1、一个人知道为什么而活,就可以忍受任何种生活。 A man who knows why he lives can endure any kind of life.

2、不是看到希望才努力,而是努力后才会有希望。 It's not to work hard when you see hope, but to work hard before you have hope.

3、不要去试探别人,否则你就知道什么叫全剧终。 Don't try to tempt others, or you will know what the end of the play is.

4、今日开端我茹素,由于你是我的菜。 Today I start to be vegetarian, because you are my dish.

5、你是我心安的理由,也是我心慌的源头。 You are the reason for my peace of mind, but also the source of my panic.

6、你的悲伤,你的快乐,不会因为另一个人的喜怒哀乐而改变。 Your sadness, your happiness, will not change because of another person's happiness.

7、你若想勾走我的三魂七魄,只需微微露齿一笑。 If you want to take away my soul, just smile.

8、其实我很想念你,不只是当我在远方。可是我不能说。 In fact, I miss you very much, not only when I am far away. But I can't say.

9、别再说自己有孤独和烈酒,其实你就是一条单身狗。 Don't say you have loneliness and liquor. In fact, you are a single dog.

10、别嫌你的鞋子脏,那是你自己走的路不干净。 Don't think your shoes are dirty. It's your own way.

11、嗯,他给我的感觉就像是一种在机场等一艘船的感觉。 Well, he made me feel like waiting for a boat at the airport.

12、在一起时能够牵手疯狂撒欢,分开时懂得各自成长。 When we are together, we can hold hands and have fun. When we are apart, we know how to grow up.

13、在敌人面前,谁先镇定下来,谁就离胜利不远了。 In front of the enemy, whoever calms down first will not be far away from victory.

14、失去的另一个含义是曾经拥有。岁月无常,珍惜吧。 Another meaning of losing is having. Time is changeable. Cherish it.

15、如果这辈子,我可以看着你离开,那么证明,我已经忘记。 If this life, I can watch you leave, then prove, I have forgotten.

16、小时候,快乐是件简单的事;长大后,简单是件快乐的事。 When I was a child, happiness is a simple thing; when I grow up, simplicity is a happy thing.

17、往往,心中最爱的那个人,最后却离自己最远。 Often, the person you love most in your heart is the farthest away from you in the end.

18、心中仅装满着自己的看法与想法的人,永远听不见别人的声音。 People who are only filled with their own opinions and ideas will never hear other people's voices.

19、心若被困,世间处处都是牢笼;心若安泰,哪里都是天堂。 If the heart is trapped, the world is a cage everywhere; if the heart is peaceful, everywhere is paradise.

20、悲伤的时候看看动画片,让心回到最初的纯洁。 Sad time to see cartoons, let the heart back to the original purity.

21、想要一种解脱,一种不会让我再心痛的解脱。 Want a relief, a relief that won't make my heart ache again.

22、我们兵分两路,然后山顶重逢。 We'll split up and meet again at the top of the mountain.

23、我们又不熟,叫我小仙女就好了。 We don't know each other well. Just call me fairy.

24、我们把过去和从前折叠过来,是不是就可以重来。 If we fold the past and the past, we can start over.

25、我们都妄想对方主动找自己,久而久之就淡了感情。 We all want each other to take the initiative to find ourselves. As time goes by, we lose our feelings.

26、我只是突然间想你了,没有任何原因。 I just miss you all of a sudden, for no reason.

27、我忘了自己曾经多美好,不会脏话,不会笑里藏刀。 I forget how beautiful I used to be. I can't swear or laugh.

28、我怀念的不是你,而是你给的致命曾经。 What I miss is not you, but the fatal past you gave me.

29、我的爱情我的幸福,离我太过于遥远,仿佛有一万光年那么远。 My love, my happiness, is too far away from me, as if 10000 light years away.

30、我知道你很好,但我也不差。 I know you're good, but I'm not bad either.

31、我若要走,绝不会回头,因为我深知没人会挽留。 If I want to go, I will never look back, because I know that no one will stay.

32、我还能怎么做,怎么做都是错,心塞! What else can I do? It's all wrong. My heart is blocked!

33、我那么努力,站在最耀眼的地方,就是怕你找不到我。 I work so hard, standing in the most dazzling place, I'm afraid you can't find me.

34、明明只移走了你一个,却空了整个分组。 Clearly only removed you, but empty the whole group.

35、明知道你是我生命里的过客,却还要死缠着不放。 I know you are a passer-by in my life, but I still have to cling to you.

36、曾说好的不离不弃,如今却已是时过境迁。 Once said good never leave, but now it is time to change.

37、有些人只适合在夜深人静时想起,再到灯火阑珊时遗忘。 Some people are only suitable for remembering in the dead of night and forgetting in the dim light.

38、有些伤口,别人永远看不见,因为它就在你的心里深藏。 Some wounds, others will never see, because it is deep in your heart.

39、有没有那么一个人,你无数次得想要放弃,可最后还是舍不得。 Is there such a person, you want to give up countless times, but in the end or reluctant to give up.

40、期望越高,失望越大。 The higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

41、栀子花还开着,只是在黄昏的阳光里看它,怎么都觉得凄凉。 Gardenia is still open, just in the evening sun to see it, how all feel desolate.

42、没有钱,我知道日子难过,可这也太特么难过了吧。 Without money, I know it's hard, but it's too hard.

43、治疗孤单,只要去寻找现实生活中的快乐。 To treat loneliness, we just need to find happiness in real life.

44、现在整的多经典,过去长得多惊险。 It's so classic now. It used to be so breathtaking.

45、真正笑点低的姑娘,就是你冲着她笑几秒,她就会开始冲你傻笑。 The real girl with a low smile is that if you smile at her for a few seconds, she will start to smirk at you.

46、给时间一点时间,让过去过去,让开始开始。 Give time, let the past go, let the beginning begin.

47、脸上的快乐,别人看得到。心里的痛又有谁能感觉到。 Happiness on the face, others can see. Who can feel the pain in my heart.

48、请告诉她,我在等她,请告诉她,我还爱她。 Please tell her, I'm waiting for her, please tell her, I still love her.

49、过去A,曾经A,莪们A,遗忘A,再见了。 Past, once, our, forgotten, goodbye.

50、错过了爱翻自己手机的女人后,遇到的都是爱翻钱包的女人。 After missing the women who love to flip their mobile phones, they all meet the women who love to flip their wallets.