1、一个今天胜过两个明天。 One today is better than two tomorrow.

2、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。 An inch of time is an inch of gold, which is hard to buy.

3、万事开头难,每门科学都是如此。 It's hard at the beginning, every science.

4、三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。 The three armies can take over the generals, and the men can't take over the aspirations.

5、不努力怎么对得起千疮百孔的自己。 Don't try hard to be able to stand up to yourself.

6、不患人之不己知,患不知人也。 If you don't know, you don't know.

7、不经一翻彻骨寒,怎得梅花扑鼻香。 How can I get plum blossom fragrance without turning the bone cold.

8、与天地兮比寿,与日月兮齐光。 His life span is as long as this world. His virtues shine like the sun and moon..

9、人生谁无少年时,甜苦酸辛各自知。 Who has no youth in life knows its own sweet, bitter and sour.

10、人若勇敢就是自己最好的朋友。 If you are brave, you are your best friend.

11、人若有志,就不会在半坡停止。 If people have the will, they will not stop in Banpo.

12、人若软弱就是自己最大的敌人。 If a man is weak, he is his greatest enemy.

13、今天拼搏努力,他日谁与争锋。 Work hard today, who will fight with you in the future.

14、信心来自于实力,实力来自于勤奋。 Confidence comes from strength, strength comes from diligence.

15、别裁伪体亲风雅,转益多师是汝师。 The pseudo style of genre is intimate with elegance, and the teacher who benefits more is your teacher.

16、勤奋,是步入成功之门的通行证。 Diligence is the passport to success.

17、只做第一个我,不做第二个谁。 Just be the first one, not the second one.The rich make money by capital, the poor by knowledge.

18、只有不快的斧,没有劈不开的柴。 There is only an unhappy axe, no wood that cannot be split.上一页12下一页

19、只要有信心,人永远不会挫败。 As long as you have confidence, you will never be defeated.

20、含泪播种的人一定能含笑收获。 Those who sow with tears will reap with smiles.

21、哪里有意志存在,哪里就会有出路。 Where there is will, there is a way out.

22、喜欢就该珍惜,珍惜就别放弃。 Like should cherish, cherish don't give up.

23、天才不是别的,而是辛劳和勤奋。 Genius is nothing but toil and diligence.

24、失败的历程也是成功的历程。 The course of failure is also the course of success.

25、好好的管教你自己,不要管别人。 Discipline yourself and don't mind others.

26、如果你相信自己,你可以做任何事。 If you believe in yourself, you can do anything.


28、岁寒,然后知松柏之后凋也。 Only in cold winter does one know that the pine and the cypress are the last to shed their leaves.

29、常常是最终一把钥匙打开了门。 It's often the end of the day when a key opens the door.

30、年轻是本钱,但不努力就不值钱。 Youth is capital, but it is not worth money without hard work.

31、当你能梦的时候就不要放弃梦。 Don't give up your dream when you can.

32、当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞。 Don't give up flying when you can.

33、忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身。 Sorrow and labor may prosper the country, and leisure may perish.

34、快乐要懂得分享,才能加倍的快乐。 Happiness can only be doubled if we know how to share.

35、恢弘志士之气,不宜妄自菲薄。 It's not advisable to belittle yourself foryour great ambition.

36、敢于奋斗的人,心中不怕困难。 Those who dare to fight are not afraid of difficulties.

37、既靠天,也靠地,还靠自己。 It depends on both heaven and earth, and on itself.

38、有多大的思想,才有多大的能量。 How much thought, how much energy.

39、有希望在的地方,痛苦也成欢乐。 Where there is hope, pain becomes joy.

40、有理想在的地方,地狱就是天堂。 Where there is an ideal, hell is heaven.

41、未曾*付出,嚎哭都应该羞愧。 You should be ashamed to howl without fanatical devotion.

42、每一种创伤,都是一种成熟。 Every kind of trauma is a kind of maturity.

43、没有不会做的事,只有不想做的事。 There's nothing you can't do, just something you don't want to do.

44、没有伞的孩子,必须努力奔跑! Children without umbrellas must run hard!

45、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功! No failure, only a temporary stop!

46、没有希望的地方,就没有奋斗。 Where there is no hope, there is no struggle.

47、生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。 To be angry is to punish yourself for what others have done wrong.

48、用尽一切去奔赴一场未知的梦。 Go to an unknown dream with everything.

49、知不足者好学,耻下问者自满。 Those who lack knowledge are eager to learn, and those who are ashamed to ask are complacent.

50、立志欲坚不欲锐,成功在久不在速。 To be determined is not to be sharp, but to be successful for a long time is not to be quick.

51、笛里谁知壮士心,沙头空照征人骨。 In the flute, who knows the heart of a strong man? The sand head looks on the bones of men.

52、等待机会,是一种十分笨拙的行为。 Waiting for an opportunity is a very clumsy act.

53、累了可以休息,但跟放弃没关系。 Tired can rest, but it has nothing to do with giving up.

54、被人嘲笑的梦想,才有实现的价值。 The dream that is laughed at has its value.

55、要想改变命运,首先改变自己。 If you want to change your destiny, first change yourself.

56、计较眼前的人,会失去未来。 If you care about the present, you will lose the future.

57、跌下去是耻辱,站起来是尊严。 To fall is disgrace, to stand is dignity.

58、过去属于死神,现在属于自己。 The past belongs to the God of death, but now it belongs to itself.

59、这一秒不放弃,下一秒就会有希望。 If you don't give up in one second, there will be hope in the next.

60、适可而止的放弃不会输得太惨。 Giving up in time won't lose too much.

61、逆境是达到真理的一条通路。 Adversity is a path to truth.
