1、一个人,无论怎样杰出和卓越,他都不是无所不能的超人。 A person, no matter how outstanding and outstanding, he is not omnipotent Superman.

2、不开心是最可怕的催老剂,你要做一个爱笑的小仙女。 Unhappiness is the most terrible aging agent. You should be a smiling fairy.

3、不要怕爱会带来伤害,要相信,他伤的只是爱情,不是你。 Don't be afraid that love will hurt. Believe that what he hurt is love, not you.

4、为了照亮夜空,星星才站在天空的高处。 In order to light up the night sky, the stars stand high in the sky.

5、人海中的行人那么多,时间会印证我不是个过客。 There are so many pedestrians in the crowd, time will prove that I am not a passer-by.

6、人生是一所学校,在那里比起幸福,不幸是更好的老师。 Life is a school where misfortune is a better teacher than happiness.

7、人生的成败往往就在一念之间,但大多数都是一念之差。 The success or failure of life is often in a thought, but most of them are in a thought.

8、人生,是不是就像一场场梦一样,做过了,也就忘记了。 Life, is not like a dream, did, also forget.

9、什么都不说,不代表我什么都不懂。有一种忍让,就叫沉默。 Just because I don't say anything doesn't mean I don't understand anything. There is a kind of forbearance called silence.

10、你是不是想笑死我,好继承我的花呗。 Do you want to laugh me to death so as to inherit my flowers.

11、你是人间烟火不自知,我在俗世仰望应如是。 You are a firework in the world. I don't know it. I look up to you in the world.

12、你来人间一趟,你要看看太阳,和心爱的人走在街上。 You come to the world, you want to see the sun, and loved ones walking in the street.

13、你的故事写到你离去后为止,我的故事从此变得空白。 Your story was written after you left, and my story became blank.

14、你若先走了,转身时就不要怪我也在背对着你。 If you go first, don't blame me for turning my back on you.

15、傻笑不是与生俱来的,而是我遇到你的那一刻。 Giggle is not born, but the moment I met you.

16、写了太多悲伤的字眼,都忘了幸福怎么描绘了。 Write too many sad words, forget how to describe happiness.

17、后来我去了你去的地方,也失去了曾爱你的心脏。 Later, I went to the place you went and lost the heart that once loved you.

18、后来日记撕了,酒杯也砸了,就连还没有完的故事也结束了。 Later, the diary was torn, the wine cup was smashed, and even the unfinished story ended.

19、多谢你的绝情,让我学会死心。 Thank you for your unfeeling, let me learn to give up.

20、好好照顾自己,就算我恨你。 Take good care of yourself, even if I hate you.

21、如果知道,那是最後壹次,我怎麽会,笑着说拜拜。 If you know, that's the last time, how can I say goodbye with a smile.

22、幸得识卿桃花面,自此阡陌多暖春。 Fortunately, I got the peach blossom noodles. Since then, the fields have been warm.

23、庸人费心将是消磨时光,能人费尽心计利用时间。 The mediocre will waste time, and the capable will use it.

24、当我们仰望星空,那些无言的时刻,记住的遗忘了。 When we look up at the starry sky, those silent moments are forgotten.

25、想你的时候,就象饮酒,未抬杯,人却醉了。 When I miss you, it's like drinking. I'm drunk without a glass.

26、愁死了,只有换发型买衣服才能让我开心。 I'm so worried. Only by changing my hair and buying clothes can I be happy.

27、感恩!感谢有你们,一路陪着我,度过漫长的岁月! Thank you! Thank you for accompanying me all the way through the long years!

28、我们一直再比,比谁伤谁更伤得深一些。 We've been comparing each other and hurting each other more.

29、我是你无奈的选择,却不是多么爱的人,只怪他下手太残忍。 I'm your helpless choice, but I'm not the one who loves you so much. I just blame him for his cruelty.

30、我爱你,你爱她,多么讽刺的现实。 I love you, you love her, what an ironic reality.

31、我现在的状态和心情都不是我想要的,但都是我自找的。 My current state and mood are not what I want, but they are all from me.

32、或许多年以后在提到我,你会笑着说不认识。 Maybe many years later, when you mention me, you will smile and say you don't know me.

33、斜坡上的杂花野草,谁说不是一草一千秋,一花一世界呢。 The miscellaneous flowers and weeds on the slope, who said it is not a grass a thousand years, a flower a world.

34、断了的琴弦,弹奏着从前,一起走过的路线没有终点。 Broken strings, playing in the past, together through the route has no end.

35、无法阻止自己落俗,但浪漫不死。 I can't stop myself from being vulgar, but romance never dies.

36、既然无法做一个可爱的人,那就做一个可恶的人吧。 Since you can't be a lovely person, be a hateful person.

37、曾经说会等我的人现在各自都有了爱人。 Those who once said they would wait for me now have lovers.

38、最大的挑战和突破在于用人,而用人最大的突破在于信任人。 The biggest challenge and breakthrough lies in employing people, and the biggest breakthrough lies in trusting people.

39、最遥远的距离,我一个人撑伞,你们在雨里相拥。 The furthest distance, I hold an umbrella alone, you embrace each other in the rain.

40、来日方长,请你善良。 It's going to be a long time. Please be kind.

41、每一个解释丶都是虚伪的掩饰、有些话永远都只是台词。 Every explanation is a false cover up, some words are always just lines.

42、生活最大的悲剧不是失败,而是一个人已经习惯失败。 The greatest tragedy of life is not failure, but a person has been used to failure.

43、男儿不展风云志,空负天生八尺驱。 If a man doesn't show his ambition, he will be born eight feet away.

44、累了一天,躺床上那一刻,由衷的长叹一声,爽。 Tired day, lying in bed that moment, heartfelt sigh, cool.

45、脆弱的人,只懂得怜悯自已,而不知道反省自已。 Vulnerable people only know how to pity themselves, but don't know how to reflect on themselves.

46、行动是成功的阶梯,行动越多,登得越高。 Action is the ladder to success. The more you do, the higher you climb.

47、迄今所有人生都大写着失败,但不妨碍我继续向前。 So far, all my life has been capitalized with failure, but it doesn't stop me from moving on.

48、闹钟的作用就是提醒我换个姿势睡觉。 The function of the alarm clock is to remind me to sleep in another position.

49、闻鸡起舞成就拼搏劲旅师,天道酬勤再现辉煌王者风。 It's a great achievement to dance with the help of the chicken, and it's a great reward to work hard.

50、陪你从校服到婚纱,熬过年少轻狂,我送你出嫁可好。 Accompany you from school uniform to wedding dress, through young frivolous, I send you to get married.