1、一个无声的拥抱,对一颗不快乐的心来说,就是千言万语了。 A silent hug, for an unhappy heart, is a thousand words.

2、一生一世,我只给了我自己,与你无关。 All my life, I only give myself, it has nothing to do with you.

3、上天完全是为了坚强你的意志,才在道路上设下重重的障碍。 God is to strengthen your will, only in the road set down many obstacles.

4、不必讨好所有的人,正如不必铭记所有的昨天。 You don't have to please all people, just as you don't have to remember all yesterday.

5、世界上有一千种等待,最好的那一种,叫做来日可期。 There are a thousand kinds of waiting in the world. The best one is called futurike.

6、世界太暗,人心太黑,我们太假,爱情太傻。 The world is too dark, the heart is too black, we are too fake, love is too silly.

7、人生就像愤怒的小鸟,每次你失败了,总有那么几只猪在那笑。 Life is like angry birds, every time you fail, there are always a few pigs laughing there.

8、以为遮住耳朵就听不见,心碎的声音在蔓延。 I think I can't hear when I cover my ears. The sound of heartbreak is spreading.

9、你应该很孤独吧,一个人住在我的心里,没有邻居。 You should be very lonely, a person living in my heart, no neighbors.

10、像记得回家的路一样,记得理想和远方。 Like remembering the way home, remembering the ideal and the distance.

11、再难过总归会过去,就像大雨过后总会有天晴。 No matter how sad it is, it will pass, just like the sunny day after the heavy rain.

12、刚遇到你的那天,阳光很好,你笑得也很好看。 Just met you that day, the sun is very good, you smile is also very good-looking.

13、别跟我说对不起,我不想说那句违心的没关系。 Don't tell me I'm sorry. I don't want to say that against my will. It doesn't matter.

14、到不了的就是永远,忘不了的就是曾经。 What can't be reached is forever, what can't be forgotten is once.

15、单车想旅行,带着你的心,不要离我而去,要走一起走。 Bicycle want to travel, with your heart, don't leave me, to walk together.

16、变幻的人生避无可避,想掩耳盗铃都有人拿着相机围观你。 The changeable life is unavoidable. If you want to hide your ears and steal bells, someone will be watching you with a camera.

17、哪有什么人间不值得,其实都是人间良人。 What is not worthy of human, in fact, are human lovers.

18、喜欢我是走马克思主义正道,知道该怎么做了么? Do you know what to do?

19、在你的世界中,总会有个人比想象中爱你。 In your world, there will always be someone who loves you more than you think.

20、在同一片天空下,只是想想就觉得狠幸福。 In the same sky, just think about it, I feel very happy.

21、崇光真的爱林萧,他变成陆烧只是换了个方式爱她。 Chongguang really loves Lin Xiao. When he becomes Lu Shao, he just loves her in another way.

22、幸好爱情不是一切,幸好一切不都是爱情。 Fortunately, love is not everything. Fortunately, everything is not love.

23、心迹未予外人阅,花枝一束故人香。 The heart is not read by outsiders, but a bouquet of old friends.

24、心里这个位置,一直留给你的。 This position in my heart has always been left to you.

25、忘记你我做不到,不去天涯海角在我身边就好。 Forget you I can't do, don't go to the ends of the earth, just by my side.

26、总是在最不懂爱的年纪,遇上最美好的爱情。 Always in the most do not understand the age of love, met the best love.

27、成熟是给陌生人看的,幼稚是给喜欢的人看的。 Mature is for strangers, naive is for people who like.

28、我不是喜欢钱,我喜欢*和尊严,但是钱能带来*和尊严。 I don't like money, I like freedom and dignity, but money can bring freedom and dignity.

29、我希望有个人陪我从短发齐耳到长发齐腰,从校服到婚纱。 I want someone to accompany me from short hair to long hair, from school uniform to wedding dress.

30、我想你,大概也只能是曾经可以做的事情了。 I think you can only do things once.

31、我要把我的温柔可爱都藏起来留给喜欢的你。 I want to hide my tenderness and loveliness for you who like me.

32、所有的大人都曾经是小孩,虽然,只有少数的人记得。 All adults used to be children, though, only a few remember.

33、找女朋友别找我这样的,太多人追,给不了你安全感。 Looking for a girlfriend, don't look for me, too many people chase, can't give you a sense of security.

34、把恋爱的酸臭味忘了吧,你只需要记住钱的芳香。 Forget the sour smell of love, you just need to remember the fragrance of money.

35、无论过去发生过什么,你要相信,最好的尚未到来。 No matter what happened in the past, you have to believe that the best has not yet come.

36、时间真的会冲淡一切,人真的会败给时间。 Time will really dilute everything, people will really lose to time.

37、是不是我消失了,你才知道我的存在。 If I disappear, you will know that I exist.

38、有时候想大喊一声,却怕别人用看神经病的眼神鄙视我。 Sometimes I want to shout, but I'm afraid that other people will look at me with disdain.

39、有时候把别人看得太重,结果在别人眼里自己什么都不是。 Sometimes you take others too seriously, and as a result, you are nothing in other people's eyes.

40、有时觉得生活也就这样了,没有什么期待,也没啥好失望的。 Sometimes I feel that life is like this, there is no expectation, there is no disappointment.

41、本来很近的两个人,变得很远,甚至比以前更远。 Originally very close two people, become far away, even farther than before.

42、没心没肺的现在,是有个掏心掏肺的曾经。 Heartless now, there is a heart lung once.

43、没有背景的人更需要加倍的努力。 People without background need to redouble their efforts.

44、渔船孤灯,寒风彻骨,冰冷不及你言语半分。 Fishing boat lights, cold wind, cold less than half of your words.

45、生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。 Life is a hero, death is a ghost.

46、矫正他人的行为,而不应舍弃他。 Correct the behavior of others, not abandon them.

47、若当初不识不知不爱不恋,岂会这般患得患失贪得无厌。 If I didn't know, I didn't love and didn't love at the beginning, how could I be so greedy for gain and loss.

48、要有多失望,才可以对你做到不闻不问、不痛不痒、彻底忘记。 How disappointed you must be before you can be indifferent, painless and completely forgotten.

49、要给成功找方法,不给失败找理由。 We should find a way to success, not a reason for failure.

50、请允许我尘埃落定,用沉默埋葬过去。 Please allow me to settle the dust and bury the past with silence.