1、一个人时很*不会做作,小小世界任意行走。 When a person is very free, he will not pretend. He will walk freely in the small world.

2、不必让身体太过辛苦,不必让心灵装满难过。 Don't let the body too hard, don't let the heart full of sadness.

3、不要太把自己当回事丶也不要太把自己不当回事。 Don't take yourself too seriously, and don't take yourself too seriously.

4、世界上未有未完成的故事,只有未死的心。 There is no unfinished story in the world, only an undead heart.

5、人就像音乐一样,有些讲的是真理,有的只是噪音。 People are like music, some speak the truth, some are just noise.

6、人生如棋,永远有你无法预知的劫数。 Life is like chess. There will always be disasters you can't predict.

7、人生有两种境界,痛而不言,笑而不语。 There are two realms in life, pain without words and laughter without words.

8、人生需要沉淀,宁静才能致远。 Life needs precipitation, tranquility can go far.

9、人的心神所能构思而确信的,人便能完成它。 What man's mind can conceive and believe, man can complete it.

10、今朝若与君相见,无朝便与君相恋。 If I meet you today, I will fall in love with you.

11、任你怎样去染,去遮盖,它还是茬茬涌现。 No matter how you dye or cover it, it will still emerge.

12、你若流泪,先湿的是我的心。 If you shed tears, it is my heart that gets wet first.

13、俗人昭昭,我独昏昏。俗人察察,我独闷闷。 The common people are so clear that I am alone. The layman observed that I was alone.

14、储存阳光,必有远芳。心中有暖,又何惧人生荒凉。 Store sunshine, there must be far fragrance. If you have a warm heart, why fear the desolation of life.

15、傻人,不代表无心。只是不玩处心积虑罢了! A fool doesn't mean unintentional. Just don't play deliberate!

16、共老,不是没有风雨,而是风雨后的更加坚定。 Old together, not without wind and rain, but more determined after wind and rain.

17、关心自己的灵魂,从来不早,也不会晚。 It's never too early or too late to care about your soul.

18、凡事想别人感激,那是必然要失望的。 If you want others to be grateful for everything, you must be disappointed.

19、前方路灯不亮,试着换个方向。莫紧张,莫迷茫。 The street light in front is not on. Try to change direction. Don't be nervous, don't be confused.

20、单身汉不见得就是不幸,金钱不见得带来不幸。 A bachelor is not necessarily misfortune, and money does not necessarily bring misfortune.

21、只要我还有梦,就会看到彩虹! As long as I have a dream, I will see the rainbow!

22、只要春风吹到的地方,到处是青春的野草。 As long as the spring breeze blows to the place, there are young weeds everywhere.

23、只要面对阳光,阴影就在背后。 As long as you face the sun, the shadow is behind you.

24、在人生道路上谦让三分,就会天宽地阔。 Three points of humility on the road of life will broaden the sky and the earth.

25、城市人潮拥挤,别走丢了自己。 The city is crowded. Don't lose yourself.

26、大概是因为你不孤单,所以我给的陪伴并不起眼。 Probably because you are not alone, so my company is not remarkable.

27、如果内心迷茫的话,就先自己将其斩断吧。 If you are confused, cut it off yourself first.

28、如烟往事俱忘却,心底无私天地宽。 Like smoke, the past is forgotten, selfless in the bottom of my heart, and the world is wide.

29、宁愿笑着流泪,也不要哭着说后悔。 Would rather smile and cry than cry and say regret.

30、守护自己的人,也守护别人眼中的自己。 Those who protect themselves also protect themselves in the eyes of others.

31、家,是一种心灵上的寄托,而不是我们生活上的负担! Home is a spiritual sustenance, not a burden on our life!

32、富时,要多在家里,少在外面。 When you are rich, you should stay more at home and less outside.

33、平凡的人,拥有平凡的心,自然有平凡的欲望。 Ordinary people, with ordinary hearts, naturally have ordinary desires.

34、当初的我,现在在你的心中可有一丝位置。 I have a place in your heart now.

35、微笑比皱眉好看,请求比呵斥自然。 A smile is better than a frown, and a request is more natural than a scold.

36、心存美丽,温暖就会围绕你。 With beauty in your heart, warmth will surround you.

37、恋爱使人坚强,同时也使人软弱。 Love makes people strong and weak at the same time.

38、感恩我们正好与此相见,让我们没有错过辜负这份爱。 Thank you for meeting us here. Let's live up to this love.

39、成长是一段稚心的疼痛,不计后果的那段,叫做青春。 Growth is the pain of a childish heart. The reckless part is called youth.

40、我不想和别人拥抱,因为那里没有你的心跳。 I don't want to hug others, because there is no your heartbeat.

41、我们是骄傲还是谦卑,全取决于事业的成就。 Whether we are proud or humble depends on our career achievements.

42、我想去南方,有海有浪有艳阳。 I want to go to the south. There are sea, waves and sunshine.

43、我曾踏月而来,只因你在山中。 I came to the moon because you were in the mountains.

44、把人生的所有悲催当作体验生活,无悲催非生活。 Take all the sad reminders of life as experiencing life. No sad reminders are not life.

45、挣钱时,苦也罢,累也罢,点点滴滴慢慢积攒。 When making money, whether it's hard or tired, it's slowly accumulated bit by bit.

46、改不掉对的人,其实很可能是,改不掉错的自己。 Can not change the right person, in fact, is likely to be, can not change the wrong self.

47、时间不会流逝。流逝的是我们自己。 Time will not pass. The passage is ourselves.

48、曾经的我们就像连体婴、如今的我们形同陌路。 Once we were like conjoined babies, now we are strangers.

49、没有特别喜欢,我连自己都不要。 I don't like it very much. I don't even want myself.

50、深情是担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言。 Deep feeling is a burden that you can't afford. Love words are just lies that happen to be fulfilled by chance.

51、独自徘徊在夜色的道路上,哪里才是我的方向? Wandering alone on the road of night, where is my direction?

52、珍惜当下才配拥有,懂得放下才有从容。 Cherish the moment to deserve it, and know how to put it down to be calm.

53、生命因短暂而宝贵,友谊因真诚而珍贵。 Life is precious because it is short, friendship is precious because it is sincere.

54、生命已经如此的艰难,有些事情就不要拆穿。 Life has been so difficult, some things should not be revealed.

55、生命是珍贵之物,死是最大的罪恶。 Life is precious, and death is the greatest sin.

56、生命的意义,就是敬畏和尊重。 The meaning of life is awe and respect.

57、生活不比奢侈,要知足常乐。 Life is no more luxurious than contentment.

58、生活本身就累,不愿意接近心眼子多的人。 Life itself is tired and unwilling to approach people with many hearts.

59、生病时,我们发现健康是最重要的。 When we are ill, we find that health is the most important.

60、真正的失败不是你没有做成事,而是你甘心于失败。 The real failure is not that you don't do anything, but that you are willing to fail.

61、知识是垫脚石,多铺一块,你会站得更高一些。 Knowledge is a stepping stone. If you spread one more piece, you will stand higher.

62、神说;花瓣若所思,凋谢以路。感情或许如此。 God said; If the petals think, they wither to the road. Feelings may be so.

63、空白时光也是我今后人生的限量版。 Blank time is also a limited edition of my future life.

64、给时间一点时间,一切都会过去。 Give time and everything will pass.

65、考骥识途明向背,人生同欲是康宁。 Test Ji, know the way, bright and back, the same desire in life is Kangning.

66、让别人给你美,美一回,自己学会美,美一辈子。 Let others give you beauty, beauty once, learn beauty by yourself, beauty for a lifetime.

67、谁说我不能再次微笑,谁说我不能活得更好。 Who says I can't smile again, who says I can't live better.

68、谁都可以无止境的对一个人好,前提是,值得。 Anyone can be good to a person endlessly, on the premise that it is worth it.

69、这是一个流行离开的世界,但是我们都不擅长告别。 This is a popular world, but we are not good at saying goodbye.

70、适当的放弃,是人生优雅的转身。 Giving up appropriately is the graceful turn of life.

71、随时随地,留心积善;惜寸惜分,发愤读书。 Pay attention to kindness anytime, anywhere; Cherish the inch, cherish the point, and study angrily.