1、一个人走在孤独在道路上,静静的发呆。 A person walking alone on the road, quietly in a daze.

2、一生所求不过真爱和*,可是我好像一样都未拥有。 All my life I want is love and freedom, but I don't seem to have it.

3、一辈子很短,让我们将错就错。 Life is short, let's make mistakes.

4、与其到处找借口,不如直接说一句不爱了。 Instead of making excuses everywhere, it's better to say no love.

5、以后将与你擦肩而过,没有未来,没有希望。 I will pass you by in the future, no future, no hope.

6、你总是会输给一个人,即使你从来不承认。 You always lose to someone, even if you never admit it.

7、你是我的命,没有你我活不下去。 You are my life. I can't live without you.

8、你有清澈完整的人生规划而我却不在内。 You have a clear and complete life plan, but I'm not involved.

9、你若爱我,怎么会轻易受时间挑拨离开的那么诀别。 If you love me, how can you easily be provoked by time to leave, so farewell.

10、你说你需要她,以前需要我,现在就不需要我了。 You said you need her. You used to need me, but now you don't need me.

11、其真正鄣氖撬,我碚h什麽都不是。 In fact, what you really love is her. I'm nothing to you.

12、只要一生为你活过,我就不是尘埃。 As long as I live for you all my life, I am not dust.

13、可不可以让我失忆一次,忘掉那些我不想记得的人。 Can I lose my memory once and forget those I don't want to remember.

14、可能我只是个过客,但你不会遇见第二个我。 Maybe I'm just a passer-by, but you won't meet the second me.

15、后来,你在的地方,再也不是我眼睛的方向。 Later, the place where you are is no longer the direction of my eyes.

16、听着别人诉说自己的疼,其实自己比谁都疼。 Listen to others tell their pain, in fact, their pain than anyone else.

17、在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。 When we finally meet the right person, we should be grateful.

18、太久没相见的人,会慢慢的连想念都没有了。 People who haven't seen each other for a long time will not even miss them.

19、如果上天让我许愿,我要在第五个季节与你相恋。 If God asks me to make a wish, I will fall in love with you in the fifth season.

20、如果你爱上了别人请别告诉我,我没有那么勇敢。 If you fall in love with others, please don't tell me, I'm not so brave.

21、如果真的想要发光,就要隐忍时光的打磨。 If you really want to shine, you have to endure the grinding of time.

22、宁可孤独,也不违心;宁可抱憾,也不将就。 It's better to be lonely than against your heart; it's better to regret than to make do with it.

23、对你的现在不打扰,是我能做到的最好。 It's the best I can do not disturb you now.

24、情话已毁,承诺给太早,到头来只是一个圈套。 Love words have been destroyed. It's too early to promise. In the end, it's just a trap.

25、想一想就疼的回忆,又怎么能对别人提起。 Think about the painful memories, and how to mention to others.

26、我假装没有看你,你也假装欣赏风景。 I pretend not to look at you, you also pretend to enjoy the scenery.

27、我受你A爱茶毒太深,早就离不开了。 I'm so poisoned by your love for tea that I can't do without it for a long time.

28、我可没说你不要脸,我是说不要脸的都是你这样的。 I didn't say you're shameless. I mean you're the one who's shameless.

29、我开始喜欢最初的自己,那时候没有伤,不会哭泣! I began to like the original themselves, at that time, no injury, will not cry!

30、我想你,这是一个对我来说,烂熟于心的话语。 I miss you, this is a familiar word for me.

31、我拼命跑,却跑不出你的回忆。 I run like crazy, but I can't run your memory.

32、我现在才了解,不爱一个人,还可以思念他。 I just understand now, do not love a person, still can miss him.

33、我终于学会了,用你的语气,唤自己的名字。 I finally learned to call my name in your voice.

34、所有不合时宜的相遇,都遗憾的让人心疼。 All the untimely encounter, are regrettable heartache.

35、明明不是陌生人,却装的比陌生人还要陌生。 It's not a stranger, but it's more strange than a stranger.

36、最美不过平行线,相望相守不相交。 The most beautiful but parallel lines, do not intersect each other.

37、本想就此逃离,突然发现梦中还有一个你。 I wanted to run away, and suddenly found that there was another you in my dream.

38、此生若能得幸福安稳,谁又愿颠沛流离。 If you can be happy and stable in this life, who is willing to be displaced.

39、每一个现在,都是我们以后的记忆。 Every present is our memory in the future.

40、每个说话没心没肺的人,曾经都是有心有肺的人。 Everyone who has no heart and no lung once had heart and lung.

41、每种色彩,都应该盛开,别让阳光背后只剩下黑白。 Every color, should be in full bloom, don't let the sun behind only black and white.

42、没关系,我放你走,我还有清风和酒。 It doesn't matter. I'll let you go. I still have breeze and wine.

43、用无所谓的态度,过好随遇而安的生活。 With an indifferent attitude, live a life of ease.

44、痛心入骨,心如刀割。 It's heartbreaking.

45、看不见的东西固然可怕,但人心不是更可怕吗? What is invisible is terrible, but isn't human heart more terrible?

46、离开后,别说祝我幸福,你有什么资格祝我幸福? After leaving, don't say wish me happiness, what qualifications do you have to wish me happiness?

47、童话已结束,遗忘是幸福。 The fairy tale is over, forgetting is happiness.

48、连坚持都不会还谈什么未来。 Even if we don't insist, we can talk about the future.

49、那些劝慰别人的话,却始终过不了自己那关。 Those words of comforting others can't pass their own level.

50、重复一首歌曲,到底听的是歌还是自己。 Repeat a song, in the end listen to the song or yourself.