1、世界上只有一个名字,使我这样牵肠挂肚,像有一根看不见的线,一头牢牢系在我心尖上,一头攥在你手中。 There is only one name in the world, which makes me so worried, like an invisible thread, one firmly tied to the tip of my heart, the other firmly held in your hands.

2、亲爱的,你那迷人的微笑,动人的美貌,温暖的怀抱,善良的美好,让我已也无可救药,除了你我谁都不要,愿爱你到老! Dear, your charming smile, moving beauty, warm arms, kind beauty, make me hopeless, no one except you and me, wish to love you till old!

3、人生的路很长很长,让我陪你一起走吧。我愿与你搭建一个属于我们自己的天空。 The road of life is very long. Let me go with you. I would like to build a sky of our own with you.

4、人说相思苦,离人心上苦缠绵。我说相思难,山高路远难相见。一点愁感慨万千,红豆应无言。 People say that acacia is bitter, and they are bitter and lingering in their hearts. I say it's hard to miss each other. It's hard to see each other on a long way. A little sorrow, a thousand regrets, red beans should be speechless.

5、你像小鱼一样,偶尔浮出水面呼吸新鲜空气;而我就像蛇一样,每天盯着太阳出洞;只是为了能够再次见到你。 Like a little fish, you occasionally come out of the water to breathe fresh air; like a snake, I stare at the sun every day to make a hole; just to be able to see you again.

6、你所在之处,即是我不得不思念的天涯海角。 Where you are is the end of the world I have to miss.

7、你是我的一切,上帝让你来到我身边,我真是太幸运。 You are everything to me. I am so lucky that God let you come to me.

8、你是我的影子,有阳光的时候就有你!你是我的阳光,有风雨的日子需要你!你是我的风雨,同路的日子不忘彼此! You are my shadow, when there is sunshine, there is you! You are my sunshine. You are needed in rainy days! You are my wind and rain, do not forget each other in the same day!

9、你有可能会忘记自己的身份证号码,忘记你的邮件地址,或者周年纪念日。可是,我的电话号码我希望你永远也不要忘记。 You may forget your ID number, your email address, or your anniversary. However, I hope you will never forget my phone number.

10、你的幸福我来建筑,你的顽固我来让步,你的糊涂我来弥补。 I will build your happiness, give in to your stubbornness, and make up for your confusion.

11、你的手机,贴着你的身体;我的信息贴着手机,真想冲破这屏幕,让我抱着你,生死轮回,我爱的唯有你! Your mobile phone is close to your body; my information is close to your mobile phone, I really want to break through this screen, let me hold you, life and death cycle, I love only you!

12、你看现在人民币都更新换代了,我们的关系是不是也更新下呢? You see now that the RMB has been updated, is our relationship also updated?

13、依依脉脉两如何,细似柔丝渺似波。月不常圆花易落,一生惆怅为伊多。 According to the pulse two how, thin like soft silk misty wave. The moon is not always round and the flowers fall easily. I feel sad all my life.

14、其实要过那条马路并不难,就看谁在对面等你。 In fact, it's not difficult to cross that road. It depends on who is waiting for you.

15、喜欢是淡淡的爱,爱是深深的喜欢。 Like is light love, love is deep like.

16、回想起我们在一起的日子,我就忍不住一阵阵的心痛。不是曾经说好了不要分开的吗?你怎么忍心就这样丢下我一个! When I think back to the days when we were together, I can't help but feel heartache. Didn't it ever say don't separate? How can you bear to leave me alone like this!

17、因为有你,世界变得美丽;因为有你,生活有了意义;因为有你,一切都是甜蜜。 Because of you, the world becomes beautiful; because of you, life has meaning; because of you, everything is sweet.

18、因为知道不能没有你,所以我会更珍惜。 Because I know I can't live without you, so I will cherish it more.

19、在冰箱的鸡蛋上画上你的脸,让我随时可以看到你。 Draw your face on the eggs in the refrigerator so that I can see you at any time.

20、在繁忙的工作中请您接受我最真挚的诚意和祝福;愿我的祝福消除一天工作带来的疲劳;愿幸福和快乐伴随着您生活的每一天。 In the busy work, please accept my most sincere sincerity and blessings; may my blessings eliminate the fatigue caused by the work of a day; may happiness and happiness accompany every day of your life.

21、在那相思风雨中,我们再次牵手高歌,就让我的相思,随着那风飘到你的心里,这雨就是我为你流下的眼泪。想你。 In the wind and rain of Acacia, we hold hands and sing again, let my Acacia, with the wind floating to your heart, this rain is my tears for you. I miss you.

22、地球仍然转着,世间依旧善变,而我永远爱你。 The earth is still turning, the world is still changing, and I love you forever.

23、好感永远不能代替爱情,咖啡再怎么醇香也无法代替一杯清香的绿茶。 Good feeling can never replace love. No matter how mellow coffee is, it can never replace a cup of green tea.

24、如果你爱我,我愿折断天使的羽冀,只为人世间与你的这次相遇;如果你爱我,我愿来世青灯古佛,但求修得今生永不分离。 If you love me, I would like to break the wings of the angel, only for this meeting with you in the world; if you love me, I would like to live a life of green light and ancient Buddha, but for the cultivation of this life will never be separated.

25、如果这一生我们爱不够,来世必能长久。 If we don't love enough in this life, the next life will last.

26、对你的思念太重,压断了电话线,烧坏了手机卡,掏尽了钱包袋,吃光了安眠药,唉!可我还是想见你。 I miss you so much. I broke the phone line, burned my cell phone card, took out my wallet and took all the sleeping pills. Alas! But I still want to see you.

27、山那边明明有水,水那边明明明路,人明明可以忘记,而我却不肯放弃,我宁愿让山去倒,让路去崎岖,让人去走。 There is clear water on the other side of the mountain and clear road on the other side of the water. People can forget it clearly, but I will not give up. I prefer to let the mountain fall, the road go rugged and let people go.

28、当我决定和你度过下半辈子时,我希望我的下半生赶快开始。 When I decide to spend the second half of my life with you, I hope that the second half of my life will start soon.

29、很想把你从我的记忆中抹去,却总是身不由己地想起你:在梦中的每时每刻,在醒时的分分秒秒。 I want to erase you from my memory, but I always can't help thinking of you: every moment in my dream, every minute when I wake up.

30、心已经被撕碎,散在空气里飞,像花朵已枯萎,无法再次收回。 The heart has been torn, scattered in the air, like flowers have withered, can not be recovered.

31、思念的路,漫漫无边,雨后的虹,美丽瞬间,空中的云,随风飘散,心中的舟,以爱为帆,没见到你,心中思念! The way of missing, boundless, rainbow after rain, beautiful moment, clouds in the air, drifting with the wind, boat in the heart, sail with love, never see you, missing in the heart!

32、我希望你能给我一个机会,照顾你。爱护你。平平淡淡和你一起慢慢变老! I hope you can give me a chance to take care of you. Love you. Flat light with you slowly grow old!

33、我的前世也许是只鸟。—如果你是一只鸟,那我也是一只鸟。 My previous life may have been a bird. If you are a bird, then I am also a bird.

34、我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。 I know you like this song best. I know your mind. I miss you.

35、我都舍不得欺负的人,哪能让别人欺负? I am reluctant to bully people, how can I let others bully?

36、无论如何,只要我所爱的能够平安活下去,我就别无所求了。 In any case, as long as my love you can live safely, I have nothing to ask for.

37、时光就像是一场地震,趁年少如花,路途遥远,我们在一起吧。 Time is like an earthquake. Let's be together when we are young and have a long way to go.

38、每天早起一个小时,一起去做晨练,这是你送给对方最好的礼物。 Get up an hour early every day and do morning exercises together. This is the best gift you can give each other.

39、没有你的时侯,色彩是单一的,没有你的时侯,饭菜是无味的,没有你的时侯,我是空心的! Without you, the color is single, without you, the food is tasteless, without you, I am hollow!

40、爱神告诉我,爱是缘分,爱是感动,爱是习惯,爱是宽容,爱是牺牲,爱是体谅,爱是一辈子的承诺! Love God told me that love is fate, love is moving, love is habit, love is tolerance, love is sacrifice, love is understanding, love is a lifetime commitment!

41、爱,从来就是一件千回百转的事。不曾被离弃,不曾受伤害,怎懂得爱人?爱,原来是一种经历,但愿人长久。 Love is always a matter of thousands of turns. Never been abandoned, never hurt, how to know how to love? Love, it turns out, is an experience. I hope it lasts.

42、眼睛看着你的脸,鼻子闻着你的味,耳朵听着你的音,但是我的脑袋里却没有你,因为,你已经永远印在了我心里。 Eyes look at your face, nose smell your smell, ears listen to your voice, but I don't have you in my head, because you have been imprinted in my heart forever.

43、等待你的归来,让我热情炽热地燃烧。 Waiting for your return, let me burn with enthusiasm.

44、红花绿叶大苹果,一天不见想死我,你是我前世的一盏灯,照亮我的后半生。 Red flowers, green leaves and big apples, I don't want to die one day. You are a lamp of my previous life, illuminating the second half of my life.

45、自从人生路上遇到你,我的生活便色彩绚丽。你是我的唯一,我将一生伴随你。不管今生多大的风雨,我们永远相守不分离。 Since I met you on my way of life, my life has been colorful. You are my only one, I will accompany you all my life. No matter how big the storm in this life, we will never be separated.

46、花落一地,散落成歌,心碎千片,飘落成雨。 Flowers fall on the ground, scattered into songs, broken hearts, falling into rain.

47、跟你说过多少次了,晚上要当心,不要出门,你就是不听,这不,昨天晚上又跑到我的梦里来了,害得我不愿醒来! How many times have I told you that you should be careful in the evening. Don't go out. You just won't listen. No, I ran into my dream again last night, which made me reluctant to wake up!

48、这些年里见过许多人,得出结论您才是我惟一最爱的人,并愿意使您终生幸福。 I have met many people over the years, and I have come to the conclusion that you are the only one I love most and willing to make you happy for life.

49、遇总是点点头,想说总是难开口,视线相交的一瞬间,我已感觉到你的温柔。 Meet always nods, want to say always difficult to open mouth, sight intersects the moment, I already felt your gentleness.

50、那天我一个人在街上走,雨很大,地很滑,我不小心摔了一跤,把我的心摔了出来,上面竟然有你的名字。 I was walking alone in the street that day. It rained heavily and the ground was slippery. I accidentally fell and broke my heart. It even had your name on it.