1、一败涂地还是风生水起,我都决定爱我自己。 I've decided to love myself.
2、一身的痞子味,成不了你的乖乖女。 The whole body of ruffian flavor, can not become your good girl.
3、不会再勉强自己逢场作戏了,该笑笑,该闹闹。 It's time to laugh and make a scene.
4、不强求,不强留,你转身,我便走。 If you don't insist, if you don't insist, turn around and I'll go.
5、不必讨好所有的人,正如不必铭记所有的昨天。 You don't have to please everyone, just as you don't have to remember all yesterday.
6、不要拿你的曾经,去评论我的未来。 Don't take your past and comment on my future.
7、不要跟爷装腼腆,爷能看出你不要脸! Don't pretend to be shy with me. I can see that you are shameless!
8、不需要你理解,闭嘴是你应该做的。 You don't need to understand. Shut up is what you should do.
9、人生是一场旅行,要懂得好好欣赏每一段的风景。 Life is a journey, we should know how to enjoy every section of the scenery.
10、人,就活一次,理应活的飞扬跋扈。 People, live once, should live domineering.
11、从此不再去将就,要走的一律不挽留。 From then on, I will not make do with it, and I will not detain those who want to go.
12、以凉薄之性,待凉薄之人。 To cool thin nature, to cool thin people.
13、住在我心里,你交房租了吗你。 Living in my heart, have you paid the rent yet.
14、你嘲笑我和别人不一样,我嘲笑你和大家都一样。 You laugh at me for being different from others. I laugh at you for being the same as everyone else.
15、你在我的异常关心里,却不在我的最近访客里。 You are in my special care, but not in my recent visitors.
16、别以为掌声就是鼓励,蚊子也是这个待遇! Don't think applause is encouragement. Mosquitoes are also treated like this!
17、别指望我谅解,别指望我体会。 Don't expect me to understand, don't expect me to understand.
18、别睡得太晚,别爱太满,愿你美丽且洒脱。 Don't sleep too late, don't love too much, wish you beautiful and free and easy.
19、千万别等到人人都说你丑时才发现自己真的丑。 Don't wait until everyone says you're ugly to find out you're really ugly.
20、只要我不触碰感情,齐天大圣都奈何不了。 As long as I don't touch my feelings, the great sage of heaven can do nothing.
21、喜怒不形于色,大事淡然,有自己的底线。 Happiness and anger do not form in color, the event is indifferent, has its own bottom line.
22、地球只有一个我,所以你们谁都不许伤害我。 The earth has only one me, so none of you can hurt me.
23、多数人的关系到最后就是:只走流量不走心。 Most people's relationship to the end is: only flow does not go.
24、太早遇见那个惊艳的人,余生都不会安稳。 If you meet that amazing person too early, you won't be safe for the rest of your life.
25、如果你看不惯我,我建议你好好反省下自己。 If you don't like me, I suggest you reflect on yourself.
26、学会自立自强,世态炎凉,世界并不善良。 Learn to be self reliant, the world is cool, the world is not good.
27、对于你我无所谓,因为我不想浪费自己的生命。 I don't care about you, because I don't want to waste my life.
28、对未来的真正慷慨,是把一切都献给现在。 The real generosity to the future is to give everything to the present.
29、就算与全世界为敌,也绝不委屈自己。 Even if you are against the whole world, you will never aggrieve yourself.
30、希望你活的尽兴,而不是过得庆幸。 I hope you have a good time, not a good time.
31、情绪就是心魔,你不控制它,它便吞噬你。 Emotion is the devil of the heart. If you don't control it, it will devour you.
32、我一直都觉得自己很酷,受了委屈也不哭。 I always think I'm cool and don't cry when I'm wronged.
33、我们都要面向太阳,骄傲的活着。 We should all face the sun and live proudly.
34、我拧得开瓶盖,提得动箱子,有没有你都可以。 I can open the bottle cap and lift the box. You can do it or not.
35、我认真的时候你别闹,给你面子的时候你别傲。 Don't make trouble when I'm serious. Don't be proud when I give you face.
36、我还是我,少了一丝笑容,多了一份薄凉。 I am still me, less smile, more thin cool.
37、既然是梦,为何不大胆一点? Since it's a dream, why not be bold?
38、最开心的事,听见你的声音,得到你的关心。 The happiest thing is to hear your voice and get your attention.
39、比孤独更孤独的,是和错的人在一起。 More lonely than loneliness is being with the wrong people.
40、活着实在太不容易了,除了没人疼,其他哪都疼! It's not easy to live, except no one hurts, everything else hurts!
41、爱与恨,粘稠而匆匆,今我只想饮白水,做闲人。 Love and hate, thick and hurried, now I just want to drink white water and be idle.
42、现在什么让我累,我就想放弃什么,别讲道理。 Now what makes me tired, I want to give up what, do not reason.
43、用不着你来喜欢,更轮不到你来讨厌。 You don't need to like it, not to hate it.
44、用玩世不恭的态度,面对复杂的人生。 Face a complicated life with a cynical attitude.
45、看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。 Look in my eyes and you'll see what you mean to me.
46、等我主动,那你做梦。 When I take the initiative, you dream.
47、能自己扛就别声张,你矫情的样子并不漂亮。 Don't talk about it if you can carry it by yourself. Your affectation is not beautiful.
48、自己选择的荆棘漫道,连滚带爬也要走到最终。 The thorns and thorns of my own choice, even rolling and crawling, have to go to the end.
49、走过的路,可以回头望,但决不能回头走。 You can look back on the road you have gone, but you can never look back.
50、鱼和熊掌不可兼得,但单身和穷可以。 You can't have both, but you can be single and poor.