1、一个人只有为远大的目标而奋斗终生,才是最幸福的人。 A person is the happiest person only if he strives for the lofty goal all his life.

2、一个人的理想越崇高,生活越纯洁。 The loftier one's ideal is, the purer his life is.

3、不怕山高,就怕脚软;不怕人穷,就怕志短。 If you are not afraid of high mountains, you are afraid of soft feet; if you are not afraid of poverty, you are afraid of short ambition.

4、不知后面山儿摇,只见前面毛毛动。 I don't know the mountain behind me, but I can see the hair in front of me.

5、世上无难事,只怕有心人。 Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.

6、世界上最快乐的事,莫过于为理想而奋斗。 The happiest thing in the world is striving for the ideal.

7、人贵有志,学贵有恒。 People value ambition, learning is valuable.

8、信念是前进的动力,理想是精神的支柱。 Faith is the driving force of progress, and ideal is the pillar of spirit.

9、决心要成功的人,已经成功了一半。 Those who are determined to succeed are half successful.

10、劲草能抗疾风卷,松柏可耐霜雪寒。 Strong grass can resist strong wind, pine and cypress can endure frost, snow and cold.

11、大海的浪花靠轻风吹起,生活的浪花靠理想鼓起。 The waves of the sea are blown by the light wind, and the waves of life are puffed up by ideals.

12、学海无涯勤是岸,云程有路志是梯。 There is no end to learning, diligence is the shore, cloud Cheng has a road, ambition is a ladder.

13、宁可折断骨头,不可背弃信念。 It is better to break a bone than to betray faith.

14、庭院里练不出千里马,花盆里栽不出万年松。 There is no horse in the yard, no pine in the pot.

15、我们的理想,不管怎么样,都属于未来。 Our ideal, no matter what, belongs to the future.

16、把理想运用到真实的事物上,便有了文明。 If we apply ideals to real things, we will have civilization.

17、树要一张皮,人争一口气。 A tree needs a piece of skin, and people fight for breath.

18、母鸡的理想是一把米糠,海燕的理想是飞越重洋。 The ideal of a hen is a handful of rice bran, and the ideal of a petrel is to fly across the ocean.

19、沉思的人有一个目标,幻想的人却没有。 The meditator has a goal, but the dreamer does not.

20、没有意义的青春,好像河畔的青石。 Meaningless youth is like bluestone by the river.

21、没有爬不上的高山,没有过不去的河流。 There are no mountains that cannot be climbed and rivers that cannot be crossed.

22、没有理想的人,就像没有头脑一样。 A man without ideals is like a man without a mind.

23、没有福气的人好吃,没有理想的人好睡。 Those who are not blessed are good to eat, and those who are not ideal sleep well.

24、父母若有能耐,为儿传授知识。 If parents have the ability to teach their children knowledge.

25、理想即寻觅目标的思维。 Ideal is the thinking of seeking goal.

26、理想和勇敢是亲兄弟。 Ideal and courage are brothers.

27、理想是事业之母。 Ideal is the mother of career.

28、理想犹如太阳,吸引地上所有的泥水。 Ideal is like the sun, attracting all the mud on the earth.

29、理想的书籍,是智慧的钥匙。 The ideal book is the key to wisdom.

30、理想的实现只靠干,不靠空谈。 The realization of the ideal only depends on work, not on empty talk.

31、生活的理想,就是为了理想的生活。 The ideal of life is for the ideal life.

32、空想一百年,不值一分钱。 A hundred years of fantasy is not worth a cent.

33、老骥伏枥,志在千里。 The old man has great ambition.

34、胸有凌云志,无高不可攀。 The chest has Ling Yun Zhi, but nothing is unattainable.

35、船的力量在帆桨,人的力量在理想。 The power of the ship lies in the sails and oars, and the power of the people is in the ideal.

36、草若无心不发芽,人若无心不奋发。 If grass does not sprout without intention, people will not work hard.

37、让别人去做生活的骄子,我们的使命永远是开拓。 Let others become the pride of life, our mission is always to open up.

38、青春时代是一生最幸福的时光,但只有老年人才知道这一点。 Youth is the happiest time of life, but only the elderly know it.

39、骏马无腿难走路,人无理想难进步。 It is difficult for a horse to walk without legs, and it is difficult for a man to progress without ideals.