1、一封月饼,品尝生活的香甜。 A moon cake, taste the sweetness of life.
2、一柄红烛,映红团聚的笑脸。 A red candle reflects the smiling face of reunion.
3、三角月饼,愿友谊地久天长。 Triangle moon cake, may friendship last forever.
4、中秋人最念,最念在梦中。 Mid Autumn Festival people most read, most read in the dream.
5、中秋佳节翘首盼,祝你快乐喜连连! Looking forward to the Mid Autumn Festival, I wish you happiness!
6、中秋到,手机叫,祝福连绵真热闹。 Mid Autumn Festival, mobile phone call, blessing continuous, really lively.
7、中秋圆月别样明,遥忘不了相思情。 The full moon of the Mid Autumn Festival is so bright that I can't forget my love.
8、中秋月饼圆又圆,微信祝福送心间。 Mid autumn moon cake round and round, wechat blessing send heart.
9、中秋月饼甜,健康又团圆。 Mid autumn moon cakes are sweet, healthy and happy.
10、中秋月饼香,祝福要成双。 Mid autumn moon cake fragrance, blessing to double.
11、举杯共饮桂花酒,齐享月饼聚团圆。 Drink sweet scented osmanthus wine, enjoy moon cakes and get together.
12、传祝福,念故友,花好月圆人长久。 Pass on the blessing, read old friends, spend a long time.
13、佳节愿你多美好,温暖祝福送来早。 May you have a wonderful holiday. Warm wishes come early.
14、健康快乐常相伴,闲暇时光念彼此。 Health and happiness are often accompanied by each other in their spare time.
15、共赏圆月一轮,喜迎中秋良宵。 Enjoy the full moon and welcome the Mid Autumn Festival.
16、分享月饼明月夜,牵挂朋友念在心。 Sharing moon cakes, moon night, thinking about friends in mind.
17、友谊深,情无限,短信送祝愿。 Friendship is deep, affection is infinite, send wish by SMS.
18、吃个开心月饼,幸福快乐每一天。 Eat a happy moon cake, happy every day.
19、吃个金钱月饼,财源滚滚斩不断! Eat a money moon cake, the source of money is rolling!
20、合家团圆,心想事成,幸福一生! Family reunion, happy life!
21、品一杯美酒,醉在心里。 Taste a cup of wine, drunk in the heart.
22、团团围坐乐融融,推杯换盏展笑颜。 Round and round, happy, push cup for a smile.
23、圆圆月亮照万家,甜甜月饼入口香。 The round moon shines on thousands of families, and sweet moon cakes are fragrant in the mouth.
24、天很蓝,风很爽,中秋佳节到身旁。 The sky is blue, the wind is cool, the Mid Autumn Festival to the side.
25、嫦娥舞,玉兔跳,天上人间共良宵。 Chang'e dance, jade rabbit dance, heaven and earth a total night.
26、安康福运送,收到就珍藏。 Ankang Fu will be transported and collected as soon as it is received.
27、尝一尝甜月饼,健康无疾病。 Taste sweet moon cake, health without disease.
28、心意传,八月十五大团圆。 Heart to heart, August 15th Party reunion.
29、思念,一丝一丝,连成线。 Missing, a trace, connected into a line.
30、明月光,温馨吉祥照万家。 The bright moon, warm and auspicious, shines on thousands of families.
31、明月寓团圆,祝福寄友朋。 The bright moon brings reunion, and wishes to friends and friends.
32、明月当空照,挂念心头绕。 The moon is shining in the sky, and I am worried about it.
33、景好情好天天好,月圆人圆事事圆。 The scenery is good, the mood is good, every day is good, the moon is round, everything is round.
34、最是一年中秋美,花前月下人相对。 It is the most beautiful Mid Autumn Festival of the year.
35、月亮照,好运到,吉祥如意把你绕。 The moon, good luck, good luck around you.
36、月儿圆,人团圆,团团圆圆幸福家。 The moon is round, the people are reunited, and the happy family is happy.
37、月到中秋分外明,问候祝福传九州。 The moon to Mid Autumn Festival is particularly bright, greetings and blessings spread to Kyushu.
38、月影摇晃着欣喜,快乐洋溢着心底。 The shadow of the moon swayed with joy, filled with joy in the bottom of my heart.
39、月美,景美,祝福问候巧搭配。 Yuemei, Jingmei, blessing, greeting, clever collocation.
40、月饼圆圆多期盼,美酒香浓入口甜。 The moon cake is round and full, and the wine is fragrant and sweet.
41、望一眼明月,美在心里。 Looking at the bright moon, beauty is in my heart.
42、每逢佳节倍思亲,心寄明月祈团圆。 Every festival, I miss my relatives and send the moon to pray for reunion.
43、湖深海深,不如我的祝福深。 The deep lake is not as deep as my blessing.
44、皓月当空洒清辉,中秋良宵念挚心。 Bright moon in the sky sprinkle clear light, mid autumn night read sincere heart.
45、看月光,赏夜景,喝着小酒吃月饼。 Watch the moonlight, enjoy the night scenery, drink wine and eat moon cakes.
46、祝中秋节快乐,万事无忧。 I wish you a happy mid autumn festival.
47、祝你中秋快乐,事事“圆”满! I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival, everything "round" full!
48、祝愿,一点一点,汇成泉。 Wish, little by little, converges into a spring.
49、秋风叶落送祝福,明月寄达我的情。 Autumn wind and leaves send blessing, the moon send my love.
50、窗前明月光,祝福要成双! Bright moon in front of the window, blessing to be in pairs!
51、笙歌响,糕饼香,送你如意加吉祥。 Shengge sound, cake fragrance, send you Ruyi plus auspicious.
52、糖甜,果甜,吃一口月饼甜又甜。 Sugar is sweet, fruit is sweet, eating a mouthful of moon cake is sweet and sweet.
53、荷叶圆圆水中立,情谊缘缘永不变。 Lotus leaf round water neutral, friendship will never change.
54、送你一个长寿月饼,祝你健健康康。 Send you a longevity moon cake, wish you good health.
55、送您一盏桂花酒,愿您健康福长久。 Send you a sweet scented osmanthus wine, wish you health and happiness for a long time.
56、遥遥千里暂未聚,但邀明月代传情。 We haven't got together for a long time, but we invite the moon to express our love.
57、酒正烈,花正香,一缕相思情荡漾。 Wine is strong, flowers are fragrant, a wisp of Acacia rippling.
58、闻一闻幸运花,祝你天天乐开花。 Smell the lucky flowers and wish you happy flowers every day.
59、阖家团聚齐拜月,祈祷来年五谷丰。 The whole family gathered to worship the moon and pray for a bumper harvest in the coming year.
60、齐欢乐,共享乐,乐乐悠悠家美满。 Happy together, sharing happy, happy, happy home.