1、一个人静静的走过一段路,不带走一点遗憾。 A person quietly through a section of the road, do not take away a little regret.
2、一段关系里,如果总是在勉强就挺没意思的。 In a relationship, it's boring to be reluctant all the time.
3、不要怪我太敏感,我只是太在乎而已。 Don't blame me for being too sensitive, I just care too much.
4、世界上没有未完成的故事,只有未死的心。 There is no unfinished story in the world, only an undead heart.
5、为什么只会换来一次又一次的失望? Why can only exchange again and again disappointed?
6、什么时候,我们喜欢上了安静,却又很怕寂寞。 When, we like quiet, but afraid of loneliness.
7、你从雨中来,我淋湿到现在。 You came from the rain and I've been wet till now.
8、你明明很孤独,却总说一个人很好。 You are very lonely, but always say a person is very good.
9、你的路途,从此不见我的苍老。 Your journey, never see my old.
10、分岔的爱情,让眼泪隔出银河的距离。 Bifurcation of love, so that tears separated from the distance of the galaxy.
11、刚要成熟,又要老去,时光,好不经用。 Just want to mature, but also old, time, no use.
12、剩下二十一克的灵魂,是我最后爱你的方式。 The remaining 21 grams of soul is the last way I love you.
13、历经似水流年,你我都已不是少年。 After years, you and I are not teenagers.
14、原来爱情会过期,剩下的只是回忆。 The original love will expire, the rest is just memories.
15、听你说话,一种智商上的优越感油然而生! Listening to you, a sense of superiority in intelligence arises spontaneously!
16、喜欢谈论你的,往往是那些不了解你的人。 People who like to talk about you are often those who don't know you.
17、因为太爱你了,爱你爱得我不能呼吸。 Because I love you so much that I can't breathe.
18、如果天堂无门而入,那我愿和你去地狱猖獗。 If there is no access to heaven, then I would like to go with you to hell rampant.
19、如果没有盲目的期待,就不会有失望。 If there is no blind expectation, there will be no disappointment.
20、孤独到最后,连路上的陌生人都想聊聊。 Lonely to the end, even strangers on the road want to talk.
21、对于你我曾努力过,而今我亦会努力放弃你。 For you, I have tried, and now I will try to give you up.
22、开始距离都不是问题,后来问题全都是距离。 At first, distance was not a problem. Later, it was all about distance.
23、微笑犹如彩虹。雨天结束,天空重现美丽。 A smile is like a rainbow. The rainy day is over and the sky is beautiful again.
24、心情不好的时候,连天空都和我做对。 When I'm in a bad mood, even the sky is right for me.
25、情不知所起,一往而深。 I don't know where I'm going.
26、我不愿承认物是人非,可时光不曾后退。 I don't want to admit that things are right and people are wrong, but time never goes back.
27、我不是在等你,我只是在等爱你的心死。 I'm not waiting for you, I'm just waiting for my heart to die.
28、我假装坚强,掩饰心底的伤。 I pretend to be strong, to cover up the bottom of my heart.
29、我只想笑着流泪做回答,言语太苍白。 I just want to smile tears to answer, words are too pale.
30、我多喜欢你。然后却又不知道该怎么去喜欢你。 How I like you. And then I don't know how to like you.
31、我想你,但我试着不再去在乎了。 I miss you, but I try not to care anymore.
32、我的离开,你的不挽留,就这样散了。 I leave, you do not retain, so scattered.
33、我看着你离开一直笑一直笑,迷离了灯火阑珊。 I watched you leave, laughing all the time, confused by the dim lights.
34、我等过你了,感情不隔夜。 I've been waiting for you. I'm not feeling overnight.
35、我算什么,只要我笑,谁也看不出我的痛。 What am I? As long as I smile, no one can see my pain.
36、把前任的一切删除干净,是对下一任的尊重。 To delete everything from the predecessor is respect for the next one.
37、断了联络,断了思念,最后的希望也变失望。 Cut off contact, cut off the missing, the last hope has become disappointed.
38、时间可以淡忘一切,但是不能忘记一切。 Time can forget everything, but not everything.
39、是眼睛迷失了方向还是心中本就没了光。 Is the eye lost the direction, or in the heart originally did not have the light.
40、曾经得不到的,现在不想要了。 What we didn't get, we don't want now.
41、梦里的雨下了整夜,醒来原来是湿了眼。 It rained all night in my dream. I woke up with wet eyes.
42、每个百毒不侵的背后,都曾经无药可救过。 Behind every invincible poison, there was no remedy.
43、淋了一场雨,看清楚了这个世界。 After a rain, I can see the world clearly.
44、熬夜和那个爱而不得的人都还戒了。 Stay up late and the one who can't love you.
45、站在狂风的天台一望无际这一座孤独的城市! Standing on the windy roof, this lonely city is endless!
46、经历了各种各样的失望,发现一个人真好。 After all kinds of disappointments, it's nice to find someone.
47、舞蹈表面的华丽,谁知背后的心酸。 The gorgeous dance on the surface, who knows the sadness behind.
48、请别用你的眼光来评论我,尽管我很堕落。 Please don't judge me with your eyes, even though I am degenerate.
49、走完同一条街,回到两个世界。 Walk the same street and return to two worlds.
50、这段关系是我们一起搞砸的,谁都难辞其咎。 We screwed up this relationship together, and everyone is to blame.