1、一生最重,不过饱餐与被爱;一生所求,不过温暖与良人。 Life is the heaviest, but full of food and love; life demands, but warmth and love.

2、一见你的笑,我的世界顿时亮了起来。 At the sight of your smile, my world suddenly lit up.

3、不去讨好世界,也不去评论是非。做好自己就行,爱谁谁。 Not to please the world, not to comment on right and wrong. Just be yourself and love who you are.

4、不强求,不强留,你有本事轻易放手,我就有脾气转身就走。 If you don't insist, if you have the ability to let go easily, I will turn around and go.

5、不怕狼一样的敌人,就怕猪一样的战友。 Fear not the enemies like wolves, but the comrades like pigs.

6、不求你深深记我一辈子,只求别忘记你的世界我来过。 Do not ask you to remember me deeply all my life, just don't forget that I have been in your world.

7、不管做什么,都要给自己留点空间,好让自己可以从容转身。 No matter what you do, you should leave some space for yourself so that you can turn around calmly.

8、不能直接说喜欢你,所以用晚安代替。 I can't say I like you directly, so I'll use good night instead.

9、人总是把最好的东西糟蹋以后,才开始感慨人生若只如初见。 People always waste the best things before they start to feel that life is just like the beginning.

10、人真的是一种完全以自我为中心的动物。 Man is really a completely self-centered animal.

11、你太好了,好得让我都不想让你回别人的家了。 You are so kind that I don't want you to go back to other people's homes.

12、你既不友好也不冷漠,你远远近近,让我想放弃,但不愿意。 You are neither friendly nor indifferent. You are so close that I want to give up, but I don't want to.

13、你明明不近视的呀,为什么看不出来我喜欢你呢? Why can't you see that I like you?

14、你笑的好漂亮,好像从来没有受过伤。 You have a beautiful smile, as if you have never been hurt.

15、你还有好多未完成的梦,你有什么理由停下脚步。 You still have many unfinished dreams. Why do you stop.

16、兔子不吃窝边草,何况质量又不好,何必非在身边找。 Rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests. Besides, the quality is not good. Why not look around.

17、其实就这么一直可爱下去,没有什么卖萌解决不了。 In fact, it's always lovely. There's nothing cute that can't be solved.

18、别太随便把心交进来,收回来的时分伤痕累累你才晓得痛。 Don't hand in your heart too casually. You will know the pain when you receive it.

19、只要你需要我,我永远在你看得到的地方。 As long as you need me, I will always be where you can see.

20、听着悲伤的歌,流着痛心的泪,想着失心的他。 Listen to the sad song, with sad tears, thinking of him who lost his heart.

21、喜欢的人当猪养,讨厌的人拿去喂猪。 He who likes is a pig, and he who hates is a pig.

22、在没有你的日子里,我连呼吸都会痛。 In the days without you, I even feel pain in breathing.

23、失望攒够了就放手,不打扰是我最后的温柔。 Let go when you have enough disappointment. It's my last tenderness not to disturb.

24、如果不能并肩同行,那就假装恰好路过。 If you can't walk together, pretend to be passing by.

25、如果你总是在一个地方跌倒,那大概是那儿有一个坑。 If you always fall in one place, there is probably a pit there.

26、如果你活着,早晚都会死;如果你死了,你就永远活着。 If you live, sooner or later you will die; if you die, you will live forever.

27、希望这个世界就像一个大操场,背道而驰后还能不期而遇。 I hope this world is like a big playground, which can be met by chance after running against each other.

28、当我们搬开别人架下的绊脚石时,也许恰恰是在为自己铺路。 When we remove the stumbling blocks of others, maybe we are just paving the way for ourselves.

29、忘记有时是种痛,那爱又是一种什么! Forget sometimes is a kind of pain, that love is a kind of what!

30、怀念那段我们上课睡觉觉,下课蹦跳跳,考试死翘翘的时光。 Miss that time when we sleep in class, jump after class, and pass the exam.

31、思念,在挥手告别的一瞬间溃不成军。 Missing, in the moment of waving goodbye to break ranks.

32、感情到了无话可说需要敷衍时,真的该散了。 Feeling to have nothing to say when need perfunctory, really should be dispersed.

33、我喜欢交朋友,但不喜欢供祖宗。 I like to make friends, but I don't like to offer sacrifices to my ancestors.

34、我喜欢和你一起种花、种草、种宝宝。 I like to plant flowers, grass and baby with you.

35、我是困不住的野马,却只想做你怀里的猫。 I'm a wild horse that can't be trapped, but I just want to be the cat in your arms.

36、我的温暖并不多,全都留给那些对我好的人了。 My warmth is not much. It's all for those who are good to me.

37、我说不出来我为什么爱你,但我知道你是我不爱别人的理由。 I can't say why I love you, but I know you are the reason why I don't love others.

38、我这辈子做得最好的事,就是找到你。 The best thing I've done in my life is to find you.

39、找到你之前,失去你之后,幸福,它再也没有来临过。 Before finding you, after losing you, happiness never comes.

40、故道大,天大,地大,人亦大。域中有四大,而人居其一焉。 So the road is big, the sky is big, the earth is big, and the people are big. There are four regions, but one is human settlements.

41、新年快乐,我对自己说,希望你眼里长着太阳,笑里全是坦荡。 Happy new year, I said to myself, I hope you have the sun in your eyes, and all your laughter is calm.

42、无论岁月如何变迁,我对你的爱从不改变。 No matter how time changes, my love for you never changes.

43、没有收拾残局的能力,就别放纵善变的情绪。 If you don't have the ability to clean up the mess, don't indulge in fickleness.

44、烟花绽放,徐徐仰望,寂寥无眠,思卿断肠。 Fireworks bloom, slowly look up, lonely and sleepless, think of Qing heartbreak.

45、直到你牵起她的手,我才停下了逞强。 I didn't stop trying to be brave until you took her hand.

46、自从得了神经病,整个人都精神多了。 Since I got neuropathy, the whole person has become more energetic.

47、衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。 my clothes grow daily more loose, yet care I not. For you am I thus wasting away in sorrow and pain.

48、要吃辣子栽辣秧,要吃鲤鱼走长江。 To eat spicy rice seedling, to eat carp to walk along the Yangtze River.

49、要想风光辉煌,就得死撑硬扛,要想人前显贵,就得吃苦受累。 If you want to have a splendid scenery, you have to bear the burden. If you want to be distinguished, you have to suffer.

50、跟我在一起吧,行就行,不行我就再想办法。 Stay with me. I can do it. I can't do it.

51、躲在万劫不复的街头,微笑参透覆水。 Hide in the street of the eternal, smile and see through the water.

52、还清了债,买了一身衣服,在前程似锦的早上醒来。 Paid off the debt, bought a suit of clothes, woke up in the morning with bright future.

53、这么多的路,到底哪一条才能到你心里。 So many roads, which one can reach your heart.

54、那个曾经错过的人,我只想说,谢天谢地。 I just want to say thank goodness to the one who has missed.

55、那些没能走到最后的关系,其实都没关系。 Those relationships that didn't make it to the end didn't really matter.

56、都说人生自古谁无死,可我一定要死在你后面。 It's said that no one has died since ancient times, but I must die behind you.