1、一想到以后你会跟别人在一起,我就好难受。 It's hard for me to think that you will be with others in the future.
2、一身风霜,也要走的落落大方。 A body of wind and frost, also want to walk freely.
3、不是读书没用,是我没用。 It's not that reading is useless. It's me.
4、人家根本不把你当回事,你还多愁善感到不行。 People don't take you seriously at all, and you can't feel good.
5、人生有太多的不情愿,和太多的无可奈何。 Life has too much reluctance, and too much helplessness.
6、会不会哪天,我走进你心里,却看到了别人。 Will one day, I walk into your heart, but see others.
7、何苦一再勉强越期待越失望。 Why do you have to be reluctant again and again? The more you look forward to it, the more disappointed you are.
8、你不会失去我,可是我却在不断失去你。 You won't lose me, but I keep losing you.
9、你什么都不知道,包括我喜欢你。 You don't know anything, including I like you.
10、你好像真的过的很好,完全不需要我的打扰。 You seem to have a really good life. You don't need my interference at all.
11、你是通往西南方向的风,从来不为任何人停留。 You are the wind leading to the southwest and never stay for anyone.
12、你给的承诺就像是星星,多且遥不可及。 The promises you give are like stars, many and far away.
13、其实,我一直都在你身后,就差你一个转身。 In fact, I've been behind you all the time. It's just for you to turn around.
14、再也没爱你的勇气了,没有你我还照样活着。 I don't have the courage to love you any more. I'm still alive without you.
15、凌晨四点,看到海棠花未眠。 Four o'clock in the morning, see Begonia flower sleepless.
16、别拿着之前的难过,过以后的日子。 Don't take the sadness before, live the future.
17、原来我非不快乐,只我一人未发觉。 It turns out that I'm not happy. I'm the only one who didn't realize it.
18、和喜欢的人说话,总是觉得没发挥好。 When talking to people you like, you always feel that you don't play well.
19、哭泣不是懦弱的表现,只是压抑不了悲痛。 Crying is not a sign of cowardice, but can not suppress the grief.
20、因为,明日可期,所以,今生不弃。 Because, tomorrow can be expected, so, do not give up this life.
21、多希望身边有个你,可以温暖我身边的空气。 How I wish I had you around me to warm the air around me.
22、失败可以是偶然,但成功一定不是巧合。 Failure can be accidental, but success must not be coincidence.
23、如你所见,事实在眼前容不得欺骗。 As you can see, there is no room for deception.
24、如果能重来,我们能不能一开始就相爱。 If we can start over, can we love each other from the beginning.
25、往后的时光,只有我一人孤身独自走过。 In the future, I was the only one who walked alone.
26、我们看错了世界,却说世界欺骗了我们。 We read the world wrong and say it deceives us.
27、我在梦里失去你,却真的感到痛。 I lost you in my dream, but I really feel pain.
28、我明明想流泪,却发现眼泪早已干涸。 I want to cry, but I find that tears have dried up.
29、我没有再打扰你,你也没有再想起我。 I don't disturb you any more, and you don't think of me any more.
30、我的心是假的,都是因为你的无情改变了它。 My heart is false, because your ruthlessness has changed it.
31、所谓情商高,就是秒懂别人的言外之意。 The so-called high EQ is to understand the implication of others.
32、把长发剪了吧,不吹晚风不喝烈酒。 Cut your long hair, no evening wind, no liquor.
33、持酒看冷风过街,笑对孤风说无忧。 Holding wine to see the cold wind across the street, laughing to Gufeng said worry free.
34、时光,将青春幻化成一道不动声色的伤。 Time turns youth into a silent wound.
35、有些人就是宁愿保持暧昧,也不想清白离场。 Some people would rather remain ambiguous than leave the scene innocent.
36、欢笑的背后是眼泪,哪里去找温驯的玫瑰。 Behind the laughter is tears, where to find the gentle rose.
37、每天都挂着一个做作的表情,虚伪的活着。 Every day with an artificial expression, hypocritical live.
38、焚尽相思,心劫亦无期。 There is no time for love.
39、突如其来的脾气,往往是积攒很久了的委屈。 A sudden temper is often a long accumulated grievance.
40、笑,全世界便与你同声笑,哭,你便独自哭。 Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Cry, and you cry alone.
41、终于握紧了你的手,却是在梦里。 Finally clenched your hand, but in a dream.
42、终于,连一句不咸不淡的问候都像是打扰。 Finally, even a simple greeting seems to disturb.
43、觉得不想去打扰你,又不想违背自己的心。 I don't want to disturb you, and I don't want to go against my heart.
44、该走的最终还是要走,虽然有千万个不舍。 The last thing to go is to go, although there are tens of millions of them.
45、说爱我的是你,最后放手的也是你。 It's you who say you love me, and it's you who let go at last.
46、过度追求完美的爱情,爱情的结局就很难完美。 Excessive pursuit of perfect love, love is difficult to perfect the outcome.
47、还是把自己经营好,让别人患得患失吧。 You'd better manage yourself well and let others worry about gain and loss.
48、这闷热的天气,让人的烦躁无处躲藏。 The sultry weather makes people restless and have nowhere to hide.
49、远了怕生,近了怕烦,少了怕淡,多了怕缠。 Far away afraid of strangers, near afraid of trouble, less afraid of light, more afraid of entanglement.
50、隐身不是不想遇见,而是怕你视而不见。 Invisibility is not that I don't want to meet you, but that I'm afraid you will turn a blind eye.