1、不是鱼死,就是网破。 Either the fish died or the net broke.

2、不要混水摸鱼。 Don't fish in troubled waters.

3、千年草籽,万年鱼子。 Thousand year old grass seed, ten thousand year old roe.

4、千滚豆腐万炖鱼。 Thousands of bean curd and stewed fish.

5、和尚赚钱,木鱼吃亏。 Monks make money, but wooden fish suffer.

6、塘中鱼尽,白鹤起身。 When the fish in the pond is exhausted, the white crane rises.

7、大头菜,小头鱼。 Turnip, small head fish.

8、怕湿脚的人捉不到鱼。 He that fears wet feet cannot catch fish.

9、水到鱼行。 Fish in the water.

10、直钩钓不了鱼。 You can't fish with a straight hook.

11、神仙难钓午后鱼。 It's hard for fairies to fish in the afternoon.

12、竭泽而渔,日后没鱼。 Fish with all our might, there will be no fish in the future.

13、要想捕鱼,就得下水。 If you want to fish, you have to go into the water.

14、贪食的鱼儿易上钩。 A greedy fish catches the bait easily.

15、钓鱼要忍,拿鱼要狠。 Be tolerant when fishing, and be cruel when you take fish.

16、青鱼尾巴白鱼头。 Black fish tail, white fish head.

17、鱼与熊掌,不可得兼。 You can't have both.

18、鱼吃新鲜米吃熟。 Fish eat fresh rice cooked.

19、鱼吃跳,猪吃叫。 Fish eat jump, pig eat cry.

20、鱼塘种鲢,水瘦养草。 Silver carp is planted in fish pond, and grass is raised in thin water.

21、鱼游釜底,虽生不久。 Fish swim in the bottom of the cauldron.

22、鱼长三暑。 Fish grow three summers.

23、鱼靠水,人靠集体。 Fish rely on water, people rely on the collective.