1、一厢情愿,就得愿赌服输。——《最好的我们》 Wishful thinking, we have to admit defeat.

2、一约既定,万山难阻。——《一代宗师》 Once a contract has been made, there will be no obstacles.

3、不跟你说了,咱俩有沟,有代沟。——《站台》 Don't tell you, we have a gap, a generation gap.

4、亲爱的,我尽力了。——《情枭的黎明》 Honey, I tried my best.

5、今天谁和我共同浴血,他就是我的兄弟。——《兄弟连》 He is my brother who bathes in blood with me today.

6、你妈贵姓?——《大话西游》 What's your mother's name?

7、你是什么座的?我是肉做的。——《爱情公寓》 What seat are you in? I'm made of meat.

8、你给我的感觉就像圣诞节的早上。——《史密斯夫妇》 You make me feel like Christmas morning.

9、做过的事总会留下痕迹的。——《猎狐》 There's always a trace of what you've done.

10、原谅我,朋友,我不会下船的。——《海上钢琴师》 Forgive me, friend. I won't get off the boat.

11、吃得起最贵的三明治,买不起最便宜的房。——《搜索》 Can afford the most expensive sandwich, can't afford the cheapest house.

12、坦白地说,亲爱的,我不在乎。——《乱世佳人》 Frankly, honey, I don't care.

13、坦白的说,亲爱的,我不在乎。——《乱世佳人》 Frankly, honey, I don't care.

14、大人,我真是越来越佩服您了!——《神探狄仁杰》 My Lord, I really admire you more and more!

15、大姨妈来了,我要把它控回去。——《太子妃升职记》 My aunt's here. I'm going to take it back.

16、失去了的东西永远不会再回来。——《冷山》 What is lost will never come back.

17、奴婢愿跟随小主,绝无二心。——《甄执》 I'm willing to follow the little Lord.

18、如果你有梦想,就要守护它。——《当幸福来敲门》 If you have a dream, guard it.

19、如果爱情暗淡,那就让回忆灿烂!——《如果·爱》 If the love is dim, let the memory be brilliant!

20、就让我跟你好好唱一辈子戏,不行吗?——《霸王别姬》 Let me sing with you for a lifetime, can't you?

21、希望和饭一样,不吃不行。——《亲爱的》 I hope it's the same as rice. I can't do without it.

22、我打你应该,不打你悲哀!——《少林足球》 I hit you should, not you sad!

23、我是余欢水,从童年蹉跎到中年。——《我是余欢水》 I am Yu huanshui, from childhood to middle age.

24、我这辈子没跟人说过谢字。——《倚天屠龙记》 I have never said thank you in my life.

25、放火烧山,给他来个星火燎原。——《隋唐英雄传》 Set fire to the mountains and set fire to him.

26、既然已匆匆,不如早怀念。——《匆匆那年》 Since it is in a hurry, it is better to miss it early.

27、星爷说没有梦想,就都是咸鱼。——《煎饼侠》 Stephen Chow once said that whoever lacks dream will never manage to reverse his fate.

28、每一分钟都可能产生真正的爱情。——《香草天空》 Every minute can produce true love.

29、毕竟,明天又是新的一天。——《乱世佳人》 After all, tomorrow is another day.

30、田野小河边,红莓花儿开。——《迓琛 The field, the river, the raspberry blossom.

31、相信我,从今以后,我和你形影不离!——《天下无贼》 Believe me, from now on, I and you are inseparable!

32、给我一次机会,我真的想做好人。——《无间道》 Give me a chance. I really want to be a good person.

33、老婆,快跟牛魔王出来看上帝!——《大话西游》 Wife, come out with the Bull Demon King to see God!

34、能解此案者,天下仅恩师一人矣!——《神探狄仁杰》 If you can solve this case, there is only one teacher in the world!

35、说到做到,是我行走江湖的底线。——《乘风破浪》 It's my bottom line to do what I say.

36、说爱你,不如在一起。——《不再让你孤单》 It's better to be together than to love you.

37、谁先爱了,谁就输了。——《致我们终将逝去的青春》 Whoever loves first loses.

38、逃得了和尚,逃不了方丈。——《爱情公寓》 If you can escape the monk, you can't escape the abbot.

39、金钱是冰冷的,爱人的手是温暖的。——《西虹市首富》 Money is cold, and the hands of lovers are warm.

40、饮马江湖,仗剑天涯。——《少年班》 He who drinks horses in the river and the lake, stands up for the sword.