1、一曲一场叹,一生为一人。 One song, one sigh, one life.

2、世界这么乱,受伤太正常。 The world is so messy and it's normal to get hurt.

3、仅有一颗心,只存一个你。 Only one heart, only one you.Flower again Yan, there will be a day of withering.

4、今生不见,便是生生不见。 Missing in this life is missing in life.

5、伤口是昨天,幸福是明天。 Wound is yesterday, happiness is tomorrow.

6、你是我唯一,我是你什么。 You are the only one for me. What am I for you.

7、倾尽所有,只为你的回眸。 All for your review.

8、后来的我们、成了陌生人。 Later, we became strangers.

9、听悲伤的歌,看幸福的戏。 Listen to sad songs and watch happy plays.

10、听熟悉的歌,想陌生的你。 Listen to the familiar songs, think of the unfamiliar you.

11、因为我爱你,所以纵容你。 Because I love you, so indulge you.

12、太美的承诺, Too beautiful promise, because too young.

13、奈何桥边,等待前世的缘。 How Bridge side, waiting for the fate of the previous life.

14、如果不从愿,但愿有来生。 If not, I hope there will be another life.

15、小丑他哭了,世界却笑了。 The clown cried, but the world laughed.

16、当你爱我,我就拼命爱你。 When you love me, I love you as much as I can.

17、心事像羽毛,越飘越逍遥。 My mind is like a feather, which floats more and more freely.

18、心里,只住着那么一个你。 In my heart, there is only one you.

19、快乐给了你,寂寞给自己。 Happiness to you, loneliness to yourself.

20、情不知所起,一往而情深。 I don't know where I started, but I love you deeply.

21、感情淡了,不会放点盐么。 The feeling is weak, can't put some salt.

22、我不相信幸福,我相信你。 I don't believe in happiness, I believe in you.

23、我们的爱情,已悄悄走远。 Our love has gone away quietly.

24、我只是个路人,何必心动。 I'mjust a passer-by. Why bother.

25、我是真的,真的,真的爱你! I really, really, really love you!

26、我活着,不是为了讨好谁。 I don't live to please anyone.

27、我爱你,就会爱你的一切。 I love you, and I will love you.上一页12下一页

28、我的心不大,你却占一半。 My heart is not big, but you are half.

29、我读不懂,你眼中的风景。 I can't understand the scenery in your eyes.

30、有你的时候,我与世隔绝。 When I have you, I am isolated from the world.

31、没你的世界,只剩下回忆。 The world without you, only memories.

32、爱如禅,不可说,一说就错。 Love is like Zen, it can't be said. It's wrong to say it.

33、相濡以沫,彼此牵手一生。 Each other hand in hand for life.

34、看透不说透,这就是成熟。 See through not say through, this is maturity.

35、等待被懂得,是一种寂寞。 Waiting to be understood is a kind of loneliness.

36、美景良辰夜,无可奈何天。 Beautiful scenery, good night, helpless day.


38、若情深已无用,知与谁同。 If love is useless, know who you are with.

39、誓言很丰满,感情很骨感。 The vows are full and the feelings are deep.

40、记忆里的甜蜜,暖到心底。 Sweet in memory, warm to the bottom of my heart.

41、那一抹纯真,遗落在童年。 That innocence is lost in childhood.

42、那些年,我们路过的风景。 In those years, we passed by the scenery.

43、隐身的对白,沉默不是爱。 Invisible dialogue, silence is not love.
