1、一个人的喜悦,无非是岁月静好,现世安稳。 A person's joy, is nothing more than quiet years, the world is stable.
2、一个齐刘海,伤了多少无知少女的心,放不下来,扎不上去。 Qi Qi, no more than a little girl hurt her heart.
3、一直说自己没心没肺,可是到最后还不是一样撕心裂肺。 Always said that he has no heart and lung, but in the end it is not the same.
4、不悲过去,非贪未来,心系当下,人生由此安详。 Do not mourn the past, not greedy for the future, heart for the present, life is peaceful.
5、不要做随便的女人或男人,因为随便的前提是:下贱。 Don't be a casual woman or man, because the premise of casual is: base.
6、不要对别人轻易许诺,因为很多话,只有听的人会记得。 Don't promise others easily, because many words are remembered only by those who listen.
7、不要对我说抱歉,因为我没有把握笑着对你说没关系。 Don't say sorry to me, because I'm not sure, smile and say it's OK.
8、不要把你的眼泪全部留给一个男人、没人值得你去这样作。 Don't leave all your tears to a man, no one is worth it.
9、与其给鱼一双翅膀,不如给鱼一方池塘。 It is better to give a fish a pond than to give it wings.
10、人活在世上要靠两样东西,胆识和智慧。 People live on two things: courage and wisdom.
11、从来就不懂什么是物是人非,只知道回一次头就是一巴掌。 Never know what is wrong, only know a head is a slap.
12、你存在我婶婶的脑海里,你不怕我叔半夜掐死你。 You exist in my aunt's mind. You are not afraid that my uncle will strangle you in the middle of the night.
13、你怎么能说他脑子进水了呢?前提是,他也要有脑子啊。 How can you say he's out of his head? The premise is, he has to have brains, too.
14、你有抛弃我的权利,我就能让你后悔。 You have the right to abandon me, I can make you regret.
15、你赢,我陪你君临天下!你输,我陪你东山再起。 You win, I accompany you to the world! If you lose, I will make a comeback with you.
16、做个懒人,不言曾经拥有,不谈天长地久。 Be a lazy person, don't say once owned, don't talk about everlasting.
17、决定转身就不要频频回头,酷的人才会被记得久一些。 If you decide to turn around, don't turn back frequently. Cool people will be remembered for a long time.
18、别和我抢东西,虽然我不会撒娇,但我会玩摔跤。 Don't rob me. Although I can't be coquettish, I can wrestle.
19、别说和我一起慢慢变老,姐只想一直黑发飘飘。 Don't say to grow old with me, sister just want to have black hair floating.
20、听说你过的不好,我偷偷捂着被子……笑到肚子痛。 I heard that you have a bad life, I secretly cover the quilt Laugh until you have a stomachache.
21、和对自己有恶意的人绝交。人有绝交,才有至交。 Break up with people who are hostile to you. Only when a man has a good friend, can he have a close friend.
22、哥低下头,不是因为怕,而是在找砖头。 Brother lowered his head, not because of fear, but looking for bricks.
23、喝过烈酒,抽过烟,爱过渣人,信过狗。 I have drunk liquor, smoked cigarettes, loved dregs, and believed in dogs.
24、女人喜欢坏坏的男生,而不是长坏的男生。 Women like bad boys, not bad boys.
25、如果不能一直对我好,那么一开始就不要对我好。 If you can't be nice to me all the time, don't be nice to me in the beginning.
26、如果你看到面前的阴影,别怕,那是因为你的背后有阳光。 If you see the shadow in front of you, don't be afraid, it is because there is sunshine behind you.
27、学会做本人,高雅地甩手一切不属于你的东西。 Learn to be yourself and shake off everything that doesn't belong to you.
28、宁跟明白人打一架,不跟*说句话! I'd rather have a fight with a sensible person than a fool!
29、带上耳机,走在路上,世界的喧嚣与我无关。 Put on the earphone, walk on the road, the noise of the world has nothing to do with me.
30、当你想要放弃的时候,想一想为什么坚持到现在。 When you want to give up, think about why you stick to it now.
31、当岬纳命陷入轮回里,唯一不变的记忆就是m。 When my life into reincarnation, the only constant memory is you.
32、心情好时不狂喜,心情沮丧不悲伤,美其名曰:淡定。 When you are in a good mood, you are not overjoyed, and you are not sad when you are depressed.
33、想和你一起坠入地狱,然后寻欢作乐。 I want to fall into hell with you and have fun.
34、想认识一个人多简单啊,臭不要脸就可以了。 How simple it is to know someone. It's shameless.
35、我不高贵,但不是每个男人都有机会。 I'm not noble, but not every man has a chance.
36、我做过最勇敢的两件事,喜欢你和决定放弃你。 I have done two of the bravest things, like you and decided to give up on you.
37、我可以改变往日的脾气但必须换来你的温柔。 I can change my old temper, but I must get your gentleness.
38、我就是喜欢你,你接受也得接受,不接受也得接受。 I just like you. You have to accept it. If you don't accept it, you have to accept it.
39、我心里有一场海啸,但我静静站着,没有让任何人知道。 I had a tsunami in my heart, but I stood still and didn't let anyone know.
40、我怕我的义无反顾,最后会换来血肉模糊。 I'm afraid that I will not turn back, and in the end, it will be bloody.
41、我抬头看见爱不在,整个宇宙都流眼泪。 I look up and see that love is not there, and the whole universe is crying.
42、我知道强扭的瓜不甜,但是本人就是不喜欢吃甜瓜。 I know it's not sweet to be forced to fight, but I just don't like to eat melon.
43、所谓完美的文章并不存在,就像完美的绝望不存在一样。 The so-called perfect article does not exist, just as perfect despair does not exist.
44、春天我把男朋友种进地里,到了秋天,我就把这茬给忘了。 In spring, I plant my boyfriend in the field, and in autumn, I forget about it.
45、曾经你是我生命中的氧气,如今你也只配当二氧化碳了。 Once you were the oxygen in my life, now you are only worthy of carbon dioxide.
46、最可恨的不是小三,而是经不住诱惑的小瘪三。 The most hateful is not the small three, but can not withstand the temptation of the small punk.
47、有困难尽管和我说,反正我也帮不了! If you have any difficulties, please tell me, I can't help you!
48、有时候,我们放不开不是因为失去,而是心疼自己的付出。 Sometimes, we can't let go, not because of the loss, but because we love their own pay.
49、有毒的草开出迷人的花,装逼的人请说出像样的话。 Poisonous grass blooms charming flowers. Those who pretend to be forced to say something decent.
50、每段青春都会苍老,但我希望记忆里的你一直都好。 Every period of youth will be old, but I hope you are always good in my memory.
51、没资格吃的醋最酸,先动心的人最惨。 The vinegar that is not qualified to eat is the most sour, and the one who is moved first is the worst.
52、生活就要这种态度,即使是龅牙,也要开怀的大笑。 Life is to this attitude, even buckteeth, but also to laugh.
53、看我不顺眼,你可以选择自杀,也可以选择装瞎。 You can choose to commit suicide or pretend to be blind.
54、真正的朋友之间,是不存在什么地位差异的。 There is no status difference between real friends.
55、碰到你就冷冷地打个招呼,然后跑回家蹦哒半个小时。 Meet you on the cold to say hello, and then run home to jump for half an hour.
56、等我的心没了感觉时,那么谁都伤害不了我。 When my heart doesn't feel, then no one can hurt me.
57、老干爹都出来陪老干妈了,咋大姨夫还不出来陪大姨妈。 The old Godfather came out to accompany the old godmother. Why didn't my uncle come out to accompany my aunt.
58、肉是我的命,没了它,我就是一个灵魂不全的人。 Meat is my life. Without it, I am a person with incomplete soul.
59、船翻了你知道浪够了,被浪打了你知道后悔了。 When the boat capsized, you know the waves are enough. If you are hit by the waves, you know you regret it.
60、阎王每天收那么多的人,怎么没把你给收去。 Yama collects so many people every day. Why didn't he take you.