1、一定要个熠熠生辉的人生。 We must have a shining life.
2、一杯温柔,一尊童年,金风细雨。 A cup of tenderness, a childhood, golden wind and drizzle.
3、一段散,一段累,情断人散,人散情断。 A scattered, a tired, feeling broken, people scattered, feeling broken.
4、不亏待每一份热情,也不讨好任何的冷漠。 Do not treat each enthusiasm badly, nor please any indifference.
5、不礼不智不信人,大西王曰杀杀杀! If you don't believe in people, King Daxi said kill!
6、不要浪费时间回顾你,已经失去的东西。 Don't waste time looking back on what you've lost.
7、世事茫茫难自料,春愁黯黯独成眠。 It's hard to expect that things in the world are vast. Spring sorrow is dark and sleeps alone.
8、世界是兵荒马乱的,而你是单枪匹马的。 The world is in chaos, and you are alone.
9、为得钢骨洒热血,我命由我不由天! In order to shed blood on the steel bone, my life is up to me!
10、人与人之间没有谁离不开谁,只有谁不珍惜谁。 There is no one between people who can not do without who, only who does not cherish who.
11、今晚没有月亮,可我却想起了那天的星光。 There is no moon tonight, but I think of the stars that day.
12、但愿殊途同归,我能同你讲讲来时的路。 I wish I could tell you the way I came.
13、余生再无倾城色,一草一木皆相思。 The rest of my life will be full of lovesickness.
14、你的回眸一笑,我吐了三天。 With your smile, I vomited for three days.
15、你自远方来,今又赴远方。 You came from afar, and now you go to afar.
16、佳辰强饮食犹寒,隐几萧条戴i冠。 Jiachen strong diet is still cold, hidden several depression, wearing a crow.
17、做个废柴,没有梦想,吃饭睡觉,保持可爱。 Be a waste wood, have no dreams, eat, sleep and keep cute.
18、冬天虐我千百遍,我对被窝如初恋。 Winter abuse me thousands of times, I love the quilt like my first love.
19、冰丝玉缕簇青红,已逗花梢一信风。 Ice silk and jade strands are green and red, which has teased the flower tip with a trade wind.
20、别总是让她打电话来,她也需要被重视的感觉。 Don't always let her call. She also needs to feel valued.
21、努力是不会背叛自己的,虽然梦想会背叛。 Efforts will not betray themselves, although dreams will betray.
22、即使输了起点,至少我们还有拐点。 Even if we lose the starting point, at least we have an inflection point.
23、均衡用力,终将胜过用了过猛。 Balanced effort will eventually be better than overuse.
24、多少的曾经,变成了回忆。 How many times have become memories.
25、天上春来谁报人,*气象一时新。 Who reports when spring comes in the sky? The weather of rivers and mountains is new.
26、天亮了,照亮了泪光;泪干了,枕边地彷徨。 Dawn lit up tears; Tears dried up and I wandered beside my pillow.
27、太阳之所以伟大,在于它永远消耗自己。 The sun is great because it consumes itself forever.
28、奈何桥畔轮回转,定携素手至桑田。 By the side of Naihe bridge, I will take Su hand to Sangtian.
29、如果你是我的,那就不能成为别人的。 If you are mine, you can't be someone else's.
30、娇儿恶卧踏里裂,哭声直上千云霄。 Jiao'er's evil lying, stepping on the crack, crying thousands of clouds.
31、孤标傲世偕谁隐?一样开花为底迟。 Who will hide with you? As late as flowering.
32、客有哀时失职而听者,泪淋浪以沾襟。 Guests who neglect their duty when they are sad and listen, shed tears on the waves and touch their lapels.
33、尽管一直说着这些疼痛的情绪,我从未停止向前。 Despite these painful emotions, I never stopped moving forward.
34、山河辽阔,人间星河,无一是你,无一不是你。 Mountains and rivers are vast, and there are stars in the world. None is you and none is not you.
35、差一点,我们就只是差一点。 Almost, we're just a little close.
36、当你不再期待什么东西的时候,你却会得到。 When you no longer expect anything, you will get it.
37、待向中宵起舞,无人处、那有村鸡。 When dancing towards the middle of the night, there is no one, there is a village chicken.
38、总把喜欢当成爱,到最后只留下疲惫的自己。 Always like as love, in the end, only leave yourself tired.
39、总有一天我会发光亮瞎你的眼。 One day I will shine and blind your eyes.
40、我以为只要很认真的喜欢,就会打动一个人。 I think as long as you like it seriously, you will move a person.
41、我最遗憾的,是生命中失去了你。 What I regret most is the loss of you in my life.
42、我没啥话说了,你觉得怎样就怎样,我问心无愧。 I have nothing to say. Do what you think. I have a clear conscience.
43、我没有输,但是我的爱情输了,输给了现实。 I didn't lose, but my love lost, lost to reality.
44、我的冷漠里藏了,一半害羞与一半自卑。 My indifference hides half shyness and half inferiority.
45、我的眼里,除了你,就剩钱了。 In my eyes, there is only money left except you.
46、我的耳朵不太好,说喜欢我的时候大声点。 My ears are not very good. Speak up when you like me.
47、我能为你披战袍,也能为你丢战刀。 I can wear a robe for you and throw a sword for you.
48、既见君子,云胡不喜。鼓瑟吹笙,笙磬合卺。 Seeing a gentleman, Yunhu doesn't like it. The drums and harps blow the Sheng, and the Sheng and chime are combined.
49、昨夜笙歌容易散,酒醒添得愁无限。 Last night's singing was easy to disperse, and when I woke up, I was so worried.
50、曾与美人桥上别,恨无消息到今朝。 Once said goodbye to the beauty bridge. I wish I had no news to this day.
51、曾经为我而笑的面庞,而今成了何种摸样。 The face that once smiled for me is now what it looks like.
52、最好的感觉是,表白后得知你也喜欢我。 The best feeling is to know that you like me after confession.
53、有些姑娘,独立的让人心疼。 Some girls are distressed to be independent.
54、朔风突起,寒潮逼至,想寓中均安? The new wind rises and the cold wave is forced. Do you want to live in peace?
55、朝辞白帝彩云间,不教胡马度阴山。 When the emperor left the colorful clouds, he didn't teach Hu Ma to spend the Yinshan Mountain.
56、来日方长,你是人是狗我总会发现。 It's going to be a long time. I'll always find out if you're a man or a dog.
57、某日你我相遇,尘缘早已注定。 One day you and I met, fate has long been doomed.
58、樵风溪上弄扁舟,濯锦江边忆旧游。 Qiaofeng gets a boat on the stream, and Zhuo remembers his old trip by the Jinjiang River.
59、每一个结局,都是一个新A开始。 Every ending is a new beginning.
60、流水源泉千年在,光阴一去不回来。 The source of running water has existed for thousands of years, and time will never come back.
61、烟雨迷蒙你在眼前甚好,一座江南都在笑。 Misty rain, you are very good in front of you. A Jiangnan is laughing.
62、煎雪落雨,心上是你,欢喜躲在眉目里。 Frying snow and falling rain, you are in my heart, hiding in my eyebrows.
63、爱卿目眦之细纹,亦爱汝之魂多愁善感。 Love the fine lines of your eyes and canthus, and love your soul sentimental.
64、玉露金风报素秋,穿针楼上独含愁。 The jade dew and the golden wind report the autumn, and the needle wearing upstairs contains sorrow alone.
65、相信自己,相信一切,加油!!! Believe in yourself, believe in everything, come on!!!
66、看我不顺眼的人,我很高兴能堵住你的心。 I'm glad I can stop your heart.
67、睡前原谅一切,醒来便是新生。 Forgive everything before going to bed and wake up to be a new life.
68、知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧。 Those who know are not confused, those who are benevolent are not worried, and those who are brave are not afraid.
69、知道自己要什么,包括你爱的女人。 Know what you want, including the woman you love.
70、离开的人就是路人不论曾经有多在乎。 Those who leave are passers-by, no matter how much they care.
71、管他熙熙攘攘阳关道,我偏要一条独木桥走到黑。 Despite his bustling Yangguan Road, I want a single wooden bridge to Hei.
72、米已成饭,木已成舟,只好听之而已。 Rice has become rice and wood has become a boat. It's just pleasant to hear.
73、纵使浮华三千,不及你一笑展颜。 Even if you are flashy, you can't show your face with a smile.
74、试上铜台歌舞处,惟有秋风愁杀人。 Try the singing and dancing place on the copper platform, only the autumn wind worries about killing people.
75、谁种的花还未发芽,我已满头白发不念春夏。 Whose flowers have not sprouted yet, I have white hair and don't read spring and summer.
76、跟你聊天突然不理我,我就想打死你。 When I talk to you and suddenly ignore me, I want to kill you.
77、送客自伤身易老,不知何处待先生。 It's easy to get old when seeing off guests. I don't know where to treat you, sir.
78、金风玉露,相思成空,佳期若梦。 Golden wind and jade dew, Acacia becomes empty, and the season is like a dream.
79、骨子里的这份骄傲,真的抱歉我丢不掉。 I'm really sorry I can't lose this pride in my bones.
80、黄昏鼓角似边州,三十年前上此楼。 At dusk, the drum horn looks like a border state. I went to this building thirty years ago.
81、黄鸟翩翩杨柳垂,春风送客使人悲。 Yellow birds are dancing, willows are drooping, and the spring breeze is sad to see off guests.