1、一招一式强素质,一步一动抓规范,一点一滴促养成。 One move is of strong quality, one step at a time, and one drop at a time.

2、不要忘记昨天,认真计划明天,好好把握今天。 Don't forget yesterday, plan tomorrow carefully, and grasp today well.

3、与时间赛跑,向问题亮剑,与自己较量。 Race against time, fight against problems and yourself.

4、为了将来,为了现在,为了你的后代,要好好学习! For the future, for the present, for your future generations, we should study hard!

5、云是那样的洁白,那样的纯洁,那样的使人舒心。 Clouds are so white, so pure, so comforting.

6、信念使人发奋,信念使人进步,信念使人成长。 Faith makes people energetic, faith makes people progress, faith makes people grow.

7、做长远打算,交长远朋友,赢长远利益,干长远事业。 Make long-term plans, make long-term friends, win long-term interests and do long-term business.

8、偶像是被追求,偶像是被崇拜,偶像是不可缺少的。 Idols are pursued, idols are worshipped, idols are indispensable.

9、先人一步,快人一拍,胜人一筹。 One step ahead, one shot fast, one step ahead.

10、公园里,有的拍照,有的荡秋千,有的看风景。 In the park, some take photos, some swing, some see the scenery.

11、关心是一种付出,关心是一种奉献,关心是一种美德。 Caring is a kind of giving, caring is a kind of dedication, caring is a virtue.

12、关心是主动的沟通,是贴心的表达,是友爱的体现。 Caring is active communication, intimate expression and embodiment of friendship.

13、凶恶是一种软弱,凶恶是一种恐惧,凶恶是一种绝望。 Ferocity is weakness, ferocity is fear, ferocity is despair.

14、劳动使我们快乐;使我们勤劳;使我们愉悦。 Labor makes us happy; labor makes us industrious; labor makes us happy.

15、后悔是没用的,后悔是多余的,后悔是于事无补的。 Regret is useless. Regret is superfluous. Regret is useless.

16、善良是一种优点,一种乐观,一种责任。 Kindness is an advantage, an optimism and a responsibility.

17、善良是温暖的心,是甘甜的露,是早晨的阳光。 Kindness is warm heart, sweet dew and sunshine in the morning.

18、团结就是鼓舞;团结就是士气;团结就是力量。 Unity is encouragement; unity is morale; unity is strength.

19、夏天的夜晚,是浪漫的,是幽静的,是休闲的。 Summer night, is romantic, is quiet, is leisure.

20、天是那么崇高,山是那么高大,水是那么柔情。 The sky is so lofty, the mountain is so tall, and the water is so tender.

21、天空悠悠飘落的雪,啊,多么纯洁,多么晶莹剔透。 The snow falling in the sky, ah, how pure, how crystal clear.

22、天空是多么蓝,草地是多么绿,孩子们是多么快乐! How blue the sky is, how green the grass is, how happy the children are!

23、天越来越冷,风越来越大,手越来越冰! It's getting colder and colder, the wind is getting bigger and bigger, the hands are getting colder and colder!

24、家是一盏灯,家是一个屋檐,家是一张柔软的床。 Home is a lamp, a eave and a soft bed.

25、家是心灵的乐园,家是停泊的港湾,家是希望的驿站。 Home is a paradise for the soul, a harbor for parking, and a Posthouse of hope.

26、小河里有鱼儿在游,有草儿在动,还有泥土在流。 There are fish swimming in the river, grass moving, and soil flowing.

27、当好千里马,做好领头羊,争当孺子牛。 Be a good horse, a good leader and a good ox.

28、我们要珍惜过去,珍惜现在,珍惜未来! We should cherish the past, the present and the future!

29、我要守护梦想,守护爱情,守护亲情。 I want to protect dreams, love and family.

30、时间就是生命;时间就是效率;时间就是速度。 Time is life; time is efficiency; time is speed.

31、星空是那样的壮丽,那样的浩瀚,那样的奇妙。 The starry sky is so magnificent, so vast, so wonderful.

32、春天生机盎然,春天处处生机,春天鸟语花香。 Spring is full of vitality, spring is full of vitality, spring is full of birds and flowers.

33、智慧是钥匙,智慧是帆船,智慧是风筝。 Wisdom is the key, sailing boat and kite.

34、月亮像一个银盆,像一个铜镜,又像一个大月饼。 The moon is like a silver basin, a bronze mirror and a big moon cake.

35、月光如水,月光如画,月光如诗,月光如歌。 Moonlight is like water, painting, poem and song.

36、歌声是优美的;歌声是嘹亮的;歌声是高亢的。 The song is beautiful; the song is loud; the song is loud.

37、水仙真美,这是一种秀丽的美,淡雅的美,朴实的美。 Narcissus is really beautiful. It's a kind of beautiful, elegant and simple beauty.

38、沙漠里没有鸟语,没有花香,没有人烟,也没有水源。 There are no birds, no flowers, no people and no water in the desert.

39、海是多么的蓝,多么的大,多么的生机勃勃呀! How blue, how big, how alive the sea is!

40、深刻调整期、急剧转型期、矛盾凸显期。 The period of profound adjustment, sharp transformation and prominent contradiction.

41、狐狸它是如此的美丽,如此的狡猾,如此的灵活。 Fox it is so beautiful, so cunning, so flexible.

42、磨砺是一种考验,磨砺是一种锻炼,磨砺是一种比拼。 Honing is a test, honing is a kind of exercise, honing is a kind of competition.

43、秋天就是美,秋天就是凉快,秋天就是舒服。 Autumn is beauty, autumn is cool, autumn is comfortable.

44、秋天的雨是清凉的,是温柔的,是彩色的。 Autumn rain is cool, gentle and colorful.

45、科学是真理,科学是灵感,科学是原则。 Science is truth, inspiration and principle.

46、站上新起点、迈开新步子、适应新转变。 Stand on a new starting point, take a new step and adapt to the new transformation.

47、胡杨是最坚韧的树,是最无私的树,是最悲壮的树。 Populus euphratica is the most tenacious tree, the most selfless tree, and the most solemn tree.

48、自强是生命的律动,是人生的境界,前进的道路。 Self improvement is the rhythm of life, the state of life and the way forward.

49、荷叶像露珠的家;像青蛙的舞台;像一把绿色的大伞。 Lotus leaf like dew home; like a frog stage; like a big green umbrella.

50、菊花开了,有的像火,有的像金子,有的像少女。 Chrysanthemum bloomed, some like fire, some like gold, some like girls.

51、融入新*、应对新挑战、适应新要求。 Integrate into the new system, meet new challenges and meet new requirements.

52、认清历史变革、立足历史方位、明确历史任务。 Recognize the historical change, base on the historical position and clarify the historical task.

53、记忆是一种快乐,丝丝入扣,滴滴沁心,暖人心脾。 Memory is a kind of happiness. It's very touching, refreshing and warm.

54、该主动不主动,该作为不作为,该亮剑不亮剑。 The initiative does not take the initiative, the action does not act, the sword does not light.

55、课程化学习、通俗化讲解、网络化助推。 Curriculum learning, popular explanation and network promotion.

56、责任面前不推诿,任务面前不退缩,困难面前不回避。 We should not shirk responsibility, shrink from tasks and avoid difficulties.

57、赢得主动、赢得优势、赢得未来。 Win initiative, win advantage, win future.

58、这歌声悦耳动听,这歌声宛如天赖,这歌声令人回味。 It's a beautiful song. It's like heaven. It's memorable.

59、那时没有电灯,没有电视,没有收音机,也没有汽车。 There were no lights, no TV, no radio, no cars.

60、那飘落的雪花像飞絮,像羽毛,像棉花很是漂亮。 The falling snowflakes are like catkins, feathers and cotton.

61、雪,是晶莹的;雪,是纯洁的;雪,是神圣的! Snow, is crystal clear; snow, is pure; snow, is sacred!