1、不是不爱你了、而是我爱累了。 It's not that I don't love you, but that I'm tired.

2、人生如戏,请给我好一点的演技。 Life is like a play. Please give me better acting skills.

3、以后的路自己走,我打车。 I'll take a taxi.

4、你一句话我记了很久也痛了很久。 I remember your words for a long time and it hurt for a long time.

5、你不坚强,没人替你勇敢。 You are not strong. No one is brave for you.

6、你嫌我的脸黑,我嫌你的脚大。 You think my face is black, I think your feet are big.

7、你就像棉花糖,跟着谁都甜。 You're like marshmallows, sweet with everyone.

8、你应该喜欢一个让你笑的人。 You should like someone who makes you laugh.

9、你有你的背景,我有我的故事。 You have your background, I have my story.

10、你永远都是这样,改不了的。 You'll always be like this. You can't change it.

11、你的宽容、是我最大的奢华。 Your tolerance is my biggest luxury.

12、你要多少,我马上给你转。 How much do you want? I'll transfer it to you right away.

13、你这人很怪,怪好看的。 You are a very strange person. You are very beautiful.

14、别再说爱我,你给的全是悔恨。 Don't say you love me any more. All you give is regret.

15、可以相信真爱,但别相信永远。 You can believe in true love, but don't believe in forever.

16、可爱不是长之计,可爱我是。 Loveliness is not the way to grow. Loveliness is me.

17、因为太真实、所以不敢想。 Because it's too real to think.

18、失败多了,就知道心态的可贵。 If you fail a lot, you will know the value of mentality.

19、奇迹是努力的另一个名字。 Miracle is another name for effort.

20、好不容易长大,却弄得遍体鳞伤。 It's hard to grow up, but it's scarred all over.

21、如果只是爱情,我做不到。 If it's just love, I can't do it.

22、宁我负天下人,莫天下人负我。 It is better for me to be negative than for others.

23、幸福曾经来过,却又悄悄溜走。 Happiness once came, but it slipped away.

24、往往天真的想法都是很完美。 Often naive ideas are perfect.

25、得不到的付出,要懂得适可而止。 Pay what you can't get, know how to stop at the right time.

26、念旧的人不适合混迹江湖。 Nostalgic people are not suitable for wandering in the Jianghu.

27、想念,让我知道这些都是过错。 Miss, let me know these are all faults.

28、感谢生活,赠我一场惊慌失措。 Thank you for life and give me a panic.

29、愿为西南风,长逝入君怀。 Wish for the southwest wind, long passing into your arms.

30、愿做一支荷,一生只为你亭亭。 Willing to be a lotus, life only for you Pavilion.

31、愿将我的快乐和幸福,同你分享。 I would like to share my happiness with you.

32、我们之间,何只一颗心的距离。 Between us, how only a heart distance.

33、我们的目标:向钱看,向厚赚。 Our goal: to look at money, to make money.

34、我把情书卖了,只卖了两块钱。 I sold the love letter for only two yuan.

35、我爱你,就爱你的一切。 I love you, I love everything.

36、我现在在心疼那个经常心疼的心。 I'm in love with the heart that often hurts.

37、我相信,我的快乐会回来的。 I believe that my happiness will come back.

38、我那么爱笑是因为没人陪我哭。 I like to laugh so much because no one to cry with me.

39、所有人的坚强,都是柔软生的茧。 The adamancy of a person is the callus formed upon his past softness.

40、拿得住的是手,掩不住的是口。 It is the hand that can hold, but the mouth that cannot.

41、放弃要干净,了断要果决。 Give up to be clean, end to be determined.

42、有时候、无奈也是一种美。 Sometimes, helplessness is also a kind of beauty.

43、梦里和你疯狂,现实独自凄凉。 Dream and you crazy, the reality alone desolate.

44、残缺的美,才是真正的美。 Incomplete beauty is the real beauty.

45、没了空气,有种窒息的感觉。 Without air, there is a sense of suffocation.

46、用心真诚守护你,爱你一生一世。 Guard you sincerely and love you all your life.

47、相爱如此简单,却又如此难。 Love is so simple, but so difficult.

48、知足且上进,温柔且坚定。 Contented and progressive, gentle and firm.

49、知道么。有一种爱叫离开。 You know what. There is a love called leave.

50、等候,是一生最初的苍老。 Waiting is the beginning of life.

51、终于等到你。还好我没成精! Finally,I get you. I'm lucky I didn't finish!

52、经营好婚姻,只是你的一厢情愿。 Running a good marriage is just your wishful thinking.

53、自信是向成功迈出的第一步。 Confidence is the first step to success.

54、蛋疼,是一种阳光的态度。 Egg ache is a sunny attitude.

55、谁让我失望,我就让谁绝望。 Who let me down, I let who despair.

56、这个大世界里,我的却小到不行。 In this big world, mine is too small.

57、遇见你,满是心酸,皆是遗憾。 Meet you, full of sorrow, are all regrets.

58、遗憾千万种,各人皆不同。 There are thousands of kinds of regrets, each of them is different.

59、随着时间的流逝,我们越走越远。 As time goes on, we go further and further.

60、风吹过来,你站我面前就很甜。 When the wind blows, it's sweet for you to stand in front of me.