1、一个不爱你的人,勉强在一起还会伤害你。 A person who doesn't love you will hurt you if you are forced together.

2、一件事被所有人都认为是机会的时候,其实它已不是机会了。 When a thing is regarded as an opportunity by everyone, it is not an opportunity any more.

3、一辈子,有多少真心话,是以玩笑的方式说了出去。 In a lifetime, how many sincere words are said in a joking way.

4、不想再这样浑浑噩噩地活着,没有一点自我的那样冲动。 I don't want to live like this again. I don't have the impulse of self.

5、世界跟本不存在什么永恒,必须有的话,那就是过去。 There is no eternity in the world. If there must be, it is the past.

6、为了离永远更近一点,所以决定用一生的时间来跟你话别。 In order to be closer to forever, I decided to spend my whole life saying goodbye to you.

7、为了防止我这个月又乱花钱,我提前把钱都花完了。 In order to prevent me from spending money again this month, I spent all my money ahead of time.

8、你不知道我喜欢你,你只知道怎么放弃。 You don't know I like you, you just know how to give up.

9、你不说话的时候,我像被世界抛弃一样难过。 When you don't speak, I feel as sad as being abandoned by the world.

10、你说我有多坚强,我又没比别人多一个心脏? How strong I am, and I have no more heart than others?

11、做一个有趣的人,让所有人开心,除了自己。 Be an interesting person and make everyone happy except yourself.

12、再发嗲,也改变不了你奔三的年龄和样貌。 No matter how cute you are, you can't change your age and appearance.

13、凡真心尝试助人者,没有不帮到自己的。 Those who sincerely try to help others can help themselves.

14、凭什么我受了委屈,还得假装大度。 Why should I pretend to be magnanimous when I am wronged.

15、别嫌弃一直陪你的人,然后去陪嫌弃你的人。 Don't dislike the people who always accompany you, and then go to accompany the people who dislike you.

16、前途风光正好,追风赶月莫停留。 The future is just right. Don't stay in pursuit of the wind and the moon.

17、后来我才发现:你的世界,根本不缺我。 Later I found out: your world, there is no lack of me.

18、和你擦肩而过的遗忘,是一生的惊涛骇浪。 And you brush past the forgotten, is the life of the storm.

19、在你眼中,我是不是就这样可有可无。 In your eyes, I am not so dispensable.

20、在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。 When we finally meet the person, we should be grateful.

21、在我的世界里没有第二个人比你更重要。 No other person in my world is more important than you.

22、坠欢莫拾,酒痕在衣。 Don't pick up the wine on the clothes.

23、夏天太浪漫了,我想请它看电影,如果你有空,可以一起来。 Summer is too romantic. I'd like to invite it to a movie. If you are free, you can come together.

24、如果爱能够重来,我是否还会爱的遍体鳞伤。 If love can come back, will I still be black and blue in love.

25、孤单的时候找好朋友聊天、逛街、吃饭。不要让孤寂淹没自己。 When lonely, find a good friend to chat, go shopping, eat. Don't let loneliness drown you.

26、小时候,遇到伤心事我会哭。长大后,遇到这事我会笑。 When I was a child, I would cry when I was sad. When I grow up, I'll laugh at this.

27、已有岁月可回首,却无情深共白头。 There are years to look back on, but there is no love, total white head.

28、很想靠近你,可是我怕身份不配,怕立场不对。 I want to be close to you, but I'm afraid I don't have the right position.

29、我不喜欢解释,我喜欢让大多数人都不了解我。 I don't like to explain, I like to make most people don't understand me.

30、我不适合谈恋爱,算了吧。 I'm not in love. Forget it.

31、我始终活在过去,还是很难受。 I've always lived in the past, still very miserable.

32、我想我们终于不再爱了,这样真好。 I think it's good that we finally don't love each other anymore.

33、我长得丑关你鸟事,又没叫你娶我。 It's none of your business that I look ugly. I didn't ask you to marry me.

34、所有的失望,都来源于我的满腔期待。 All the disappointment comes from my expectation.

35、承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的盘旋,然后不见。 Commitment is often like a butterfly, beautiful hover, and then disappear.

36、日常很无聊,除非常是你。 Everyday is boring, except for you.

37、时间,让深的东西越来越深,让浅的东西越来越浅。 Time, let the deep things deeper and deeper, let the shallow things become more and more shallow.

38、春水初生。春林初盛。春风十里,不如你。 Spring water is born. Spring forest is beginning to flourish. Spring breeze is better than you.

39、晓看天色暮看云,行也思君,坐也思君。 When you look at the sky at dawn and clouds at dusk, you will miss you when you are walking or sitting.

40、最长情的陪伴就是早安和晚安,你都在我身旁。 The longest love of company is good morning and good night, you are by my side.

41、有些人的存在就是为了提醒我们,不要成为那样的人。 Some people exist to remind us not to be like that.

42、有多少繁花满枝,就会有多少秋叶零落。 There will be as many leaves withering in the fall as those flowers flourishing in summer.

43、毕业还未来到,我已开始留恋着一切。 Graduation is still coming, I have begun to miss everything.

44、爱不爱都可以,怎样我都随你。 Love or not, I'll do whatever you like.

45、真是的,我们小仙女那个没有点小骄傲啊。 Really, our fairies don't have a little pride.

46、知道女生生理期,好好照顾她。 Know the girl's physiological period, take good care of her.

47、累,有时候也是种享受,因为它让生活变得充实。 Tired, sometimes also a kind of enjoyment, because it makes life become full.

48、考数学就像当医生,反正出来第一句是我尽力了。 Taking a math exam is like being a doctor. Anyway, the first sentence is that I tried my best.

49、请你一定不要停下来,成为你想成为的人。 Please don't stop and be what you want to be.

50、非常容易饿,请用你的温柔喂饱我。 It's very easy to be hungry. Please feed me with your tenderness.