1、Cute and pretty, beautiful and lovely. Charming and bubbly, Innocent and friendly. Dear daughter, you are all of the above, endless for you is our love. Happy birthday.聪明又机灵,美丽又可爱,迷人又活泼,天真又友善。亲爱的女儿,这些都属于你。我们对你的爱是无尽的。生日快乐。

2、Daughters are like sugar. Too much of them will make the taste of life even better, but too little of them will make life tasteless. You make our life worth living dear daughter. Happy Birthday.女儿如糖。多几个,生活更有滋味;但是太少的话,生活就象白开水。亲爱的女儿,你让我们的生活有了期待。生日快乐!

3、Daughters are warm like the sun, bright like the stars, cool like a breeze, and sweet as honey. Who wouldn’t love someone like that! Happy Birthday.女儿象阳光一样温暖,象星星一样明亮,象微风一样清柔,象蜜一样甜。谁不会爱这样的人呢?生日快乐。

4、Ever since you were a little baby to the day you became a teenage girly, you have always been the love of your mommy and daddy. Happy birthday.从你婴儿时候起,到你成为十几岁的少女,你一如既往是爸妈的最爱。生日快乐。

5、Happy birthday to the world’s most amazing daughter.祝世界上最棒的女儿生日快乐。


6、Having you as a child made me realize how beautiful life is. Your smile always brightens my day. Happy Birthday.有你作为我的孩子,让我认识到人生是多么美好。你的微笑照亮了我的时光。生日快乐。

7、I am proud to say the mini version of myself is way better that the original one. Happy birthday sweetheart.我自豪地说,我自己的迷你版比原版更好。生日快乐,宝贝。

8、I am wishing you the best of days and many more happy birthdays.愿你天天快乐,生日快乐。

9、I can’t believe how swiftly time has passed us by. You’re such a big girl now! May you reach all your dreams and aspirations in life on this wonderful birthday.我不敢相信时间在我们身边如此快地飞过。现在你是个大姑娘了。希望在这个美妙的生日里,你梦想成真。

10、I still remember cuddling you in my arms and singing you a lullaby. But seeing you so grown up makes me realize how time flies. Happy birthday to my daughter.我还记得抱你在臂弯,给你清唱摇篮曲。但是看你长这么大了,我才意识到时间过得好快。生日快乐,我的女儿。


11、It doesn’t matter how old and mature you turn today, we have to carry out the ceremony of crowning you the Birthday Princess! Happy Birthday dear daughter.不管你今天多大,我们都将给你戴上公主生日的花冠。生日快乐,亲爱的女儿。

12、I’m so grateful for having a daughterlike you. Happy Birthday to the world’s best daughter.有你这样的女儿,我心怀感激。世上最好的女儿,生日快乐。

13、Just watching you grow up brings a smile on our faces. Always remember that our love for you is a limitless oasis. Happy birthday.看着你长大让我们笑容绽放。永远记住,我们对你的爱是无限的乐土。生日快乐。

14、My baby, my little girl, my daughter, I love you.又过去了一年,你一年比一年美丽、大气。我的宝贝,我的小姑娘,我的女儿,我爱你。

15、Roses are red and candy is sweet, but having you as a daughter cannot be beat.玫瑰是红色的,糖果是甜蜜的,但有你这个女儿,那些均黯然失色。

