1、*ing love you.

2、上帝欲使其灭亡,必先使其疯狂。 If God wants to destroy it, he must first madness it.

3、不为失败找借口,只为成功找方法。 No excuses for failure, only for success.

4、不要啦,人家好害怕的。 No, people are so scared.

5、不许你们欺负他!全世界只有我才可以! You are not allowed to bully him! Only I can do it all over the world!

6、与其伤心回忆,不如微笑遗忘。 Instead of sad memories, smile forgets.

7、人不可能无欲无求,但可以学会穷途一笑。 People can't have no desire and no need, but they can learn to laugh at the poor.

8、人生如戏,每个人不过只是角色扮演。 Life is like a play, everyone is just role play.

9、人生如逆旅,我亦是行人。 Life is like an adverse journey, I am also a pedestrian.

10、今天有件特别的事,特别想你。 There is something special today, especially miss you.

11、你不珍惜,我不低头,就此别过。 You don't cherish it. I don't bow down. Don't pass on it.

12、你们以后再这样,就别怪我翻脸不是人了! You will do this again later, don't blame me for turning my face on the other hand!

13、你可以念旧,但别期望一切如初。 You can study, but don't expect everything to be the same.

14、你吃不到的葡萄,我吃着特别甜。 I eat grapes that you can't eat. I'm very sweet.

15、你家的洁厕剂和妇炎洁是一个用法的。 Your home toilet cleaner and women's Yanjie are a usage.

16、你敢让我姐妹伤心、我就让你彻底心碎。 You dare to make my sister sad, I will make you heartbroken completely.

17、你的眼睛中,我看到的尽是虚伪。 In your eyes, I see all hypocrisy.

18、你的脖子真可爱,上面顶个猪脑袋。 Your neck is lovely. There is a pig head on it.

19、你说的开始,是我们结束的倒计时。 You said the beginning, is the countdown of our end.

20、你那同情似的爱情,劳资我不稀罕。 I don't want your sympathetic love.

21、做人呢,是该傲,但是给你脸呢,你得要! Be a man, it is proud, but give you face, you have to!

22、分手就分手,你去蚂蚁庄园揍我的鸡干嘛? Break up and break up. What are you doing to beat my chicken at ant farm?

23、别欺小伙太年少,给你面子你得要。 Don't deceive the young. You have to give you face.

24、别问老子哪路人,孤家寡人。 Don't ask me who you are, alone.

25、占我便宜你别笑,善恶到头终有报。 Take advantage of me, don't laugh, good and evil will eventually be rewarded.

26、却爱理不理。 I love you so much, but you

27、原来天长地久,只是误会一场。 It turns out that it has been a long time, but it is just a misunderstanding.

28、哥,不寂寞。因为有寂寞陪着哥。 Brother, not lonely. Because there is loneliness with brother.

29、壮心未与年俱老,死去犹能作鬼雄。 If you are not old enough, you can die as a ghost.

30、天上有繁星,地上有流萤,人间还有你。 There are stars in the sky, there are fluorites on the ground, and you in the world.

31、太阳真的好问暖暖,是晒眼泪的时候。 The sun really asked warm, is the time to dry tears.

32、好马不吃回头草,你却吃了一遍又一遍。 Good horses don't eat the hay, but you eat it over and over again.

33、如果放不下过去,就别奢望有美好的未来。 If you can't put it down, don't expect a better future.

34、如果爱,请深爱,如果不爱,手放开。 If love, please love deeply, if not, let go of your hand.

35、宁可辛苦一阵子,不要苦一辈子。 Rather than hard for a while, not a lifetime.

36、对不起,你不想听的,恰好我不想说。 Sorry, you don't want to hear, just as I don't want to say it.

37、对自己好点,因为没人会把你当回事。 Be nice to yourself, because no one will take you seriously.

38、小舟从此逝,江海寄余生。 The boat died from now on, and the sea sent it for the rest of his life.

39、年轻不是你玩的理由,而是你奋斗的资本。 Youth is not the reason you play, but the capital you struggle for.

40、当我不哭不闹时,才是真的难过了。 It's really sad when I don't cry and don't make a noise.

41、得不到就是得不到,别总说你不想要。 You can't get it if you don't get it. Don't always say you don't want it.

42、成功不是先有钱,而是先有胆! Success is not money first, but courage first!


44、我不奢望理解,只需要你用心听我的诉说。 I don't expect to understand, just need you to listen to my story.

45、我不整理房间,我是乱室佳人。 I don't clean my room. I'm a mess.

46、我不能逛街,一逛街就发现自己什么都缺! I can't shop, I find myself short of anything when I go shopping!

47、我不虚情假意,怎配你犯贱到底。 I am not hypocritical, how to deserve you to be cheap to the end.

48、我们若已接受最坏的,就再没有什么损失。 If we have accepted the worst, we will have no loss.

49、我们都在变,何必感概从前。 We are all changing, why should we feel the past.

50、我是怪物吗?为什么你对我总是退避三分。 Am I a monster? Why do you always retreat from me by three points.

51、我爬过,但是我从来没怕过。 I've climbed, but I've never been afraid.

52、我胖都那么好看了,瘦下去还得了。 I am so fat and beautiful, I can still lose weight.

53、我胸小,没有错,我全身都是精华。 My breasts are small. I am all right.

54、我走的路很黑,你拿什么体会。 I'm walking in a dark way. What do you think.

55、我这辈子都是你的公主殿下,你逃不掉的。 My life is your princess, your highness, you can't escape.

56、抽烟的人有故事,喝酒的人有心事。 The smoker has a story, and the drinker has a heart.

57、放下所有,只留一身放荡不羁。 Let go of all, only one body of unrestrained.

58、时间摆平了所有的伤痛,我也摆平了回忆。 Time has leveled all the pain, and I also set the memory.

59、有一种畜生,长得很像你。 There is a kind of animal, looks like you.

60、有些事一转身,就一辈子。 Some things turn around and live their lives.

61、有志不在年高,无志空长百岁。 If you have ambition, you will not be high, and you will not be able to grow a hundred years old.

62、有钱的时候败家,没钱的时候拜神。 When you have money, you lose your family. When you don't have money, you will worship.

63、毕竟只有一张嘴,怎么感动好多人。 After all, there is only one mouth, how to move many people.

64、爱你是我乐意,不爱你是我的权利。 Love you is my pleasure, not love you is my right.

65、现在,除了快递,我谁都不会等。 Now, I can't wait for anyone except express.

66、生活处处是坎坷,笑到最后是大哥。 Life is full of ups and downs. It's big brother who laughs at the end.

67、皇图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 Huang Tu is a drunk in his life.

68、盖世垃圾,丢了就丢了。 Gayssey trash, lost, lost.

69、睡着睡着,就睡出了理想和口水。 Sleep and sleep, and sleep out of ideal and saliva.

70、累么。累就对了,舒服是留给死人的。 Tired. Tired is right. Comfort is for the dead.

71、美人三分钟就腻了,丑八怪却永久不灭。 Beauty is tired in three minutes, but the ugly eight monsters will never die out.

72、群山万壑赴荆门,生长*尚有村。 Mountains and ravines go to Jingmen, and LinBiao still has villages.

73、虽然你单身,但是你胖若两人。 Although you are single, you are fat as two.

74、认错爽快,但死不悔改。 It is easy to admit mistakes, but I don't regret death.

75、讨厌一个人,连听到名字都觉得恶心! Hate a person, even hear the name feel disgusting!

76、谈恋爱吗,谈两天,这周末我没事。 Love? Two days. I'm fine this weekend.

77、走了就别回来,我不是收破烂的。 Don't come back when you leave. I'm not a rag.

78、走自己的路,让别人打车去吧。 Take your own way and let others take a taxi.

79、这个社会,只能靠我们自己。 This society can only rely on ourselves.

80、这年头和尚也寂寞,每天逛人家尼姑庵。 These days, monks are lonely, and they visit nunnery every day.


82、醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回。 Don't laugh when you are drunk on the battlefield. How many people have fought in ancient times.

83、青春献给小酒桌,醉生梦死就是喝。 Youth dedicated to the small wine table, drunk dream death is drinking.

84、驴啊,别再读了,都知道你是谁啦。 Donkey, don't read it again. You know who you are.