1、一个简单的旋律,总是勾起一段不简单的回忆。 A simple melody always evokes a not simple memory.
2、一怀离愁,几年萧索,时如旧,相思,人孤瘦。 A bosom of sorrow, a few years Xiaosuo, when as old, acacia, lonely thin people.
3、上天很公平,我们得到的永远都和失去的一样多。 God is fair, we always get as much as we lose.
4、不希望,不奢望,就不会有失望。 No hope, no extravagance, no disappointment.
5、不要什么都对别人讲,你说的是心里话,他们听的是笑话。 Don't tell everything to others, what you say is from the heart, what they listen to is a joke.
6、不要总是因为害怕被人误解,而让自己过的很累。 Don't always be afraid of being misunderstood and make yourself tired.
7、不要死,也不要孤独的活着。 Don't die, don't live alone.
8、乐观的人只顾着笑,而忘了怨;悲观的人只顾着怨,而忘了笑。 Optimistic people only smile and forget to complain; pessimistic people only complain and forget to laugh.
9、从猴子变成人需要成千上万年,从人变回猴子只用一瓶酒。 It takes thousands of years for a monkey to become a man, and it takes only a bottle of wine for a man to become a monkey.
10、付出了再多还有什么用,却总是得不到你的回报。 No matter how much you pay, you can't get your reward.
11、你说高处不胜寒,我便拱手*讨你欢。 If you say it's too cold at high places, I'll give my hand to please you.
12、只要你回头,我一直都在,我主动不是犯贱,而是因为喜欢。 As long as you look back, I have been, I take the initiative is not cheap, but because like.
13、天下是很大的,什么事情都是可能的,未来在我们的手中啊。 Everything is possible. The future is in our hands.
14、好好照顾自己,别生病,要不还得自己买药,药很贵的。 Take good care of yourself, don't get sick, or you have to buy your own medicine, which is very expensive.
15、对不起,我不是故意让你暗恋我的。 Sorry, I didn't mean to make you fall in love with me.
16、就算我们会输给天长地久,我也要我们撑好久好久。 Even if we are going to lose forever, I want us to hold on for a long time.
17、就算沉默的人遇到自己喜欢的人也会变得有语言。 Even if the silent people meet the people they like, they will become verbal.
18、岁月静好,迎接新的期待。 The years are quiet and welcome new expectations.
19、当你开始为一个人保存聊天记录,你就注定会失望。 When you start to save chat records for a person, you are doomed to be disappointed.
20、快意事孰不喜为?往往事过不能后悔。 Who doesn't like pleasure? I can't regret the past.
21、总有一些事情,让你不经意中,就看清了人,看透了心。 There are always some things, let you inadvertently, see the people, see through the heart.
22、想要碛校就要先W会失去,才不会每次痕累累。 Want to have, we must first learn to lose, not every time the scars.
23、我以为你是故乡,你却推脱,让我流浪。 I thought you were my hometown, but you shirked and let me wander.
24、我们最坏的习惯,是苟安于当下生活,不知道明天的方向。 Our worst habit is to live in the present and not know the direction of tomorrow.
25、我怕你等太久了,我时时都要顾着你的情绪。 I'm afraid you've been waiting too long. I have to take care of your mood all the time.
26、我的心事蒸发成云,变成雨,却不舍得淋湿你。 My mind evaporated into clouds, into rain, but not willing to drench you.
27、日复一日的生活真的是不美好啊!可是还是要坚持!为自己加油! Day after day life is really not good! But still insist! Cheer for yourself!
28、时间会告诉你,为什么有些人能等,有些人不值得等。 Time will tell you, why some people can wait, some people are not worth waiting.
29、时间和经历会练就一个优秀的你。新的一天,加油,给每一个人! Time and experience will make a good you. New day, come on, for everyone!
30、春眠不觉晓,哈欠上门找,晚上睡不着,白天醒不了。 Spring sleep does not feel dawn, yawn door-to-door, can't sleep at night, can't wake up during the day.
31、最好的保障是知道你给我的任何不喜欢都是基于喜欢。 The best guarantee is to know that any dislike you give me is based on liking.
32、有些事情,就是在一次次失望以后,突然就想通了。 There are some things that are suddenly figured out after disappointment.
33、每天更新的不单单是心情,往往还附上自己的信仰。 It's not only mood that is updated every day, but also belief.
34、水凉了还可以喝,心凉了连笑都寂寞。 Cold water can also drink, cold heart, even smile are lonely.
35、没有人明白仙人掌的孤单,防备了别人,却孤单了自己! No one understands the loneliness of cactus, guarding against others, but lonely himself!
36、没有什么铭肌镂骨的恋爱,只有那卑微的恋爱。 There is no love engraved on the flesh and bones, only the humble love.
37、现在的生活不是我想要的,但却是我自找的。 Now life is not what I want, but it's what I want.
38、生活把我逼得像个汉子,如何叫我再去小鸟依人。 Life forces me to be like a man. How can I be called a little bird again.
39、生活拿锤子抡向你的时候,只要捶不死你,你就有机会抡回去。 When life swings a hammer at you, as long as it doesn't kill you, you have a chance to swing it back.
40、生活有望穿秋水的等待,也有意想不到的惊喜。 Life is full of waiting and unexpected surprises.
41、祭我年少轻狂,曾毁情爱一场。 I was young and frivolous. I once ruined my love.
42、等你看得起我的时候,你觉得我还会正眼看你吗? When you look up to me, do you think I will look you in the eye?
43、红颜泪滴点朱唇,半世痴情终离殇。 Red tears point vermilion, half a lifetime of infatuation from the war.
44、能把在面前行走的机会抓住的人,十有八九都会成功。 Those who can seize the opportunity to walk in front of them will succeed in all likelihood.
45、花在草丛里最是迷人,人在深夜里最是动情。 Flowers in the grass is the most charming, people in the middle of the night is the most emotional.
46、重要的人越来越少,剩下的人越来越重要。 There are fewer and fewer important people, and the rest are more and more important.
47、除了我所爱的人,没有人能容纳我所有的情绪。 No one can accommodate all my emotions except those I love.
48、雄心出胆略,恒心出意志,信心出勇气,决心出力量。 Ambition gives courage, perseverance gives will, confidence gives courage, and determination gives strength.
49、青春记念册的第一页,该怎么轻描淡写呢? How to understate the first page of the youth album?