1、“恋恋不舍”把你恋,你是我的魂牵梦绕的“二人转”! "Reluctant to give up" to love you, you are my dream of "Errenzhuan"!

2、上天又给我一个约你的借口,亲爱的,与你共渡,天天都是情人节。 God gave me another excuse to ask you out, my dear. It's Valentine's day every day.

3、与你共度,情人佳节。情人节快乐,我的小甜心! Spend Valentine's day with you. Happy Valentine's day, my little sweetheart!

4、亲爱的,情人节快乐!祝我们的爱情永远! Happy Valentine's day, dear! Wish our love forever!

5、亲爱的,情人节快乐,为我们的感情加油。 Dear, Happy Valentine's day, cheer for our feelings.

6、亲爱的,我最成功的事情就是爱上你。情人节快乐。 Dear, the most successful thing for me is to love you. Happy Valentine's day.

7、人生若只如初见,你我牵手胸中暖,同舟共济心相连,相敬如宾不夜天! If life is just like the first time, you and I hand in hand in the heart warm, together in the same boat linked, respect each other like a guest not night!

8、今生只愿温柔的懂你,细腻的疼你,热烈的爱你。 In this life, I only want to know you gently, love you delicately and love you warmly.

9、你的梦幻妩媚,让我痴心无悔。岁岁七夕之会,年年与你相随。 Your dream is charming, let me infatuate without regret. The Chinese New Year's Eve will be with you every year.

10、字字句句,淳朴厚实,目的只有一个,祝你和你的情人节过的快乐! Words and sentences, simple and honest, only one purpose, I wish you and your Valentine's day happy!

11、希望你拥有真爱,享受真爱,情人节快乐! Hope you have true love, enjoy true love, Happy Valentine's Day!

12、弯弯的月亮,弯弯的情,半遮半掩在心中。 Crooked moon, crooked love, half hidden in the heart.

13、心里有你,笔下有你,愿与你一起创造美好未来,一世相依! I have you in my heart and in my pen. I would like to create a better future with you and depend on you all my life!

14、情人节到了,我们相爱一生,我们相守一世。 Valentine's Day is coming. We love each other all our lives. We stay together all our lives.

15、情人节快乐,预祝有情的你永远浪漫、热情的你永远青春。 Happy Valentine's day, I wish you forever romantic, passionate you forever youth.

16、情人节,爱你在心口,疼你在手心,懂你在心田,想你在心间! Valentine's day, love you in the heart, love you in the palm, understand you in the heart, want you in the heart!

17、情人节,续与你携手,一生一世,我爱你! Valentine's day, continue to work with you, life, I love you!

18、情人节,讲出心窝窝里的话:爱你一生一世永不变! Valentine's day, say the words in my heart: love you forever!

19、愿你开开心心每一分,幸幸福福每一秒。祝:情人节快乐! Wish you happy every minute, happy every second. Happy Valentine's Day!

20、愿你开开心心,用心将我铭记,祝情人节快乐! May you be happy and remember me with your heart. Happy Valentine's Day!

21、愿爱长相依,月儿永无缺。我欲银河逝,予两星永洁! May love always be with you, and the moon never fails. I want the Milky way to die and the two stars to be forever clean!

22、我愿变成一朵鲜艳夺目的小花,常开在你目光注视的地方,情人节快乐! I would like to become a bright flower, often in your eyes, Happy Valentine's Day!

23、我深信有一天,可爱的你会伸出你的小手,挥去我等待的寂寞。 I firmly believe that one day, lovely you will stretch out your little hand and wave away the loneliness I am waiting for.

24、既然爱上你我就不后悔,我愿永远陪着你,用我的一生爱你。 Since I love you, I don't regret it. I would like to accompany you forever and love you with my whole life.

25、白首同心在一起,浓情真纯甜如蜜。七夕快乐。 White head together, pure and sweet as honey. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day.

26、祝你我真情牵手走向人生乐园,心想事成!情人节快乐! I wish you and I hand in hand to the paradise of life, wish you success! Happy Valentine's Day!

27、祝愿你,有相知,爱永远,风雨携手心不变,幸福生活比蜜甜。七夕快乐! Wish you know each other, love forever, wind and rain hand in hand heart unchanged, happy life is sweeter than honey. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

28、纤纤素手,盈盈柔情,佳期如梦今又醉。七夕执子之手,一生幸福同走。 Delicate and simple hands, full of tender feelings, the season is like a dream now and drunk. The Chinese Valentine's day holds the hand of the son, and he will walk happily all his life.

29、给你一句承诺,将牵手到白头,情人节到,愿你情人节快乐,我爱你! Give you a promise, hand in hand to the white head, Valentine's day to, wish you a happy Valentine's day, I love you!

30、遥祝远朋行安至,笑柔挚心有相知,情人节快乐! Wish you a happy Valentine's Day!