1、一个人苦,一个人相思。 A person suffering, a person Acacia.

2、一到夜晚,思念如潮! At night, I miss you so much!

3、不是时间忘了我,是你忘了带走我,一个漫长的打坐。 It's not time to forget me, it's you who forget to take me, a long meditation.

4、不知魂已断,空有梦相随。除却天边月,没人知。 I don't know if my soul is broken, but I have a dream with me. No one knows except the moon.

5、世界就像一个巨大的夹娃娃机,我隔着玻璃,只想得到你。 The world is like a huge clip doll machine, I across the glass, just want to get you.

6、人相思,心相思。 Acacia, Acacia heart.

7、似此星辰非昨夜,为谁风露立中宵。 Like this star is not last night, for whom the wind and dew stand at midnight.

8、你来过就走,好似这场骤雨,漫长等待是否还有意义。 You come and go, like this shower, long wait is still meaningful.

9、你的出现是我唯一的心动,每天心里都充满对你的思念。 Your appearance is my only heart. I miss you every day.

10、你的眼泪像北极的冰,流了眼泪痛了心。 Your tears are like the ice in the North Pole. They hurt your heart.

11、喂!记住,我等你我们会在某一天相遇,牵手走下去。 Hello! Remember, I'll wait for you. We'll meet one day and walk hand in hand.

12、多情只有春庭月,犹为离人照落花。 Amorous only Spring Court month, still for the departure according to falling flowers.

13、天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期。 Time and again, this hatred is endless.

14、奇怪,像我这么懒的人却想你想的那么勤快。 It's strange that a lazy person like me is as diligent as you think.

15、对你的想念真的很妙,有时它让我疼,有时又能给我止疼。 Miss you really wonderful, sometimes it makes me pain, sometimes it can give me pain.

16、思念不听话,自己跑出来。 Miss not obedient, run out.

17、思念是峡谷之中一簇花香,思念是云端明月一抹月光。 Missing is a cluster of flowers in the canyon, missing is the moon on the cloud, a touch of moonlight.

18、想念如果有声音,恐怕你早已震耳欲聋。 Miss if there is a voice, I'm afraid you already deafening.

19、我不再肆意妄为的说爱,只会姿意妄为的爱你。 I no longer wantonly say love, will only wantonly love you.

20、我以为酒可以灌死思念,谁知道思念学会了游泳。 I thought wine could kill miss, but miss learned to swim.

21、我对你的思念如同空气,是我唯一不可缺少的。 My missing for you is like the air. It's the only thing I can't do without.

22、我就让你带走我的梦,只要你觉得好过。怎么做我都接受。 I'll let you take my dream as long as you feel better. I accept whatever I do.

23、我,只在做一件事的时候才会想你,那就是呼吸。 I only miss you when I do one thing, that is breathing.

24、时间产生的不是变化,而是更长久的牵挂与思念。 What time produces is not change, but more long-term care and missing.

25、明月不谙离恨苦,斜光到晓穿朱户。 Moon does not know from hate bitter, oblique light to dawn wear Zhuhu.

26、是我不懂得珍惜,才会落得一个人疯狂的思念的下场。 Is I do not know how to cherish, will end up a person crazy miss the end.

27、最好的时光,是和你一起虚度的时光。 The best time is wasted time with you.

28、月不常圆花亦落,苦熬相思病一身! The moon is not often, round flowers also fall, suffering Acacia disease!

29、有些爱,藏在回忆的角落,却不得不各安天涯。 Some love, hidden in the memory of the corner, but have to each end of the world.

30、未到五更休入梦,山深不敢听啼鹃。 The mountain is too deep to listen to the cuckoos.

31、欲寄彩笺兼尺素,山长水阔知何处。 If you want to send colorful paper and ruler, you will know where you are.

32、此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然。 This situation can be remembered, but at that time, it was lost.

33、每当夜深人静的时候,空气中更加弥漫了思念的气息。 Every time in the dead of night, the air is more filled with the breath of missing.

34、浓浓的思念,深深的牵挂。 Deep miss, deep concern.

35、深知身在情长在,怅望江头江水声。 Deeply aware of the body, long in love, looking at the sound of the river.

36、生当复来归,死当长相思。 Everlasting longing for each other is the only way to die.

37、痛过之后就不会觉得痛了,有的只会是一颗冷漠的心。 After the pain will not feel pain, and some will only be a cold heart.

38、直缘感君恩爱一回顾,使我双泪长珊珊。 Straight edge feeling your love, a review, make my tears Long Shan.

39、直道相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂。 Straight acacia is useless, but melancholy is pure madness.

40、相思似海深,旧事如天远。 Acacia is as deep as the sea, old things are as far away as the sky.

41、相思有多长,我用一生丈量。 How long is Acacia? I measure it with my whole life.

42、相思树底说相思,思郎恨郎郎不知。 Acacia tree bottom said Acacia, think Lang hate Lang do not know.

43、算好春长在,好花长见,元只是、人憔悴。 Calculate good spring long in, good flower long see, yuan just, people haggard.

44、终日望君君不至,举头闻鹊喜。 All day long, I look up to hear the magpie.

45、若教眼底无离恨,不信人间有白头。 If you teach me to have no hatred, I don't believe that there are white heads in the world.

46、谁也无法让时光停留,却可以让我的思念停留在你身上。 No one can let time stay, but can let my miss stay on you.

47、谎称时间会冲淡一切,偏偏思念半分不减,愈演愈烈。 Lie that time will dilute everything, but half of the missing is not reduced, intensified.

48、长相思,相思长,一思一念总断肠。 Everlasting longing for each other, a thought and a thought, the total heartbreak.

49、长相思,长相思,若问相思甚了期,除非相见时。 If everlasting longing for each other, everlasting longing for each other, unless you meet.

50、静谧的夜晚,容易让一个人想念,往日的点点,涌上心头。 Quiet night, easy to let a person miss, the past little, come to mind.