1、一个人能承担的没必要两个人分享。 There is no need for two people to share what one can afford.

2、不吵不闹放你走,是我给你最后的温柔。 No noise, no noise, let you go, I give you the last gentle.

3、不希望你被太多人喜欢,我喜欢就好。 I don't want you to be liked by too many people.

4、不想撞南墙了,想撞进先生的胸膛。 I don't want to hit the south wall. I want to bump into Mr. Zhang's chest.

5、不是我变了,是你不配了。 It's not that I've changed, it's you who don't deserve it.

6、与其在等待中枯萎,不如在行动中绽放。 In action, it is better to wither than to wait.

7、为了遇见你,竟花光了我所有的运气。 I spent all my luck to meet you.

8、今天你离我而赶路,一转身回头遍苍老。 Today, you leave me, turn around and look back.

9、你一如初见温暖,我却不复当年年华。 You are as warm as the first time, but I am not in my old age.

10、你以为他不喜欢你,实际上他还很烦你。 You think he doesn't like you, but in fact he's annoying you.

11、你单纯太过,多余了那些温柔。 You are too simple, redundant those gentleness.

12、你是我捧在手里,放在心里的宝贝。 You are the baby I hold in my hand and in my heart.

13、你永远都不知道,你走之后我多么狼狈。 You never know how embarrassed I was after you left.

14、你看不到我,我却未曾远离过你。 You can't see me, but I haven't been far away from you.

15、做腻了小仙女,想做你的太太。 Tired of being a fairy, I want to be your wife.

16、先动心的人是你,越陷越深的人是我。 You are the first person to move, and I am the one who gets deeper and deeper.

17、只要你点头,我们一起走。 As long as you nod, we'll go together.

18、回忆是一座桥,却是通往寂寞的牢。 Memory is a bridge, but a * leading to loneliness.

19、复制粘贴不是抄袭,只是心情相同罢了。 Copy and paste is not plagiarism, it's just the same mood.

20、天堂有路你不走,学海无涯苦作舟。 Heaven has a way, you don't go, there is no end to learning.

21、如果下辈子再遇见,我一定要避开你。 If I meet again in the next life, I must avoid you.

22、如果不爱,就不要给希望。 If you don't love, don't give hope.

23、如果你有梦想,就要去捍卫它。 If you have a dream, defend it.

24、就当我是空气吧,起码你还需要我。 Think of me as air. At least you need me.

25、已然无关痛痒,又怎骤然心酸。 Already irrelevant, how suddenly sad.

26、已经路过的风景,就不要再打听。 Don't inquire about the scenery that has passed by.

27、幸福这个词,已经很久没有想起过。 The word happiness has not been thought of for a long time.

28、当我伤心的时候,有谁可以陪我。 When I am sad, who can accompany me.

29、忘不掉的是回忆,继续的是生活。 What we can't forget is memories, what we continue is life.

30、怦怦在左边,你在怦怦里面。 Thump on the left, you're in the thump.

31、成熟的人懂得选择,更深谙拒绝。 Mature people know how to choose and refuse.

32、我不需要取悦谁,包括你。 I don't need to please anyone, including you.

33、我们都没错,只是不适合。 We're all right, just not suitable.

34、我太可爱了,连蚊子都要亲我一口。 I'm so cute that even mosquitoes kiss me.

35、我已承受不起,你再一次的伤害。 I can't afford to hurt you again.

36、我自己是凡人,我只求凡人的幸福。 I am mortal myself, I only seek the happiness of mortals.

37、是你演技不好,还是我揭穿的太早。 Is it your bad acting, or did I expose it too early.

38、有志始知蓬莱近,无为总觉咫尺远。 If you want to know Penglai is near, you will always feel that Penglai is very close.

39、有酒就喝,有爱就做。 Drink wine when you have wine, and make it when you have love.

40、没有好好告别的人,一定会重逢的。 Those who don't say goodbye will meet again.

41、炎热的夏日,却依旧温暖不了我的心。 Hot summer, but still can not warm my heart.

42、爱是什么都介意,又什么都原谅。 Love cares about everything and forgives everything.

43、用尽一切去奔赴一场未知的梦。 Go to an unknown dream with everything.

44、突然的委屈最难说清。 Sudden grievances are hard to explain.

45、自己的热情,终究还是烫伤了自己。 Their enthusiasm, after all, or burn themselves.

46、苦尽甘来,苦不会尽,你也不会来了。 You will not come to the end.

47、请不要假装对我好,我很傻,会当真的。 Please don't pretend to be nice to me. I'm stupid and will take it seriously.

48、谁能十年悲苦付之一笑千里尽长歌。 Who can laugh at the sorrow of ten years and sing for a long time.

49、跨越那名为世界的距离,你我相遇。 Across the distance called the world, you and I meet.

50、风确定要走,云怎么挽留。 If the wind is sure to leave, how can the cloud keep it.