1、**者的鲜血是红色的,墨水也是红色的,特别是当蓝墨水用完的时候! Revolutionaries of the blood is red, the ink is red, especially when the blue ink exhausted!

2、一个美洲的战士出发了! An American soldiers set off!

3、不**行吗? No revolution?

4、世界的另外一些地方需要我去献出我微薄的力量! Other parts of the world need me to give my meager strength!

5、你们应当永远对这个世界上任何地方发生的非正义事情产生强烈的反感,那是一个**者最宝贵的品质。 You should never to any place in this world with a strong antipathy injustice of things happened, that is the most valuable quality of a revolutionary.上一页12下一页

6、像鹰一样战斗! Fight like an eagle!

7、切是是一个真正为了自己的理想而活着的人。 Cutting is a real man alive in order to his ideal.

8、哪里有帝国主义,我就在哪里同他斗! Where there is imperialism, where I will fight with him!

9、哪里有贫困,哪里就有我! Where there is poverty, there is me!!!!!!!

10、坚强起来才不会丧失温柔! Strong will not lose gentle!

11、如果我葬身异国,我临终时想到的将是古巴人民! If I died in foreign country, I will be his deathbed think of the Cuban people!

12、如果按钮在古巴人手里,导弹很可能就发出去了。 If the button cubans, missile would probably be sent.

13、宁肯站着死,决不跪着生。 Would rather stand die, never kneel.

14、我不是英雄,但是我与英雄并肩战斗! I am not a hero, but I fight with hero!

15、我们要建立一个不用钱的社会! We want to create a need not money of society!

16、我在想,**是不朽的。 I'm thinking, revolution is immortal. No moral socialist, I don't like!

17、我怎能在别人的苦难面前转过脸去。 How could I turned away in front of other people's suffering.

18、我是个梦想家,向往无拘无束的生活,我烦透了医院、学校、考试这些无聊透顶的事情。 I'm a dreamer, yearning freedom of life, I'm sick and tired of hospitals, schools, the examination of these boring things.

19、我用能拿到的一切武器为我的信念而战。 I used to get all the weapons fought for my beliefs.

20、我的命运是外出远行。 My destiny is go out to travel.

21、我的脚跟再一次挨到罗西南特的肋骨,我挽着盾牌,重上征途。 My heel once again get to rossi nantes ribs, I'm holding the shield, heavy on the journey.

22、无数的生活经历告诉我,当一个旅人乃是我的宿命。 Countless experiences tell me, when a traveler is my destiny.

23、正义,有多少邪恶假你的名义而行。 Justice, howmuch evil fake your name.

24、永久胜利时见! Permanent victory you then!


26、直到最后的胜利。 Until (till) the final victory.

27、直到永远胜利,为祖国勿宁死。 Forever, don't died for his country.

28、让世界改变你,然后你改变世界。 Let the world change you, then you change the world.

29、让我们面对现实,让我们忠于理想。 Let us face the reality, let us loyal to the ideal.

30、让我冒着让人嘲笑的危险说出来吧, Let me speak out risk make people laugh at, to guide the real revolutionaries forward, is the greatest love of all.

31、请听听人民的声音吧! Please listen to the voice of the people!

32、足球可不仅仅是一种运动,而且也是一种**工具。 Football is not just a sport, but also a revolutionary tool.

33、面对现实,忠于理想。 Face the reality, will be loyal to the ideal.
