1、一个人拥有的朋友越多,拥有的敌人越少,他就越容易成功。 The more one has friends, have fewer of the enemy, the easier it is to his success.
2、一个人的梦想也许不值钱,但一个人的努力很值钱。 A person's dream may not be worth money, but a person's effort is very valuable.
3、不管生活如何变故,道路如何曲折,你千万别掉队,因为希望和梦想就在前面。 无论生活如何变化,道路都曲折,您绝不应该落后,因为希望和梦想就在眼前。
4、人一半是外力造成的,一半也是自己造成的。 One half was caused by external forces, the half is also of its own making.
5、人只有献身于社会,才能找出那短暂而有风险的生命的意义。 Only dedicated to the society, to find out the short and has a risk of the meaning of life.
6、你以为我矮小、卑微、不美,我就没有心、没有灵魂吗? You thought I am diminutive, humble, not beautiful, I have no heart and no soul?
7、你能用不同的方法解题,把学到的知识应用到实际中去,真了不起! You can use different ways of problem solving, and to apply knowledge to practice, that's really something!
8、使人疲惫的不是远方的高山,而是鞋里的一粒沙子。 Make the person tired not far away mountains, but a grain of sand in the shoes.
9、信用就像镜子,只要有了裂缝,就不能像原来那样连成一体。 Credit is like a mirror, as long as there is a crack, cannot become an organic whole repeatedly as the original.
10、修行的人要有耐性,甘于淡薄,美的最高境界就是安详。 Man of practice should have patience, willing to weak, the highest state is peaceful.
11、做一个积极主动的人,最重要的是奋斗心,热爱生命,勤奋实干,开放进取。 Do a active people, the most important is heart, love life, hard work, open and progressive.
12、取得成就时坚持不懈,要比遭到失败时顽强不屈更重要。 Achievement persistence, fortitude is more important than when failure.
13、只有登上山顶,才能看到那边的风光。Can only be seen on the top of the hill, on the other side of the scene.
14、只要你在路上,就不要放弃前进的勇气,走走停停的生活会一直继续。 As long as you on the road, you don't give up the courage to move forward, stop-and-go life will always continue.
15、叹气是最浪费时间的事情,哭泣是最浪费力气的行径。 Sigh is one of the most waste of time things, crying is the most waste energy.
16、失败也是我需要的,它和成功一样有价值。 Also I need to failure, it is as valuable and successful.
17、奔跑不单是一种能力, Running is not only a kind of ability, but also a kind of attitude, decide the level of your life.
18、我一生的嗜好,除了**之外,就是读书。我一天不读书,就不能够生活。 The hobby of my life, in addition to the revolution, is reading a book. A day without reading, I can't live.
19、我在生命转弯的地方等你,让我像昨天一样地问你,你可否愿与我同行? I'll wait for you in the turn of life, let me ask you like yesterday, could you willing to walk with me?
20、把你的脸迎向阳光,那就不会有阴影。 Turn your face to the sunshine, that there will be no shadow.
21、投入炉膛的矿石,并非都能成为钢材,撒进沃土的种子,并非都能开花结果。 In the ore the furnace and not can become steel, into fertile soil seed, not can blossom.
22、有人能让你痛苦,说明你的修行还不够。 Anyone can make you pain, that means you practice is not enough.
23、有理想在的地方,地狱就是天堂。有希望在的地方,痛苦也成欢乐。 The place which the ideal is in, the hell maybe a heaven. The place which hope is in, the pain may becomes happiness.
24、每个人都有自己的难题要解,对待他人,可以以诚相待,但不必寄予厚望。 Everyone has their own problems to solve, treat others, can trust each other, but don't have high hopes.
25、每天早上叫醒你的不是闹钟,而是理想。 Wake you up every morning is not alarm clock, but ideal.
26、每天醒来,敲醒自己的不是钟声,而是梦想。 Wake up every day, on its own is not the bell, but a dream.
27、没有一件工作是旷日持久的,除了那件你不敢拌着手进行的工作。 Without a job is long, in addition to the things you can't mix to work.
28、没有失败,只有暂时的不成功! There is no failure, only a temporary no success!
29、泉水,奋斗之路越曲折,心灵越纯洁。 Spring, the road of struggle, the more twists and turns, the more pure soul.
30、流星之所以美丽在于燃烧的过程,人生之所以美丽在于奋斗的过程。 Meteor is beautiful, because the combustion process, life is beautiful, because the process of struggle.
31、牵着你的手,就象左手牵右手没感觉,但砍下去也会疼! Holding your hand, just like left hand right hand feeling, but it also hurts!
32、目标和信念给人以持久的动力,它是人的精神支柱。 Goals and beliefs give a person with lasting power, it is the spiritual pillar of the people.
33、相信就是强大。怀疑只会抑制能力,而信仰却是力量。 Believe is strong. Doubt will only inhibition, and belief is power.
34、自信,我是命运的主宰者。 The masters of self-confidence, is my fate.
36、莫向不幸屈服,应该更大胆、更积极地向不幸挑战! Don't yield to misfortune, should be bolder, more actively to challenge unfortunately!
37、觉得自己做的到和做不到,其实只在一念之间。 Feel yourself to and can't do that, in fact, only between a read.
38、逃避不一定躲得过,面对不一定难受。转身不一定最软弱。 Escape doesn't hide too, facing is not necessarily bad. Turn round and not necessarily the most weak.
39、遇到不想回答的问题,直视对方的眼睛,微笑、沉默。 Don't want to answer the problems, look straight into the eyes of each other, smile, and silence.
40、闲暇是为了做出某种有益的事而有的时间。 Leisure time is to do some good and some time.Self-discipline can help you do what you don't want to do, but must do.
41、青春一经典当即永不再赎。 Youth is a classics never redeem again.
42、顽强的毅力改变可以征服世界上任何一座**。 Tenacious perseverance change can conquer any peak in the world.
43、马行软地易失蹄,人贪安逸易失志。 A horse soft easy to stumble, the people desire comfort is volatile.