1、一个人对外在的兴趣是需要培养和练习的。 One external interest is the need to develop and practice. Save the children, let children read more in line with their own interest!

2、一个有勃勃生机与广泛兴趣的人,可以战胜一切不幸。 A vitality and broad interests, can overcome all the unfortunate.

3、为何男人对女人感兴趣的程度,那么远超过女人对男人感兴趣的程度? Why do men interested in woman, so much more than the extent of the woman is interested in a man?

4、人们对真理的兴趣并没有像对自我那么有兴趣。 Interest in truth is not asinterested in themselves then.

5、任何事情,到了明天,都会比今天更少使人感兴趣。 Any thing, tomorrow, will be less than today makes people interested.

6、你兴趣所在的地方,也就是你能力所在的地方。 Where are you interested in, that is, where you can.

7、兴趣意味着沉沦,当你对一个人产生兴趣的时候,你离爱上他也不远了。 Interest means destruction, when you are interested in a man, you are not far from the fall in love with him also.

8、兴趣意味着自我活动。兴趣须是多方面的,因此,要求多方面的活动。 Interest means self activities. Interest shall is various, therefore, request various activities.

9、兴趣是成功最好的老师,就因为小时候画画,我才有兴趣成为漫画家。 Interest is the best teacher in the success, because the painting as a child, I am only interested in become a cartoonist.

10、兴趣最狭窄的人懂得最少,然而什么都感兴趣的人则什么都不懂。 People understand at least the most narrow, however what are people interested in what all don't understand.

11、具有偷闲本领的人则往往有广泛的兴趣和强烈的个性。 A weekend getaway ability are often have a wide range of interests and strong personality.

12、几乎没有人会记得他所丝毫不感兴趣的事情。 Almost no one will remember what he had just not interested.

13、商人的兴趣就在那些能找到财富的地方。 The merchant's interest in the places where to find wealth.

14、在美学中我们对因果关系不感兴趣而只对关于一个事物的描述感兴趣。 We are not interested in causality in aesthetics and only interested in about the description of a thing.

15、天才就是强烈的兴趣和顽强的入迷。 Genius is strong interest and strong fascination.

16、女人对**画没有兴趣,她们真正的兴趣在于她们内在的过程。 Women have no interest in pornpicture, they are really interested in their internal process.

17、女人改造男人的唯一办法就是缠得他丧失了对生活的一切兴趣。 Woman transform man is the only way to tie up he lost all interest in life.

18、学问必须合乎自己的兴趣,方可得益。 Learning must accord with their interests, just can benefit.

19、学问必须合乎自己的兴趣,方才可以得益。 Knowledge must accord with their interests, just can benefit.

20、对于感兴趣的事会很努力的人,自然会对于不感兴趣的事会很不努力。 For people interested in things will be very hard,will naturally for not interested in things will be very hard.

21、对所学知识内容的兴趣可能成为学习动机。 The contents of the knowledge in interest could be learning motivation.

22、就他而言,希望她感兴趣的是事情本身,而不是因为他又兴趣才跟着凑趣。 For him, I hope she is interested in things themselves, and not because he didn't follow pleasure and interest.

23、幸福的秘诀是:尽量扩大你的兴趣范围, The secret of happiness is: try to expand the scope of your interest, friendly to people and objects of interest as far as possible.

24、惟有对外界事物抱有兴趣才能保持人们精神上的健康。 Only an interest to the outside world things could keep people mental health.

25、我已经没有时间去对我不感兴趣的事情再产生兴趣。 I don't have time to interested in things it doesn't interest me again.

26、所有的天才都有自己的兴趣。同样每一个人都有自己的兴趣,那么世界就有无数个天才。 All the genius has its own interest. Also each and every one has his own interest, then the world will have innumerable genius.


28、有些人那么聪明,以至于你会怀疑还有什么事能使他们感兴趣。 Some people are so smart that you wonder what would make them interested in.

29、极其单调的生活,能够使人丧失生存下去的兴趣与勇气。 Extremely monotonous life, can make the person lose interest and courage to survive.

30、每个兴趣都是生活的一个支点,支点越多,你的生活越不容易崩溃。 Every interest is a fulcrum of the life, the more protection, your life is not easy to collapse.

31、没有兴趣,就不存在成功。唯有兴趣可以使人快乐! No interest, there is no success. Interest is the only thing that make you happy.

32、真实的世界使我感兴趣,因为它是可塑的。 The real world that interests me, because it is plastic.

33、真正的闲暇并不是说什么也不做,而是能够*地做自己感兴趣的事情。 Real leisure is not to say don't do anything, but are free to do what they are interested in.

34、真理没有轰动效应。而大众对轰动的东西感兴趣,他们对了解真理不感兴趣。 Truth not sensationalism. And the public interested in sensational things, they are not interested in to know the truth.

35、经济趋势研究专家、财经评论家时寒冰。 Economic trends research experts, financial commentator ice.

36、自己对什么最感兴趣,除非你先谈起你并不太感兴趣的事情。我是说有时候你自己简直做不了主。 Oneself are interested in what is best, unless you first wasn't interested in things about you. I mean, sometimes you just can't do the Lord.上一页12下一页
