1、人依旧,物依然,又到周末;想也好,忘也罢,只是问候;闲也行,忙也好,开心即可;今儿好,明更好衷心祝愿:周日快乐! People are still, things are still, and to the weekend; think or forget, just greetings; leisure or busy, happy; today is good, Ming better heartfelt wishes: Happy Sunday!

2、又到周末,忙碌了一周的您可以稍稍休息一下了,愿初夏的暖阳伴您渡过一个轻松愉快的周末! It's the weekend again. After a busy week, you can have a little rest. May the warm sunshine in early summer accompany you through a relaxed and happy weekend!

3、又到周末,忙碌了一周的您可以稍稍休息一下了,愿这个下午的暖阳伴您渡过一个轻松愉快的周末! It's the weekend again. After a busy week, you can have a little rest. May the warm sunshine in this afternoon accompany you through a relaxed and happy weekend!

4、周末到,睡懒觉,家务琐事稍后做,工作烦事全抛掉,祝福及时来送到,短信祝你开心快乐过周末! Weekend to, sleep late, household chores later to do, all the work chores to throw away, wishes to arrive in time, SMS wish you a happy weekend!

5、周末到,送一份关心,驱散疲劳;送一份开心,让心情美好;送一份**,周末尽情欢闹;祝周末愉快! Weekend, send a care, dispel fatigue; send a happy, let a good mood; send a passion, the weekend to enjoy the fun; wish a happy weekend!

6、周末好!夏天到了,祝这整个夏季里,您的心情夏日的凉风般惬意、舒爽;您的事业如夏日的阳光蒸蒸日上! Good weekend! Summer is here. I wish you a pleasant and comfortable summer breeze and a prosperous summer career.

7、在高山上让心飞翔,我会充满希望;在大海中畅游万里,我会充满力量;在今天为你送上祝福,我会快乐异常。祝愿周末愉快! Let my heart fly in the mountains, I will be full of hope; swim in the sea, I will be full of strength; today send you blessings, I will be very happy. Have a good weekend!

8、微风穿不透层层思念的枝头,在山林深处,却有我深深的祝福。 The breeze can not penetrate the branches of the trees, but I have deep blessing in the depths of the mountains.

9、悠悠的云里有淡淡的诗,淡淡的诗里有绵绵的情, There are light poems in the long clouds, light poems with long-lasting feelings, long-lasting feelings with my gentle greetings!

10、愿我的祝福,如一缕灿烂的阳光,把你幸福安宁的生活照耀。 May my blessings, like a brilliant sunshine, brighten your happy and peaceful life.

11、愿花的芬芳,带给你美满的温馨,祝你生活愉快。 May the fragrance of flowers bring you warmth and happiness.

12、我轻轻写下的问候被春风吹走,我淡淡送出的牵挂被春雨注入,我悄悄许下的祝福被春天带走,周末祝你赶走劳累,心情美美! My greetings were gently written down by the spring breeze blown away, I light send out the concern was injected into the spring rain, I quietly blessed by the spring away, weekend wish you drive away tired, happy mood!

13、拥有一份美好的心情,如拥有一份诚挚的祝福。愿您健康,愿您快乐,但愿我千万个祝福永远陪伴您左右。 Have a good mood, such as having a sincere blessing. I wish you health and happiness. May I wish you all the best.

14、捉一只蝴蝶送您,愿您拥有快乐的翅膀,兜一丝清风送您,愿您心情舒畅,发个短信给您,愿天天神采飞扬!祝您渡过愉快的周末。 Catch a butterfly to send you, wish you have happy wings, take a slight breeze to send you, wish you feel comfortable, send a text message to you, wish heaven fly! Have a nice weekend.

15、时间过的真快,转眼又到周末了,放放繁忙的工作,停停匆匆的脚步。这个美丽周末,让我们过得开开心心。 The time passed really fast. In the twinkling of an eye, I went to the weekend again. This beautiful weekend, let us live happily.

16、最近天气多变,请注意您的身体健康,愿初夏的暖阳伴您渡过一个轻松愉快的周末。 The weather is changeable recently. Please pay attention to your health. May the warm sunshine in early summer accompany you through a relaxed and happy weekend.

17、有朋友同行是种安全,有朋友鼓励是种力量,有朋友想念是种幸福!朋友,祝你开心每一秒,快乐每一天,周末快乐。 It is a kind of safety to have friends and peers, and encouragement from friends is a kind of strength. Having friends and missing is a kind of happiness. Friends, I wish you every happy second, happy every day, happy weekend.

18、朋友,周末到了,保持健康,吃个苹果,一生平安,尝个香蕉,心中香甜,希望你胃口大开,笑容常在,永远不老,周末愉快! Friends, the weekend arrived, keep healthy, eat an apple, a safe life, a banana, sweet heart, I hope you have a big appetite, always smile, never old, happy weekend!

19、灿烂春光,情涌大江;龙飞凤翔,祝福绵长。愿你薪水涨,体安康,美满生活蜜如糖,合家欢乐福满堂。周末愉快! Fengxiang is blessed with a long spring. I wish you a good salary, good health and happiness. Have a great weekend!

20、爱情,让我们努力追求;亲情,让我们幸福享受;友情,让我们一生守候;而你开心的表情,却是世间最难求,祝你周末快乐。 Love, let us strive to pursue; Family, let us enjoy happiness; Friendship, let us wait for a lifetime; And your happy expression, is the world's most difficult to ask, I wish you a happy weekend. Care, is the most sincere; Care, is no impurities; Blessing, is from the deepest heart; Only wish you happy weekend, always smiling!上一页12下一页

21、用微笑对待身边发生的事,用空闲多做点使自己高兴的事。周末了,祝你快乐是我最重要的事!周末愉快! Treat the things around you with a smile, and do more with your leisure. Weekend, I wish you happiness is my most important thing! Have a great weekend!

22、祝福短信条条来,你情我愿活精彩,周折劳烦始将去,末里花开心情愉快。祝你周末愉快,天天开心呼呼! Bless the short message, your love, I will live wonderful, I will go to work, and the flowers will be happy in the end. Have a nice weekend and be happy every day!

23、让心情放个假,带上行囊,去感受大自然清新的气息,去探听花开花落的消息,祝愿你的周末时光,美妙异常,轻松愉快。 Let the mood take a vacation, pack, to feel the fresh breath of nature, to listen to the news of flowers bloom and fall, wish you a wonderful weekend, unusual, relaxed and happy.

24、这是个惬意的宁静世界,阳光灿烂如昔,柔风轻轻如昔,但愿美好的时光就这样驻足,带给您欢欣与鼓舞,周末愉快! This is a pleasant quiet world, the sun is bright as ever, the wind is gentle as ever, I hope the good time will stop like this, bring you joy and inspiration, a happy weekend!

25、问候一声:周末好,愿凉爽的夏风吹走的是您的烦恼,带来的是一整个星期的好运。 Greetings: Good weekend. May the cool summer breeze blow away your troubles and bring a whole week of good luck.

26、难得周末来,停下歇歇脚,赶走忧愁事,抛却小烦恼,彼此多联系,友情很重要,岁月转瞬逝,开心最重要。周末问好! Rare weekends come, stop to rest, drive away worries, put aside minor worries, more contact with each other, friendship is very important, the passing of time, happy is the most important. Weekend greetings!
