1、丑的才谈恋爱,美的卖空调。 Ugly people fall in love, beautiful people sell air conditioners.

2、事已至此,先吃饭吧。 That's it. Let's eat first.

3、今晚拯救地球,有事请留言。 Save the earth tonight. Please leave a message.

4、今晚端一碗水,出门去抓一道月亮。 Carry a bowl of water tonight and go out to catch a moon.

5、以后的路你自己走,我打车。 You go your own way and I'll take a taxi.

6、你不是别人的,我就很开心。 I'm happy you're not someone else's.

7、你早起我早起我们迟早在一起。 You get up early, I get up early, we'll be together sooner or later.

8、你早起我晚起,我们早晚在一起。 You get up early, I get up late, we get together sooner or later.

9、你是个帅锅,但是你不能盖锅。 You are a handsome pot, but you can't cover it.

10、你是人间四月天,我是东北地三鲜。 You are the April day in the world, and I am the three delicacies in the northeast.

11、做你想做的,错了算你自找的。 Do what you want. If you're wrong, you'll ask for it.

12、做腻了小仙女,想做你的太太。 Tired of being a fairy, I want to be your wife.

13、先是朋友后是妹,最后变成小宝贝。 First a friend, then a sister, and finally a baby.

14、只要我吃的够快,体重就追不上我。 As long as I eat fast enough, I can't catch up with my weight.

15、只许州官放火,不许你离开我。 The governor is allowed to set fire, and you are not allowed to leave me.

16、只许聪明,不许绝顶。 Only be smart, not extreme.

17、可爱又迷人的反派角色。 cute and charming villain.

18、吧唧一口,吃掉难过。 Take a bite and eat it.

19、夜长未必梦多,但想吃的一定很多。 A long night may not dream much, but you must want to eat a lot.

20、好天气,好心情,好舒服。 Good weather, good mood, good comfort.

21、如你所见是个美女。 As you can see, she is a beautiful woman.

22、如果有人追你,我就绊倒他。 If someone chases you, I'll trip him.

23、宵夜不是宵夜,是提前吃的早餐。 Night snack is not night snack, but breakfast in advance.

24、小朋友是要随时被放进怀里的。 Children should be put in their arms at any time.

25、山河滚烫,你是人间麻辣烫。 Mountains and rivers are hot, you are hot and spicy in the world.

26、当地小有名气的可爱鬼。 A little famous cute ghost in the local area.

27、很想谈恋爱,但又怕被日。 I want to fall in love, but I'm afraid of being lost.

28、心有萌虎,嗷呜。 The heart has a cute tiger, ow.

29、心里藏着小星星,生活才会亮晶晶。 With little stars in your heart, life will shine.

30、想不出文案,想你。 I can't think of a copy. I miss you.

31、想你了,我觉得得通知你一下。 I miss you. I think I have to inform you.

32、想和你在一起,把蠢传染给你。 Want to be with you and infect you with stupidity.

33、想我的时候请我吃东西,我马上到。 Invite me to eat when you miss me. I'll be right there.

34、愿得一人心,永不再相亲。 May you have a heart and never have a blind date again.

35、我不想*人间,我只想*你。 I don't want to harm the world, I just want to harm you.

36、我为你着了魔,你必须奖励我。 I'm possessed for you. You must reward me.

37、我也丑你也丑,我们是好朋友。 I'm ugly and you're ugly. We're good friends.

38、我们会长大,然后在一起。 We'll grow up and be together.

39、我会为自己的可爱负责的。 I will be responsible for my loveliness.

40、我去宇宙一趟,摘星星回来给你。 I'll go to the universe and pick up the stars for you.

41、我又帅又有车,但我不是银行。 I'm handsome and have a car, but I'm not a bank.

42、我的软我的甜,仅对你一个人可见。 My soft and my sweet are only visible to you.

43、我相信你总会来,像云层等来月亮。 I believe you will always come, like clouds to the moon.

44、我要去宇宙了,回来摘星星给你。 I'm going to the universe. Come back and pick the stars for you.

45、把等你的黄昏都蘸了糖吃掉。 Dip your dusk in sugar and eat it.

46、把难过和不安抛到星星彼端。 Throw sadness and uneasiness to the other side of the stars.

47、日子苦点没关系,因为还有你。 It doesn't matter if the days are hard, because there are you.

48、星河滚烫,你是人间理想。 The Star River is hot. You are the ideal of the world.

49、春风不度玉门关,我佛不渡铁憨憨。 If the spring breeze doesn't pass the Jade Gate, my Buddha won't cross the iron Han.

50、是福不是祸,是猪躲不过。 It's a blessing, not a curse, but a pig.

51、月亮不睡我不睡,我是人间小美味。 I don't sleep if the moon doesn't sleep. I'm a little delicious in the world.

52、本宫身体欠安,本宫想用膳了。 My palace is in poor health. I want to eat.

53、欲望本该像野马,可我只想要你。 Desire should be like a Mustang, but I just want you.

54、此处可爱贩卖机,24小时正常营业。 This lovely vending machine is open 24 hours a day.

55、熊熊剪了指甲就变成了能能。 When you cut your nails, it becomes energy.

56、爱情不禁等待,爱我就是现在。 Love can't help waiting, love me is now.

57、珍珠奶茶来一杯,明天帅哥把我追。 Have a cup of pearl milk tea. The handsome boy will chase me tomorrow.

58、生活不易,小猪猪叹气,哎。 Life is not easy, piggy sighed, alas.

59、生活明朗,万物可爱。 Life is bright and everything is lovely.

60、甭管我几岁,有少女心就万岁! No matter how old I am, long live a girl's heart!

61、百因必有果,暴富叫上我。 A hundred causes will bear fruit, and sudden wealth will call me.

62、看了为啥不赞,欲擒故纵招烂。 Why don't you like it? Hard to get is bad.

63、睡着睡着,就睡出了理想和口水。 Sleep, sleep out the ideal and saliva.

64、给大家表演一个仙女出山。 Show you a fairy out of the mountain.

65、美女太多了,我就做我自己吧。 There are too many beauties. I'll be myself.

66、肩膀有点痒,可能在长小翅膀。 The shoulder is a little itchy. It may be growing small wings.

67、脸皮怎么那么厚,让猪皮情何以勘。 Why are you so thick skinned? Why do you let the pig skin feel.

68、被窝是上帝开在人间的分店。 Quilt is God's branch on earth.

69、账都归你管,而你归我管。 You're in charge of all the accounts, and you're in my charge.

70、这么可爱的我,你确定不要。 Such a lovely me, are you sure not to.

71、黄瓜必须拍,人生必须嗨。 Cucumber must be photographed, life must be hi.

72、黑眼圈是昨日心事的落款。 Dark circles are the signature of yesterday's worries.