1、一生相濡以沫,一生携手度过,不论贫穷富贵,健康疾病。爱的是你,一生是你。 We will help each other all our lives, and we will spend our lives hand in hand, regardless of poverty, wealth, health and disease. Love is you, life is you.

2、一见便钟情,一眼定终身,一生只爱你。 I love you at first sight. I love you all my life.

3、与你的美丽相遇,是我今生誓死的守护。 Meeting your beauty is my life-long guard.

4、人间不值得,但你值得。 The world is not worth it, but you are.

5、从今往后,富贵是你,清贫是你,走到白头也是你。 From now on, you will be rich, you will be poor, and you will be white.

6、从今往后,有人与我共黄昏,有人问我粥可温。 From now on, some people will share the evening with me, and some people will ask me whether the porridge is warm.

7、从前,眼前人是心上人。以后,心上人是枕边人。 Once upon a time, the person in front of me was my sweetheart. After that, my sweetheart is my pillow.

8、从此生活不再是一个人,余生我们一起过。 Since then, life is no longer a person, the rest of our lives together.

9、以后我想要一直陪你笑,不会陪你哭。因为我不会让你哭!嫁给我吧! I want to laugh with you all the time, not cry with you. Because I won't make you cry! Please marry me!

10、余生,请让我好好照顾你,爱你。 Please let me take good care of you and love you for the rest of my life.

11、你就是我的最爱,永远不会改变。我将用我一生来呵护你,不让你受半点委屈。 You are my favorite and will never change. I will use my life to care for you, do not let you suffer any injustice.

12、你的一生我只借一程,这一程便是余生。 I only borrow one way in your life, and this one is the rest of your life.

13、你能让别人羡慕,那就是我最大的成功。 You can let others envy, that is my biggest success.

14、你若一直在我便一直爱。 If you are always there, I will always love you.

15、前半生没参与,后半生奉陪到底。 I didn't participate in the first half of my life, but I'll accompany you in the second half of my life.

16、哪怕我们以后白发苍苍,你依旧是我手心里的那个宝。 Even if we are white haired, you are still the treasure in my hand.

17、在遇到你之前,我没有梦想,遇到你之后,娶你,把最好的都给你,成了我的梦想。 Before I met you, I had no dream. After I met you, I married you and gave you the best. It became my dream.

18、多余的话没有,只有简单的一句余生请多指教。 There is no superfluous words, only a simple sentence. Please give me more advice for the rest of your life.

19、如果今生我们爱不够,我相信来生在一起更长久。 If we don't love enough in this life, I believe we will be together for a long time in the next life.

20、情定天涯海角,相伴白头到老。 Love the ends of the earth, accompanied by the end of life.

21、愿得一人心,白首不相离。 Catch one's heart, never be apart.

22、我也曾虚度浪费光阴,甚至莽撞到视死如归,却因为爱上了你,开始渴望长命百岁。 I also wasted my time, even recklessly to death, but because I fell in love with you, I began to yearn for a long life.

23、我只会一天比一天更爱你。 I will only love you more and more every day.

24、我喜欢你,何止狼子野心,简直贼心不死。 I like you. You're more than ambitious. You're a thief.

25、我心中的唯一非你莫属,我爱你的心永远不变。 You are the only one in my heart. I love you forever.

26、我愿意爱你,照顾你,保护你,一生一世。 I am willing to love you, take care of you, protect you, all my life.

27、我执你之手,与你共白头。 I hold your hand and share your white head.

28、我没有很多绵绵情话我只想用我的真情告诉你:谢谢你愿意,我永远爱你! I don't have a lot of love words, I just want to use my true feelings to tell you: Thank you for your willingness, I love you forever!

29、我的世界,因为有你,连路边的风景也很美丽。 My world, because of you, even the roadside scenery is very beautiful.

30、我的未来,与你同在。 My future is with you.

31、我虽然做事时常三分钟热度,但是喜欢你这件事,我却用了一百分的热度。 Although I do things often three minutes heat, but like you this thing, I used a hundred minutes heat.

32、春风十里也不如你。 Spring breeze is not as good as you.

33、有了你,我便有了一切。 With you, I have everything.

34、有人说我的眼睛好看,因为里面只有你。 Some people say my eyes look good, because there are only you in them.

35、爱情肯定对我施了魔咒,让我今生今世与你守候。 Love must have cast a magic spell on me, let me wait with you in this life.

36、生死契阔,与子成说。执子之手,与子偕老。 Life and death agree with each other. hold your hand and grow old together with you.

37、相爱是山长水阔,最后是你。 Love is long and wide, and finally you.

38、等青丝到白发,我还是那个爱你的他。 I'm still the one who loves you.

39、谢谢你为了我,愿意放弃你的诗和远方,而和我一起柴米油盐。 Thank you for being willing to give up your poems and distant places for me.

40、这一生对于我来说,最奢侈的事情,莫过于和你私定终身。 For me, the most luxurious thing in this life is to have a private life with you.