1、一见钟情,再而衰,三而竭。 Love at first sight, and then decline, three and exhausted.

2、一辈子那么长,我都给你。 I'll give it to you for a lifetime.

3、不是你不笑,一笑粉就掉! It's not that you don't laugh, and you'll lose the powder when you smile!

4、不用见日月,你就是星辰。 You don't have to see the sun and the moon, you are the stars.

5、不要怀疑,现在都是直接来的! Don't doubt, it's all direct!

6、今日限定,本人全糖去冰。 Today limit, I sugar to ice.

7、但愿人长久,千里不长肉。 I wish you a long life without meat.

8、何必作贱自己、敷衍了别人。 Why do you humble yourself, perfunctory others.

9、你出现一次,我心动一次。 Once you show up, I get a heartbeat.

10、你在我怀中,宇宙才完整。 You are in my arms, the universe is complete.

11、你的伞下有我,我的心上有你。 You have me under your umbrella and you in my heart.

12、你的妩媚,只有莪可以领悟。 Your charm, only I can understand.

13、你的话,我连标点符号都不信。 I don't believe in punctuation.

14、你被捕了,因为你涉嫌喜欢我。 You're under arrest because you're suspected of liking me.

15、你要是愿意,我就永远存在。 If you like, I will always exist.

16、做我的小公猪,天天吃猪饲料。 Do my little boar, eat pig feed every day.

17、偷看没用,忘不了我你得承认。 It's no use peeking at me. You have to admit it.

18、凡事看得开,生活才能嗨。 Everything is open, life can be hi.

19、只要功夫深,一日夫妻百日恩。 As long as the Kung Fu is deep, one day the husband and wife will be gracious for a hundred days.

20、可爱之人,必有可胖之处。 Lovely people, there must be fat.

21、和你拥抱,简直是可爱满怀。 It's lovely to hug you.

22、喝酒吗,同归于尽的那种。 Drinking, the same kind of death.

23、堵住你的嘴,打断你的腿。 Stop your mouth and break your legs.

24、失去了你,什么才是生活。 Without you, what is life.

25、姐妹依然在,永远不分开。 Sisters are still there, never separated.

26、就算是一场戏,也有结局不是? Even if it's a play, it has an end, doesn't it?

27、年底总结,发现只赚到了年龄。 At the end of the year, I found that I only earned my age.

28、幸福,不是曹操,说到就到。 Happiness, not Cao Cao, just talk about it.

29、当爱,已成过去,谁还记得谁。 Remember who is in the past, who has become love.

30、微风轻轻起,我超级想你! I miss you so much!

31、微风轻轻起,超级喜欢你。 I love you so much.

32、心动就是:完了完了完了。 Heart is: finished, finished.

33、想让你做我的小朋友,心头肉。 I want you to be my heart.

34、我们兵分两路,顶端会合。 Our soldiers are divided into two ways, meeting at the top.

35、我去宇宙了,回来摘星星给你。 I went to the universe and came back to pick up the stars for you.

36、我很好我没事,只是想哭哭。 I'm fine. I'm fine. I just want to cry.

37、我很忙,忙着可爱,忙着长大。 I'm busy, busy cute, busy growing up.

38、我望向月亮,却只看见你。 I look at the moon, but only see you.

39、我的心好冷,等着你回来爱。 My heart is so cold, waiting for you to come back to love.

40、拿份报纸上厕所,俺是读书人。 Take a newspaper to the toilet. I'm a scholar.

41、无药可救,怎么又不药而愈? No medicine can be saved, how can it be cured without medicine?

42、星河滚烫,烫死人间理想。 The Star River is boiling hot, burning to death the human ideal.

43、星辰多温柔,恰似你的眼眸。 The stars are so gentle, just like your eyes.

44、曾经,我们都是那么的骄傲。 Once, we were so proud.

45、没有旅行的生活,只能叫生存。 Life without travel can only be called survival.

46、玩笑过后,只是一途伤感。 After the joke, it's just sad.

47、珍惜现在的,展望未来的。 Cherish the present and look forward to the future.

48、琴棋书画不会,洗衣做饭嫌累。 I can't play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. I'm tired of washing and cooking.

49、生时何需久睡,死后自会长眠。 Why sleep long when you are born, you will sleep after death.

50、生活很讨厌,还好我很可爱。 Life is boring, but I'm lovely.

51、百因必有果,下个富婆就是我。 Every cause will bear fruit, and I will be the next rich woman.

52、端一碗水,出门去捉一碗月亮。 Carry a bowl of water, go out to catch a bowl of moon.

53、等你不如等死,死起码还会来。 It's better to wait for you to die. At least death will come.

54、要在江湖混,最好是光棍! If you want to live in the world, you'd better be a bachelor!

55、要胖一起胖,要瘦我先瘦。 To be fat together, to be thin, I'll be thin first.

56、论喜欢你,我可是天下第一。 In terms of liking you, I am the best in the world.

57、遇见你,是我最美丽的意外。 Meeting you is my most beautiful accident.

58、那段时间以逝去,成为了回忆。 That time passed away and became a memory.

59、闭上眼睛,我看到了我的前途。 Close my eyes and I see my future.

60、问世间情为何物?一物降一物。 What is love in the world? One thing falls one thing.