1、一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。 One has at least one dream and one reason to be strong. If the heart has no place to live, it is wandering everywhere.
2、不洗澡的人,硬擦香水是不会香的。名声与尊贵,是来自于真才实学的。有德自然香。 Those who do not bathe will not smell hard. Fame and honor come from genuine talent and practical learning. Virtue is natural fragrance.
3、不管天气怎样,给自己的世界一片晴朗;不管季节变换,让自己的内心鸟语花香。 No matter what the weather is like, give your world a clear sky; no matter the season changes, let your heart be full of flowers and birds.
4、不要刻意去猜测他人的想法,如果你没有智慧与经验的正确判断,通常都会有错误的。 Don't deliberately guess what other people think. If you don't have the right judgment of wisdom and experience, you will usually make mistakes.
5、不要因为小小的争执,远离了你至亲的好友,也不要因为小小的怨恨,忘记了别人的大恩。 Don't get away from your close relatives and friends because of a little dispute, and don't forget the generosity of others because of a little resentment.
6、世人贪婪,总想寻找两全,但这世间难有什么两全之策。人生百年,不过是教人如何取舍。 The world is greedy and always wants to find two ways, but there is no way to achieve two ways in the world. Life is a hundred years, but teaching people how to choose.
7、世界上最残忍的事,不是没遇到爱的人,而是遇到却最终错过,我们曾相爱,想到就心酸。 The cruelest thing in the world is not to meet the one who loves, but to meet and eventually miss. We once loved each other and felt sad when we thought of it.
8、人心是难以猜测的,就算有时候你顾忌了别人的感受,也不见得别人会满意,反而觉得你想太多。 It's hard to guess the human heart. Even if you sometimes worry about other people's feelings, you may not be satisfied with others, but you think you think too much.上一页12下一页
9、人生是一种取舍,丢了,捡了;缘分是一桌宴席,聚了,散了;感情是一杯烈酒,醉了,醒了。 Life is a choice, lost, picked up; fate is a banquet, gathered, scattered; feeling is a glass of strong wine, drunk, awake.
10、人生最幸福的事:父母健在,知己两三,盗不走的爱人。其他都是假象,别太计较。 The happiest thing in life is that parents are alive, confidants are two or three, and lovers who can't be stolen. Others are illusions. Don't worry too much.
11、人生有时候需要勇敢一下,勇敢去爱,勇敢去恨,然后,勇敢忘记,勇敢向前。 Sometimes life needs to be brave, love bravely, hate bravely, and then forget bravely and go forward bravely.
12、人生,看轻看淡多少,痛苦就离开你多少。因为看轻,所以快乐;因为看淡,所以幸福。 Life, look down on how much light, pain will leave you how much. Happy because you look down on it; happy because you look down on it.
13、人,不怕渺小,只怕卑微,生活都是公平的,你要活出精彩,也就需要一颗奋进的心。 People, not afraid of small, only afraid of humble, life is fair, you wantto live brilliantly, also need a heart of struggle.
14、会有那么一天,你也会放下如今的执着和不舍,带着稍许的遗憾,过着没有那个人的新生活。 One day, you will put aside your present persistence and perseverance and live a new life without that person with a little regret.
15、只有品味了痛苦,才能珍视曾经忽略的快乐;只有领略了平凡,才会收藏当初丢弃的幸福。 Only by tasting the pain can we cherish the happiness that we have neglected; only by appreciating the ordinary can we collect the happiness that we abandoned at the beginning.
16、善良是永恒的春天,善良是黑夜的灯火,善良是精神世界的阳光,做人最宝贵的品格是善良! Kindness is the eternal spring, kindness is the lamp of the night, kindness is the sunshine of the spiritual world, and kindness is the most precious character in life.
17、在这个世界上,谁不是被弄得焦头烂额,遍体鳞伤,还要微笑的面对生活的波澜万千! In this world, who is not burned, bruised, but also smiling at the waves of life!
18、如果你总以开玩笑的方式说真心话,又总是一本正经的口是心非,那么就别怪别人不懂你。 If you always tell the truth in a joking way, and you always tell the truth in a serious way, then don't blame others for not understanding you.
19、年轻的时候我们都想着要去改变这个世界,到头来,我们却一直在被这个世界改变。 When we were young, we all wanted to change the world. In the end, we were always changed by the world.
20、当你快乐时,你要想这快乐不是永恒的。当你痛苦时,你要想这痛苦也不是永恒的。 When you are happy, you have to think that happiness is not eternal. When you suffer, you have to think that the pain is not eternal.
21、很多时候,我们刻骨铭心的记忆,别人却早已忘却,与其纠结于心,不如看轻、看淡。 Many times, our deep-seated memory, others have already forgotten, rather than entangled in the heart, it is better to look down on, look down on.
22、感情,不是没有争吵,而是争吵后依然在一起;共老,不是没有风雨,而是风雨后的更加坚定。 Emotions are not without quarrels, but still together after quarrels; to live together is not without storms, but more firm after storms.
23、所有关系变淡的原因,一个不说,一个不问,或者一个问得尴尬,一个答得敷衍。 All the reasons for the weakening of the relationship, one does not say, one does not ask, or one asks embarrassingly, one answers perfunctorily.
24、所有的故事,都有个结局。但幸运的是,我们的生活中,每个结局会变成一个新的开始。 All stories have an end. Fortunately, in our lives, every ending becomes a new beginning.
25、曾经以为,伤心是会流眼泪的,原来,真正的伤心,是怎么也流不出一滴眼泪。 Once thought, sadness will shed tears, the original, real sadness, how can not shed a tear.
26、最佳的报复不是仇恨,而是打心底发出的冷淡,干嘛花力气去恨一个不相干的人。 The best revenge is not hatred, but cold hearted, why do you work hard to hate an unrelated person?
27、有些事,你把它藏在心里也许更好,等时间长了,回过头去看它,也就变成了故事。 Some things, you hide it in your heart may be better, wait a long time, look back at it, it will become a story.
28、有些人是注定一个人要前行一阵子的,不必眼疾心快,不必忙于羡慕他人的群体友谊。 Some people are doomed to move forward for a while, without having to be quick-minded or busy envying the group friendship of others.
29、活着一天,就是有福气,就该珍惜。当我哭泣我没有鞋子穿的时候,我发现有人却没有脚。 To live a day is to be blessed and cherished. When I cried that I had no shoes on, I found that some people had no feet.
30、流年里那一首老歌还在吟唱,依旧涤荡着透彻心扉的韵律,歌声中渗透着抹不去的点点滴滴。 The old song is still singing in the past years. It still cleans up the rhythm of our hearts and permeates every bit of the song that can not be erased.
31、生活不会是一直美好的,但是那些挣扎可以让你变得更坚强,那些改变可以让你变得更有智慧。 Life won't always be good, but those struggles can make you stronger, and those changes can make you wiser.
32、生活中本就充满了失望,不是所有的等待都能如愿以偿,你且笑对,不必慌张。 Life is full of disappointment, not all the waiting can be fulfilled, you laugh right, do not panic.
33、生活就像坐过山车,有**,也有低谷,这意味着,无论眼下是好是坏,都只是暂时的。 Life is like a roller coaster, with peaks and valleys, which means that, for better or worse, it is only temporary.
34、生活,就是面对现实,人生,就是越过障碍,自己身上要有一架天平,在那上面衡量善与恶。 Life is to face the reality. Life is to cross obstacles and have a balance on which to measure good and evil.
35、用眼睛去看的,那是别人的故事;用心去感知,用脚去丈量,那才是自己的人生美景。 If you look with your eyes, it's someone else's story; if you feel with your heart and measure with your feet, that's the beauty of your life.
36、童年的无知可爱,少年的无知可笑;青年的无知可怜;中年的无知可叹,老年的无知可悲。 The ignorance of childhood is lovely, the ignorance of youth is ridiculous; the ignorance of youth is pitiful; the ignorance of middle age is lamentable, and the ignorance of old age is sad.
37、良心是每一个人较公正的审判官,你骗得了别人,却永远骗不了你自己的良心。 Conscience is a fairer judge for everyone. You can deceive others, but you can never deceive your own conscience.
38、虽然我们不能改变周遭的世界,我们就只好改变自己,用慈悲心和智慧心来面对这一切。 Although we can't change the world around us, we have to change ourselves and face it with compassion and wisdom.
39、要了解一个人,只需要看他的出发点与目的地是否相同,就可以知道他是否真心的。 To know a person, one only needs to see whether his starting point is the same as his destination to know whether he is sincere or not.
40、识不足,则多虑;威不足,则多怒;信不足,则多言。做人的头等大事是认识自我! If you don't know enough, you will worry; if you don't have enough authority, you will be angry; if you don't believe enough, you will talk more. The first thing to be a man is to know oneself!
41、随性而行,无需刻意;随遇而安,切勿奢望;随心而静,不要烦忧。红尘一路,且行且珍惜。 Do as you like, without deliberation; be at ease with circumstances, without extravagant expectations; be at peace with your heart, without worries. Red dust all the way, and line and cherish.