1、Happiness x happiness = happiness

2、一碗面,一座城。 A bowl of noodles, a city.

3、一起用餐吧。 Let's have dinner together.

4、五香牛肉,回味无穷。 Spiced beef has a long aftertaste.

5、人生百味,一碗面。 Life is a bowl of noodles.

6、人生苦短,再来一碗。Life is short, another bowl.

7、人生苦短,还好有甜。 Life is short and sweet.

8、今日份进食。 Today's meal.

9、今日茶饭事。 It's tea and dinner today.

10、吃吃吃的日常。 Eat everyday.

11、吃是最好的安慰。 Eating is the best comfort.

12、吃饱饱,没烦恼。 Full, no worries.

13、吧唧一口吃掉忧愁。 A bite of sorrow.

14、周末赏味期。 Weekend taste period.

15、味道因回忆更美丽。 The taste is more beautiful because of the memory.

16、夏日轻食光。 Light in summer.

17、孤独人生的救赎。 The salvation of lonely life.

18、孤独的美食家。 Lonely gourmet.

19、山河依旧,风味不改。 Mountains and rivers remain the same, and the flavor remains unchanged.

20、干饭人日记。 The diary of the cook.

21、心情好,吃嘛嘛香。 I'm in a good mood.

22、心里有光,温暖三餐。 There is light in my heart and three warm meals.


24、快乐的证据。 Evidence of happiness.

25、想把甜味分享给你。 I want to share the sweetness with you.

26、最近很满足。 I've been very satisfied recently.

27、本周甜分摄入75%。 This week's sweet intake is 75%.

28、滴,卡路里充值。 Drop, calorie recharge.

29、火锅进行时。 Hot pot is on.

30、珍馐美味,口齿留香。 The delicacies are delicious.

31、生死有命,胖瘦再天。 Life and death, fat and thin again day.

32、生活明朗,万物可吃。 Life is bright and everything can be eaten.

33、白白胖胖,充满希望。 Fat for nothing, full of hope.

34、盐于律已,甜以待人。 Salt in the law, sweet to treat people.

35、眼见为食。 Seeing is eating.

36、美食日记。 Food diary.

37、肚子胖胖,生活旺旺。 Fat belly, prosperous life.

38、肚子饱了,心情好了。 I'm full and in a good mood.

39、脂肪日常。 Fat daily.

40、脂肪每日正常营业。 Fat is open daily.

41、脑袋空空,肚子满满。 Empty head, full stomach.

42、膘肥体壮,长势良好。 Fat and strong, growing well.

43、说多了都是口水。 It's all saliva.

44、闷声干饭。 Dry food in a muffled voice.

45、食物和爱一样温柔。 Food is as tender as love.

46、食物,和爱一样温柔。 Food, as gentle as love.