1、一腔热血想要扎进你怀抱,最后却全身而退。 A cavity of hot blood wants to get into your arms, but finally, it retreats.

2、不唱声嘶力竭的情歌,不表示没有心碎的时刻。 Not singing the exhausted love songs, does not mean that there is no heartbreak moment.

3、不管这场戏结果如何、都要华丽的谢幕。 No matter what the result of the play, it is a magnificent curtain.

4、不要怪别人变了,只是时间带走了属于我们的单纯。 Don't blame others for changing, but time takes away our simplicity.

5、你不要离开太久,我怕自己等不起。 Don't leave too long. I'm afraid I can't wait.

6、你拿把刀毫不留情的刺向我的心,然后问我疼? You stab a knife to my heart mercilessly, and ask me pain?

7、假设命运运限折断了你的腿,他会教你如何跛行。 If fate breaks your leg, he will teach you how to limp.

8、再也没有一个人,像我爱你爱的那么深那么真。 No one else, as deep as I love you.

9、别人的世界我融不进去,自己的世界,早已散场。 I can't melt into the world of others. My own world has already gone.

10、到不了的都叫做远方,回不去的名字叫家乡。 What can't be reached is called far away. The name that can't be returned is home.

11、努力的伪装,而不让自己受伤。 Try to disguise, not hurt yourself.

12、原来有时候能磨灭爱情的不止是时间,还有我们自己。 Sometimes it is not only time, but also ourselves that can grind out love.

13、听不到,看不到,是否真的不重要。 Can't hear, can't see, whether it really doesn't matter.

14、听会以前的歌,想起现在我没有了你的爱。 Listen to the song before, think of now I have no love.

15、回忆的画面一幕幕在拼凑,提醒我你已远走。 The scene of memories is patching together, reminding me that you have gone far away.

16、因为我不喜欢整理房间,所以他们都叫我乱室英雄。 Because I don't like to organize the rooms, they call me room messengers.

17、坏日子总要自己熬,就像臭袜子总要自己洗。 Bad days always have to boil, like smelly socks always have to wash themselves.

18、天空很高,我们飞起来时,依旧觉得它离我们很远。 The sky is very high, and when we fly, we still feel it is far away from us.

19、孤独是种顽疾,走再远的路都无法治愈。 Loneliness is a stubborn disease, and it can not be cured any further.

20、属于你的赶都赶不走,不属于你的留都留不住。 You can not leave the drive, do not belong to you can not stay.

21、忘不了你,因为太想你了。 I can't forget you because I miss you so much.

22、总把谎话说给自己耳朵听,却让眼睛动容。 Always tell a lie to your ears, but let the eyes move.

23、总有一天,我会指着我的心口骄傲的告诉你。 One day, I will point to my heart proud to tell you.

24、我一直以为,我是你最好的朋友,但我发现我不是。 I always thought I was your best friend, but I found out I wasn't.

25、我不近视眼,但是我终究没有看透你的心。 I'm not shortsighted, but I haven't seen through your heart after all.

26、我与你隔着长风深谷,进不得,退不得。 I am separated from you by the long wind and deep valley, and I can not enter or retreat.

27、我从车水马龙的马路上,走回了我的独木桥。 I walked back to my log bridge from the traffic road.

28、我只是担心,除我以外的任何人,会给你带来伤痕。 I'm just worried that anyone else than me will hurt you.

29、我想做一面镜子,与你朝夕相对,心心相映。 I want to be a mirror, and you face to night, heart to heart.

30、我记得,我最难过的那个夜晚,我是一个人过的。 I remember, the night I was most sad, I was alone.

31、我长的是不好看,但也没你长的那么随心所欲阿。 I am not good-looking, but I am not as free as you are.

32、手上青春还剩多少,思念还有多少煎熬。 How much youth is left in hand, how much pain still exists in missing.

33、既然已经习惯了孤单,又怎么能够害怕孤独。 Since I have been used to being alone, how can I be afraid of loneliness.

34、日月既往,不可复追。 The sun and the moon are past, and cannot be pursued.

35、曾爱过,曾笑过,曾哭过,曾经我们经历了许多许多。 I have loved, laughed, cried, and we have experienced many.

36、有一种等待,叫忘穿秋水。有一种寒冷,叫忘穿秋裤。 There is a kind of waiting, so that forget to wear autumn water. There is a cold, called forget to wear autumn pants.

37、毕竟爱了整整一个曾经,谁又能忘得一干二净。 After all, I love a whole once, who can forget the whole thing.

38、沙漏记得,我们遗忘的时光。 Hourglass remembers the time we forget.

39、爱到痛了,痛到哭了,于是选择放手。 Love to pain, pain to cry, so choose to let go.

40、生活清淡如水,可是对你的思念并没减少。 Life is as light as water, but the missing for you has not decreased.

41、目前状态:以朋友的身份,深爱着一个人。 Current status: as a friend, I love a person deeply.

42、等你浪够了,也别回来了,我不会等你的。 Don't come back when you have enough waves. I won't wait for you.

43、被欺骗了,我被人欺骗了,我什么都没有了。 I was cheated, I was cheated, I had nothing.

44、要留下几次眼泪,才知道对自己好一点。 It takes several tears to know how good you are.

45、请你要过得好,并且让我一无所知。 Please make a good life and let me know nothing.

46、谁能感动我,我连人带命都给你! Who can move me, I even give you life!

47、走便走,留便留,一切与我无关。 Go, stay, and leave, nothing to do with me.

48、走进最后一间屋子,忧郁诞生在墙角。 Into the last room, melancholy was born in the corner of the wall.

49、这社会,只要你长得丑,你就输了百分之八十。 This society, as long as you look ugly, you lose 80%.

50、青梅竹马,两小无猜,我今念起,杳如童话。 I have no guess. I read it now, and I am like a fairy tale.