1、于千万人中,于那一锦年那一季花开,你我初识;于那阳光明媚,小桥流水之日,你我相知;于那夏风温柔,并肩赏星之时,你我相爱。 Among thousands of people, in that year of brocade, flowers bloom, you and I first knew each other; on the day when the sun was shining and the bridge was flowing, you and I knew each other; when the summer wind was gentle and enjoying the stars side by side, you and I fell in love.

2、你不要问我为什么喜欢你,也不要问我会爱你多久,因为遇见你的时候,我从来没想过会喜欢你,爱上你的以后,我从没想过再爱别人。 Don't ask me why I like you or how long I will love you, because when I met you, I never thought I would like you. After falling in love with you, I never thought of loving others again.

3、你住的城市下雨了,很想问你有没有带伞。可是我忍住了,因为我怕你说没带,而我又无能为力,就像是我爱你却给不到你想要的陪伴。 It's raining in your city. I'd like to ask if you have an umbrella. But I hold back, because I'm afraid you said no, and I can't do anything, just like I love you but can't give you the company you want.

4、你在东经多少度想起,我在北纬某一处爱你,世界那么大,相遇那么巧,时间那么短,爱你那么深,生命中最大的幸福就是心中有了你。 How many times in the east longitude do you remember that I love you somewhere in the northern latitude. The world is so big, the meeting is so opportune, the time is so short, and I love you so deeply. The greatest happiness in life is to have you in my heart.

5、你悄悄为我做的一切,天地知晓,我知晓!为这悄悄柔柔的温情,在滚滚红尘,我不怕红颜老褪,总在期待中度过慢慢长夜,可不后悔。 Everything you do quietly for me, heaven and earth know, I know! For this quiet and soft warmth, in the rolling world of mortals, I am not afraid of the old fading beauty, always in the expectation of spending a long night, can not regret.

6、你的过去我未曾参与,你的未来我愿奉陪到底。你是我的,谁都抢不走,我就是这么霸道;我是你的,谁都领不走,我就是这么死心眼。 I have never participated in your past, and I would like to accompany you in the future. You are mine, no one can take away, I am so overbearing; I am yours, no one can take away, I am so stubborn.

7、你能不能稍微告诉我一声,你想我了,小点声,只有我们两个听得见,我一定会去找你的我谁都不要了,让你难过的事,我再也不做了。 Can you tell me a little bit, you miss me, lower your voice, only the two of us can hear, I will find you, I don't want anyone else, I will never do anything that makes you sad.

8、你越想知道自己是不是忘记的时候,你反而记得越清楚,我曾经听人说过,当你不能再拥有的时候,唯一可以做的就是令自己不要忘记。 The more you want to know if you forget, the more clearly you remember. I once heard that when you can no longer have it, the only thing you can do is not to forget.

9、关心开道问候护行,送你好心情;思念为怀牵挂常在,时刻都愉快;快乐开花开心结果,好运跟你走;平安呵护祝福叮嘱,拥有真幸福。 Care for the road, greetings to protect the line, send you a good mood; miss for care often, happy all the time; happy flowering, happy fruit, good luck to go with you; peace care, blessing, have true happiness.

10、其实仔细想想,在没有任何喜欢的人的时候,往往是你过得最轻松快乐的时候,尽管偶尔会觉得孤独了点,但所有的时间也都是自己的。 In fact, think carefully, when there is no one you like, it is often the most relaxed and happy time for you. Although you occasionally feel a little lonely, all the time is also your own.

11、向月老借了一根红线,捆住你的手,问丘比特要了一根箭,插进你的心,悄悄的威胁你一下,交出你的情,告诉你一个小密秘,我爱你。 Borrow a red line from Yuelao, tie your hand, ask Cupid for an arrow, insert it into your heart, quietly threaten you, hand over your feelings, tell you a little secret, I love you.

12、喜欢你的每一个笑容,笑的灿烂,笑的天真,你的笑声总是能荡起快乐与幸福的味道,滋润着心中的花永不凋谢。我知道这是爱的力量。 Like your every smile, smile brilliant, smile naive, your laughter is always able to shake the taste of happiness and happiness, moisten the heart of flowers never wither. I know it's the power of love.

13、在这个与众不同的情人节里,我把誓言一生一世戴在你的手指上,纵然一生平平淡淡,同尝甘苦,我愿永远为你挡风遮雨共度朝朝暮暮。 In this special Valentine's day, I will wear the oath on your fingers all my life. Even if my life is flat and light, I will always be there for you to spend the day and night together.

14、坚硬的城市里没有柔软的爱情生活不是林黛玉,不会因为忧伤而风情万种人永远看不破的镜花水月,不过我指间烟云世间千年如我一瞬。 Hard city without soft love life is not Lin Daiyu, not because of sadness and amorous feelings, people will never see through the mirror, but my fingers smoke clouds, the world is like me for a moment.

15、天热时,想成为你头上的云,起风时,想成为你身边的墙,下雨时,想成为你手中的伞。想成为和你有关的一切,护你周全,保你欢喜。 When it's hot, I want to be the cloud on your head, when the wind blows, I want to be the wall around you, when it rains, I want to be your umbrella. I want to be everything that is related to you, protect you well and make you happy.

16、天苍苍路漫漫,工作生活别太忙;春意浓春光灿,享受自然心舒畅;甜蜜蜜喜洋洋,互敬互爱美名扬;爱相随爱常在,幸福爱情久又长! The sky is grey and the road is long. Don't be too busy with your work and life. The spring is thick and the spring light is bright. You can enjoy the natural heart. You can enjoy the sweet honey and joy, respect each other and love each other. You can enjoy the beauty and fame of each other. Love is always with you. Happy love is long and long!

17、好好吃饭,好好睡觉,好好挣钱,好好花钱。不为不值得的人生气,不为不值得的事失眠。既然活着就好好活着,每分钟都为自己活着。 Eat well, sleep well, make money and spend money. Don't get angry for the unworthy, and lose sleep for the unworthy. Since you live, live well and live for yourself every minute.

18、好的爱情多简单,四个条件。我喜欢你,你也喜欢我。我适合你,你也适合我。好的爱情多复杂,四个条件,有人全落空,有人三缺一。 Good love is more simple, four conditions. I like you and you like me. I'm for you, and you're for me. Good love is more complex, four conditions, some people all failed, some people three missing one.

19、如果在流逝的时间里说出“我爱你”这句话,总感觉一切会随着时间一起流逝,最终消失。所以,我在冻结的时间里说了出来,我爱你。 If you say "I love you" in the passing time, I always feel that everything will pass with time and finally disappear. So, I said in the frozen time, I love you.

20、将爱放心底,把缘分倍加珍惜;将思念藏心里,酝酿芳香的记忆。无眠的夜是一曲甜蜜的旋律,绵绵无尽的思念证明爱的魔力,很想你! Put love in the bottom of my heart and cherish my fate; hide my missing in my heart and brew fragrant memories. Sleepless night is a sweet melody, endless missing proves the magic of love, miss you very much!

21、希望我们的聊天记录会变成耳边温柔炙热的呼吸,电话里的晚安会变成脸颊的亲吻,希望我们所希望的,都能如愿以偿妥妥的早日到来。 I hope that our chat record will turn into the tender and hot breath in our ears, the good night on the phone will turn into a kiss on the cheek, and we hope that all we hope for will come as soon as possible.

22、总是在夜深人静的时候想起你,想起以前一起说过的话,一起走过的路,一起经历的所有的一切,一个人会傻笑,然后,是无比的心痛。 Always in the dead of night when thinking of you, think of the words that have been said together, together with the road, all the experience together, a person will giggle, and then, is incomparable heartache.

23、情书篇篇,掏心掏肺。情歌曲曲,真情真意。情丝缕缕,牵肠挂肚。情网结结,挽情留爱。情意绵绵,思念思念。情缘段段,珍重珍重。 Love letters, heart and lung. Love songs and songs, true feelings and true meaning. Love threads, worried about. Love net knot, pull the feeling to stay in love. Love, missing. Love section, cherish.

24、想听到你的声音,记下你说过的每句话;想见到你熟悉的脸,记下你的温暖微笑,想知道你对我的感觉,还有想问问看我可以喜欢你吗? Want to hear your voice, write down every word you said; want to see your familiar face, write down your warm smile, want to know how you feel about me, and also want to ask if I can like you?

25、我如果爱你,便不会轻易离开你,即使你曾用无情驱赶和伤害;我如果爱你,绝不会随意去爱别人,即使你此时早已有自己所谓的爱人。 If I love you, I will not leave you easily, even if you used to drive away and hurt me mercilessly; if I love you, I will never love others at will, even if you already have your own so-called lover.

26、我年少偶然识得人间绝色,见水不是水是水光潋滟,见山不是山是山色空鳎见你不是你,是西子,是风雨同舟者,是那要共渡的爱人。 When I was young, I came to know that water is not water, but water is light, mountain is not mountain, and you are not you, but Xizi, who is in the same boat in the wind and rain, and the lover who wants to cross the river.

27、我想化作一阵春风,吹开你沉睡已久的心;我想化作一缕清水,洗去你沉淀已久的疲惫;我想化作一条短信,告诉你我是多么深爱着你。 I want to turn into a gust of spring breeze, blow open your heart that has been sleeping for a long time; I want to turn into a wisp of water to wash away your long-standing fatigue; I want to turn into a text message to tell you how much I love you.

28、我感到难过,不是因为你欺骗了我,而是因为我再也不能相信你了。不想对谁有依赖,最好的状态就是,你在也挺好,不在我也睡得着。 I feel sad, not because you lied to me, but because I can no longer believe you. I don't want to be dependent on anyone. The best state is that you are good, and I can sleep without you.

29、我把你放在脑子里,于是眼睛里面浮现出你,我把你放在我的眼里,于是心里开始想你,我把你放在我的心里,于是我的心被你偷走了! I put you in my mind, so you appear in my eyes, I put you in my eyes, so my heart began to miss you, I put you in my heart, so my heart was stolen by you!

30、我真的很希望能再和你一起,我不知道能一起走多远,但我知道最后的结局是我一直爱你,直到我的生命结束,无论我们是否还在一起。 I really hope to be with you again. I don't know how far I can go together, but I know the final result is that I always love you until my life is over, whether we are still together or not.

31、我觉得以后我可以遇见比你更好的人,但是当你出现在我面前的时候,我觉得除了你,我对谁都喜欢不起来了,除了你,我谁都不想要。 I think I can meet better people than you, but when you appear in front of me, I feel that I can't like anyone except you. I don't want anyone except you.

32、我这辈子最大的幸运就是认识你,而最大的不幸却是不能拥有你。也许你会遇到你深爱的人,可是却不会遇到第二人像我这么爱你的人。 My greatest fortune in my life is to know you, but the biggest misfortune is not to have you. Maybe you will meet someone you love deeply, but you won't meet a second person who loves you so much as I do.

33、所谓“聊得来”的深层含义其实是:读懂你的内心,听懂你的说话,与你的见识同步,配得上你的好,并能互相给予慰藉、理解和力量。 The deep meaning of the so-called "chatting" is actually: to understand your heart, to understand your words, to keep pace with your knowledge, to be worthy of your good, and to give each other comfort, understanding and strength.

34、把你放在天上,怕被小鸟带走;把你放在海里,怕被小鱼带走;把你放在山上,怕被野兽带走,无奈,只能把你放在心上,被我带走了。 Put you in the sky, afraid of being taken away by birds; put you in the sea, afraid of being taken away by small fish; put you on the mountain, afraid of being taken away by wild animals, helpless, can only put you in my heart, was taken away by me.

35、数以千计的杯子没有喝醉,您将喝醉与您一起喝酒,春天和秋天漫长,与您度过短暂的一生,一个伟大的梦想,您将乐于享受第三世界。 Thousands of cups are not drunk, you will be drunk to drink with you, spring and autumn are long, spend a short life with you, a great dream, you will be happy to enjoy the third world.

36、春天会用感性的语言写下温暖的句子,花瓣会用有型的色彩烘托浪漫的背景,我会用任性的心跳许你生命的爱恋,不变,亲爱的,想你。 Spring will use emotional language to write warm sentences, petals will set off the romantic background with the color, I will use willful heartbeat to allow you the love of life, unchanged, dear, miss you.

37、暗恋这种事,就好像下了一场暴雨,我故意站在你门外,几度想要敲你的门,问你是否可以暂时借避,可我又不敢,只好一直站在雨里。 Secretly falling in love with this kind of thing is like a rainstorm. I deliberately stand outside your door and several times want to knock on your door and ask if you can stay away for a while, but I dare not, so I have to stand in the rain all the time.

38、最初的爱情,最后的梦,一个执着,相望人生,多少错,还是那么漫不经心,一个人的天长地久,一个人的岁月无常,给自己一个承诺。 The first love, the last dream, a persistent, looking at life, how many mistakes, or so careless, a person's everlasting, a person's years are changeable, give yourself a commitment.

39、最想牵的还是你的手,最想念的还是你笑脸,虽然时间改变了我们的容颜,却始终改变不了我爱你的诺言,亲爱的,我爱你,一生不变。 Most want to lead or your hand, most miss or your smile, although time has changed our face, but always can not change my promise to love you, dear, I love you, life unchanged.

40、最懂你的人,总是会一直的在你身边,默默守护你,不让你受一点点的委屈。真正爱你的人不会说许多爱你的话,却会做许多爱你的事。 The person who knows you the most will always be by your side, guarding you silently and not letting you suffer a little bit of injustice. People who really love you will not say a lot of love you, but will do a lot of things to love you.

41、每个日升月落都喜欢你,每个昼夜往复都喜欢你,每个寒来暑往都喜欢你,每个南风过境都喜欢你,每个日子都喜欢你,今天也喜欢你。 I like you every day, every day and night, every winter and summer, every south wind crossing, every day and every day, and today.

42、爱上你之前,想单枪匹马去闯荡江湖,看看这五彩斑斓的世界。爱上你之后,觉得江湖太远了,我不去了,我只想给你做饭,陪你睡觉。 Before falling in love with you, I want to go wandering alone and see the colorful world. After falling in love with you, I feel that the world is too far away. I will not go. I just want to cook for you and sleep with you.

43、爱你实在是一件满心欢喜的事情,忍不住偷偷地回应你。在千千万万的温柔的小事情里,我的心里确认过了千千万万次:嗯,就是你了。 You can't help but secretly respond with love. In thousands of gentle little things, my heart confirmed thousands of times: Well, it's you.

44、爱就爱了,我不在乎别人怎么看。哪怕相隔千山万水,哪怕相别千年万载,这份情不变,这份爱绵延。要你知道,你都占据着我的心田。 Love is love, I don't care what others think. Even if separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, even if not for thousands of years, this love does not change, this love continues. You know, you're all in my heart.

45、爱情,是装满酸甜苦辣咸的五味瓶,酸的是温柔,甜的是幸福,辣的是坚强,苦的是伤痛,咸的是回忆!愿你在爱的海洋里,品尽甜蜜! Love, is full of sour, sweet, bitter and salty, sour is gentle, sweet is happiness, spicy is strong, bitter is pain, salty is memory! Wish you all the sweetness in the ocean of love!

46、用真心描绘,用浪漫点缀,用宽容润色,用关心沾色,用体贴勾勒,用岁月酝酿,用誓言封存。愿我们一同牵手共品尝,这幸福的滋味。 Depict with sincerity, embellish with romance, embellish with tolerance, touch with care, outline with consideration, brew with years, seal with oath. May we join hands to taste this happy taste.

47、白天可以没有太阳,夜晚可以没有月光,严寒酷暑可以抵挡,艰难坎坷意志可抗,凄清寂寞令我心慌,唯恐你不在我身旁,爱给我力量。 There can be no sun during the day, no moonlight at night, cold and heat can be resisted, tough and rough will can be resisted, desolate loneliness makes me panic, for fear that you are not beside me, love gives me strength.

48、相逢是首歌,一首甜蜜的歌,歌里全是醉人的亲密,伴我每时每刻;相逢是首歌,一首幸福的歌,歌里全是快乐的经历,诉说动心情意! Meet is a song, a sweet song, the song is full of intoxicating intimacy, accompany me every moment; meet is a song, a happy song, the song is full of happy experience, tell the moving feelings!

49、被拒绝后宁忍痛相见,或不相往来,爱从未是独角便能唱全的戏剧,长襟沾染风霜,心思像碾过的尘土,任凭来日在长,也难全身而退。 After being rejected, it is better to see each other or not to contact with each other. Love has never been a single character and can sing the whole drama. The long breast is stained with wind and frost, and the mind is like the ground dust. No matter how long the future will be, it will be difficult for the whole body to retreat.

50、记不起是哪一个黄昏,你和我偶然擦肩而过,就像一座山峰投入了大海之中,没有涟漪,只有惊涛骇浪,那时我就已决定,此生惟爱你! I can't remember which dusk, you and I happened to pass by, just like a mountain into the sea, there are no ripples, only rough waves, then I have decided, this life only love you!

51、谨慎的兔子是我,怕生的猫也是我,你却是我期待又矛盾的梦抓住却不能拥抱的风,想喝又怕醉的酒,独抱一腔孤勇爱你是我的英雄梦。 The cautious rabbit is me, and the cat who is afraid of strangers is also me. You are the dream that I look forward to and contradict, catch the wind that I can't embrace, want to drink the wine that is afraid of being drunk, and hold a lonely and brave love for you is my heroic dream.

52、遇到你之前,世界是一片荒原,遇到你之后,世界是一个乐园,过去的许多岁月,对我像一缕轻烟,未来的无限生涯,因你而幸福无边。 Before meeting you, the world is a wasteland, after meeting you, the world is a paradise, many years in the past, like a wisp of smoke to me, unlimited future career, because of you and boundless happiness.

53、遇到你之前,世界是一片荒原,遇到你之后,世界是一个乐园,过去的许多岁月,对我象一缕轻烟,未来的无限生涯,因你而幸福无边。 Before meeting you, the world is a wasteland, after meeting you, the world is a paradise, many years in the past, like a wisp of smoke to me, unlimited future career, because of you and boundless happiness.