1、下次你路过,人间已无我。 Next time you pass, there is no me in the world.

2、不准情绪化,不准偷偷想念,不准回头看,要开心。 Do not be emotional, do not miss secretly, do not look back, to be happy.

3、为何多情的人总被无情的伤,付出真心换回狼狈的摸样。 Why the sentimental person is always ruthless hurt, pay sincere to exchange for the feeling of distress.

4、什么是人生关键性的一刻,是一个决定,是一次选择。 What is the critical moment of life is a decision, a choice.

5、他未对我半分好,偏巧这感情疯长似野草。 He didn't give me half a good score, and it happened that the feeling was wild.

6、你从一个我无法停止想念的人,变成陌生人。 You have changed from a person I can't stop missing and become a stranger.

7、你凭什么不努力,又什么都想要。 You want nothing because you don't work hard.

8、你没那么多观众,别让自己那么累。 You don't have so many audiences. Don't let yourself be so tired.

9、你看见事情,你理解事情。你是在一旁默默观察的人。 You see things, you understand things. You are the one who is watching silently.

10、几年后在大街上看到一个像我的背影你会不会追上来。 In a few years, you will catch up with a back like me in the street.

11、北冥有鱼,其名为鲲。鲲之大,不知其几千里也。 There are fish in Beiming, which is called Kun. Kun is big, I don't know it thousands of miles.

12、只要你还愿意为自己努力,世界会给你惊喜。 As long as you are willing to work for yourself, the world will surprise you.

13、后来我终于忘记你了,连提起都剩下笑意。 Later I forgot you, and I still have a smile to mention.

14、告诉我你在乎,山穷水尽我也等。 Tell me you care, I wait when the mountains are in poverty.

15、在你眼中,我是不是就这样可有可无。 In your eyes, I am not so.

16、堕入封闭的地牢,在感知的小小世界里,我累了。 Fall into the closed dungeon, in the small world of perception, I am tired.

17、孤男寡女时,女生说好冷是一种耍流氓的行为。 When the lonely, the girl said that good cold is a kind of hooliganism behavior.

18、就是很丧,你能拿我怎样。 It's just a loss. What can you do with me.

19、常常在回忆里挣扎,有很多过去无法释怀。 Often struggling in memories, there are many past can not be relieved.

20、当你感到悲哀痛苦时,最好是去学些什么东西。 When you feel sad and painful, it's best to learn something.

21、心痛了,停止了呼吸,就这样一切都结束了。 My heart hurts, I stop breathing, so it's over.

22、愿你从认识我的那一刻,只爱我一人。 May you love me only from the moment you know me.

23、我不相信命运,命运只掌握在我手中。 I don't believe in fate, and destiny is in my hands.

24、我已经习惯,我们之间越来越多的沉默。 I've been used to the growing silence between us.

25、我把青春耗在暗恋里,却不能和你在一起。 I spend my youth in secret love, but I can't be with you.

26、我教出来的男人,现在却百般疼爱其他女人。 The men I taught now love other women in all ways.

27、我笑着说忘了,其实都记得,只是这些都没有意义罢了。 I laughed and said I forgot, but I remember it all, but none of them made sense.

28、我见众生皆草木,唯你是青山。 I see all living beings are grass and wood, but you are green mountain.

29、我跟其他女生一样,生气了也想让人哄。 I am as angry as other girls and I want to be coax.

30、或许是我把暧昧当做是爱情,所以误了你也误了我。 Maybe I regard ambiguity as love, so you miss me.

31、承受背叛算什么,更难受的是成全背叛。 What is the burden of betrayal is more painful is complete betrayal.

32、收银员说:没零钱了,找你两个塑料袋吧。 The cashier said: there is no change. Please find two plastic bags for you.

33、放下该放下的你、退出没结局的剧。 Put down the you that should be put down, quit the play without ending.

34、有些人是很好,不认识会更好。 Some people are very good, and it will be better not to know each other.

35、有时候觉得自己变丑了,拿出身份证一看,发现多虑了。 Sometimes I feel ugly, take out my ID card and see that I think I am more worried.

36、有那么个名字装在心里,有些话就这么腐烂在心里。 There is a name in the heart, some words so rotten in the heart.

37、有钱说什么都是硬道理,没钱说什么都是吹牛逼。 Money is hard to say, no money to say anything is bragging.

38、每个人的长相都很特别,活下去都需要勇气。 Everyone has a special look and it takes courage to live.

39、没有阳光花儿不香,没有爱情生活不甜。 No sunshine flowers, no fragrance, no love life is not sweet.

40、爱上你不是错,错的是,我没能让你爱上我。 It's not wrong to love you. Wrong, I can't make you fall in love with me.

41、生活就是一种态度,倒霉也是一种另类人生。 Life is an attitude, and bad luck is also a different kind of life.

42、男人负责赚钱养家,女人负责貌美如花。 Men are responsible for making money and raising their families, and women are responsible for beauty.

43、真正有故事的人不会煞费苦心的说的那么好听。 People who have stories don't really bother to say that well.

44、突如其来的脾气,往往是积攒很久的委屈。 Sudden temper, often accumulated for a long time grievance.

45、老师,你不用费尽心思给我换位置了,我坐哪都能聊。 Teacher, you don't have to worry about changing my position. I can talk anywhere I sit.

46、让我途遇你,像覆拥一阵风。 Let me meet you on my way, like a gust of wind.

47、说话的时候不认真,沉默的时候太认真。 Speak not seriously, silence is too serious.

48、遇见你,为百岁,不为一夕。 Meet you, for centenary, not for a night.

49、长大这两个字看着就孤独,连偏旁部首都没有。 Growing up these two words look lonely, even the capital side has no.

50、长安城有人歌诗三百,歌尽了悲欢。 Chang'an City has a song of 300 poems, songs have gone through sorrow and joy.