寂寞与被遗弃感是最可怕的贫穷。 The feeling of loneliness and being abandoned is the most terrible poverty.

36、学会忘记痛苦,为阳光记忆腾出空间。 Learn to forget the pain, make for the sunshine memory space.

37、强中更有强中手,莫向人前自夸口。满足现在的成就,就窒息了未来。 Strong is more strong in hand, to the front of the boast. Meet the present achievements, suffocated in the future.

38、强者向人们揭示的是确认人生的价值,弱者向人们揭示的却是对人生的怀疑。 According to the strong is to confirm that the values of life, according to the weak is suspected of life.

39、当一个人先从自己的内心开始奋斗,他就是个有价值的人。 When a person from his first heart begins to struggle, he is a man of value.

40、快乐不是件奇怪的东西,绝不因为你分给了别人而减少。有时你分给别人的越多,自己得到的也越多。 Happiness is not a strange thing, because you never give others. Sometimes you give to others, the more they are also more.

41、态度决定一切,实力捍卫尊严!人要经得起**,耐得住寂寞! Attitude is everything, and strength to defend the dignity! People to withstand the temptation, tolerance for solitude!

42、怕什么就会想到什么,信什么就会听到什么,让我们恐惧的,不是外面的世界,而是我们的内心。 Afraid of what will think of what, believe what you will hear what, let us fear, not the outside world, but our heart.

43、悠悠之口,亦是人云亦云,你又何苦让我想起旧日情怀。 The long, is also the conformity and bother you remind me of the old feelings.

44、感激每一个新的挑战,因为它会锻造你的意志和品格。 Grateful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character.

45、成功与借口,永远不会住在同一个屋檐下。 Success and excuses, would never live under the same roof.

46、我们以人们的目的来判断人的活动。目的伟大,活动才可以说是伟大的。 We judge people by the purpose of people's activities. Only can say is a great goal, great activities.

47、我们在我们的劳动过程中学习思考,劳动的结果,我们认识了世界的奥妙,于是我们就真正来改变生活了。 We think learning in the process of our labor, labor as a result, we are getting to know the secrets of the world, so we'll actually to change my life.

48、战胜困难,走出困境,成功就会属于你。 Overcome difficulties, out of the woods, the success will belong to you.

49、把每时每刻都用在自己的事业上的人,对他来说都是足够的原因。 Spends every moment in his career, is reason enough for him.

50、挑战极限,无悔人生奋力拼搏进取,谱写风华篇章。 Challenge the limit, without regret, life is struggle and enterprising compose elegance.

51、撕开所谓成熟的面具,我们都是没有长大的孩子,伤心,就无所顾忌的哭吧;开心,就肆无忌惮的笑吧。 Tear open the mask of the so-called mature, we are not children, sad, just want cry; Happy, you laugh wildly.

52、放弃该放弃的是无奈,放弃不该放弃的是无能,不放弃该放弃的是无知,不放弃不该放弃的是执著! Give up this give up is helpless, give up shouldn't give up is incompetent, don't give up this give up is ignorance, not giving up shouldn't give up is persistent!

53、敢于面对困境的人,生命因此坚强;敢于挑战逆境的人,生命因此茁壮。 Who dares to face the dilemma, life so strong; Who dares to challenge adversity, life so strong.

54、无论何时,不管怎样,我也绝不允许自己有一点点心丧气。 No matter when, no matter how, I also never allow yourself to have a little heart.


56、曾经拥有的不要忘记,难以得到的更要珍惜,属于自己的不要放弃,已经失去的留作回忆。 Once owned of don't forget to get more to cherish, belong to own don't give up, have lost for memory.

57、有朋友的人像平原一要宽广,没有朋友的人却像窄狭的手掌。 Have a friend like a plain to broad, a man without a friend is like close the palm of your hand.

58、朋友遍天下,凡事均好办,信息来源越广,获得收益的机会就越多。 Friends all over the world, everything is all right, information sources, the wider, the more chance to reap the benefits.

59、梦想,是坚信自己的信念,完成理想的欲望和永不放弃的坚持,是每个拥有她的人最伟大的财富。 Dream, is the conviction that his own belief, desire to complete the ideal insist on and never give up, is that everyone who owns her one of the greatest wealth.

60、每个人开始都是一杯浑浊的水,然后会不断有人来帮你澄清。当你变得清澈的时候,别忘了那些喝了泥沙的人。 Everyone is a cup of cloudy water, start and will continue to someone to help you to clarify. When you become clear, don't forget those who drank the sediment.

61、比别人多一点执着,你就会创造奇迹。 A little more persistent than others, you will create a miracle.

62、没有了爱的语言,所有的文字都是乏味的。 Without the language of love, all of the words are boring.

63、没有辛勤的汗水,就没有成功的泪水;没有艰辛的付出,就没有丰硕的果实;没有刻苦的训练,就没有闪光的金牌。 No hard sweat, no success of tears; Without hard efforts, there is no rich fruit; Without hard training is not gold that glitters.

64、理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。 Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; Without direction, there is no life.

65、生命是无尽的享受,永远的快乐,强烈的陶醉。 Life is endless enjoyment, permanent happiness and strong intoxication.

66、生活中最重要的事情不是胜利,而是奋斗;不是征服,而是努力拼搏。 The most important thing in life is not the victory, but the struggle; Is not to have conquered, but hard work.

67、生活只有在平淡无味的人看来才是空虚而平淡无味的。 Life only in bland is empty and bland.

68、真挚的相聚,是分别之后那种默默的怀念和苦苦的等候。 True together, is respectively after the miss and struggling to wait silently.

69、礼貌,是儿童与青少年应该特别小心地养成习惯的第一件大事。礼貌是一面照出他肖像的镜子。 Politeness, is the children and adolescents should be especially careful to get into the habitof the first great thing. Courtesy is a mirror reflect his portrait.

70、经历过人生的风风雨雨,才能够丰富自己的阅历,理解人生的真谛。 Has experienced the ups and downs of life, to enrich their experience, understand the true meaning of life.

71、绝不要再谈论一个好人应该是怎样的一种人了,就去做这样的一个人吧! Never again to talk about what should be a good person, a person, just to do such a person!

72、苦渡人生之河,我不信任“松鼠”,也不信任“黄牛”,我靠的是自负的尝试。 Hard to cross the river of life, I don't trust "squirrel", also don't trust "cattle", I was vain attempt.

73、蜘蛛不会飞翔,但它照样能把网结在空中。奇迹是执著者成就的。 The spider won't fly, but it can give network knot in the air. Miracle is persistent.

74、要冒一险!整个生命就是一场冒险,走得最远的人常是愿意去做愿意去冒险的人。 Take a risk! The whole life is an adventure, the furthest people are often willing to do like to take the risk.

75、要想成为强干,决不能绕过挡道的荆棘也不能回避风雨的冲刷。 If you want to become a strong dry, must not bypass in the way of thorns also cannot avoid rain wash.

76、请你不要冒然评价我,你只知道我的名字,却不知道我的故事。你只是听闻我做了什么,却不知道我经历过什么。 Please don't presume to evaluate me, only you know my name, but I do not know my story. You just heard what I did, but I do not know what I have seen.

77、这个世界到处充满着不公平,我们能做的不仅仅是接受,还要试着做一些反抗。 Around the world is full of unfair, we can do is to accept not just, also try to do some resistance.

78、逆风的方向更适合飞翔,我不怕千万人阻挡只怕自己投降。 Wind direction is more suitable for flying, I am not afraid of ten million people stop is surrender myself.

79、面对梦想道路上的困苦艰难坎坷,执著是最好的利刃,它会帮助一个人劈开艰难,穿越困境,抵达铺满鲜花的梦想。 In the face of the plight of the dream on the road difficult bumpy, persistence is the best of a sword, it will help a person split difficult, through difficulties, arrived in the dream of flowers.

80、面对问题,我们不能退缩,因为退缩并不能解决问题。只有努力寻求解决之道,才是上策。 Face the problem, we can't retreat, because back and can't solve the problem. Only seek the solution, is the best policy.
