1、与其撕心裂肺的痛哭,不如肆无忌惮的疯笑。 It is better to laugh wildly than to cry bitterly.

2、世界再大还是遇见你,世界再小还是丢了你。 No matter how big the world is or how small it is to lose you.

3、为什么,偏偏你是,我逃不脱的一场烟罗。 Why, you are, I can't escape a smoke.

4、人和人之间的距离,太近了会扎人,太远了会伤人。 The distance between people, too close will prick people, too far will hurt people.

5、人活着、不是为了死,而是为了享受自己。 People live, not to die, but to enjoy themselves.

6、你喜欢田野、我愿植草十年、为你等一时春生! You like the field, I would like to plant grass for ten years, for you and so on!

7、你已成为影子爱人,不会消失,却再也不会出现。 You have become the shadow lover, will not disappear, but will never appear again.

8、你要是喜欢别人我会哭,但还是会喜欢你。 If you like others, I will cry, but I will still like you.

9、分手后,处处都有你的身影,思念如影随形。 After breaking up, you are everywhere, missing like a shadow.

10、别说你不爱我了,因为你从来都没爱过我。 Don't say you don't love me, because you have never loved me.

11、可是考试我不爱你。 Born: monthly exam No. 520, but I don't love you.

12、因为遇见你,我才知道我也能拥有美丽的记忆。 Because I met you, I know I can also have beautiful memories.

13、女人用友情来拒绝爱情,男人用友情来换取爱情。 Women use friendship to refuse love, men use friendship to exchange love.

14、好想牵你的手,在公园里走走,没有那个机会了。 I want to hold your hand and walk in the park. I don't have the chance.

15、如果你喜欢我,就告诉我,因为我不可能永远等你。 If you like me, tell me, because I can't wait for you forever.

16、如果忘掉你那么容易,那我当初就不会爱上你。 If it was so easy to forget you, I would not have fallen in love with you.

17、如果时间真的能听见,我希望能停在看着你的瞬间。 If time can really hear, I hope to stop at the moment of looking at you.

18、异地恋,恋的不仅仅是爱情,还有种坚持。 Long distance love, love is not only love, but also a kind of persistence.

19、得不到的爱人终归是风,强留千百次也终究会走。 The love you can't get is the wind. If you keep it a thousand times, you will go.

20、心房的血液慢慢流回心室,如此这般的轮回。 The blood from the atrium slowly flows back to the ventricles, and so on.

21、想起那些时光,想说,那个时候真傻,但是真好。 Think of those times, want to say, at that time really silly, but good.

22、我一定让你过最舒服最幸福的日子,请你相信我。 I will let you live the most comfortable and happy life, please believe me.

23、我不够好,你不愿留,我懂似不懂,却不愿再低头。 I'm not good enough. You don't want to stay. I don't know, but I don't want to bow down.

24、我不是不相信你,我不相信的,是我自己。 It's not that I don't believe you. What I don't believe is myself.

25、我们在不同轨迹、再多的努力也是悲戚。 We are in different tracks, no matter how much efforts we make, it is sad.

26、我只想为你挡风遮雨、护着你、永远爱着你。 I just want to protect you from the wind and rain, protect you and love you forever.

27、我只每天都想和你做四件事,一日三餐。 I just want to do four things with you every day, three meals a day.

28、我很潇洒分手后甩一下头,结果假发甩出去了。 I'm very smart. I shake my head after breaking up, and my wig is thrown out.

29、我得过上百场感冒,你是我久经不退的高烧。 I've had hundreds of colds. You're my persistent high fever.

30、我想告诉你无论是现在还是以后,你都是我的唯一。 I want to tell you that you are the only one for me now and in the future.

31、我爱你爱得死心塌地,你伤我伤得那么彻底。 I love you so much that you hurt me so thoroughly.

32、我爱你爱的撕心裂肺,你玩我玩的不亦乐乎! I love you love the heartrending, you play me very happy!

33、我爱你而不知我在爱你,我想方设法回忆你。 I love you and don't know I love you. I try my best to remember you.

34、我负太多,却惟独能负的起与你的感情,。 I bear too much, but only can bear the feelings with you,.

35、接近你就靠近心痛,离开你就远离幸福。 Close to you close to heartache, leave you away from happiness.

36、旁观者,看戏入三分。旁听者,花言信七分。 Onlookers get three points in the play. For those who listen, they believe seven points.

37、无法拒绝的是开始,无法抗拒的是结束。 What can't be rejected is the beginning, and the irresistible is the end.

38、明知道爱情伤不起,我却还想要拼命的拥有。 Knowing that love can't hurt, I still want to have it desperately.

39、有些人是山川是河流,唯独不是可停泊的港口。 Some people are mountains and rivers, but not berthable ports.

40、有些话,就像卡在喉咙里的刺,说不说都痛。 Some words, like thorns stuck in the throat, are painful to say or not.

41、有段情,不知为何,两人走着走着突然就散了。 There is a period of love, I do not know why, two people walk, suddenly separated.

42、没有你的日子我可以过得很好,但不代表你不重要。 I can live well without you, but it doesn't mean you don't matter.

43、没有前奏的过去,空白式的过往,依然值得纪念。 There is no prelude to the past, the blank style of the past, is still worth remembering.

44、活着的人常被遗忘,死去的人常被人思念。 The living are often forgotten, the dead are often missed.

45、爱情它可以让你忘乎所以,也可以让你生不如死。 Love can make you forget yourself, and it can also make you feel worse than death.

46、爱情来不及变老,就葬送在烽火的玩笑。 Love has no time to grow old, will be buried in the fun of beacon fire.

47、爱情,它并非一个努力耕耘必有收获的项目。 Love, it is not a hard work will have harvest project.

48、爱比不爱更悲伤,刺痛了心,悲伤了情。 Love is more sad than no love, stinging the heart, sad feelings.

49、男人最痛恨勾引自己老婆的人,尤其是半途而废的。 Men hate those who seduce their wives, especially those who give up halfway.

50、离开了你,我再也找不到让我心动的人。 Leave you, I can't find the person who let me heart.

51、穿的一个比一个危险,长得一个比一个安全。 Wearing one is more dangerous than the other, and growing one is safer than the other.

52、等时间刚刚好,感情刚刚好,我们结婚吧! Waiting time is just right, love is just good, let's get married!

53、缘,当她悄悄的来临时,有一种淡淡的感觉。 Edge, when she comes quietly, there is a light feeling.


55、要学着自己笑,自己哭,自己唱歌给自己听。 Learn to laugh, cry and sing to yourself.

56、谁能还我那些旧时光。我和你美好的旧时光。 Who can give me back those old days. My good old time with you.

57、那么多人当中我心里只当中你是我唯一的傻瓜。 Among so many people, you are the only fool in my heart.

58、那些和你在一起的日子,连空气都是甜的。 Those days with you, even the air is sweet.

59、那些所有你以为过不去的过去,都会过去。 All the past that you think you can't go through will pass.

60、那些痴情的人,只是还没有找到合适的替代品而已。 Those infatuated people just haven't found a suitable substitute.

61、那片属于我们的天空,总是那么美丽。 The sky that belongs to us is always so beautiful.