1、一个人,独自清洗记忆! A person, alone cleaning memory!

2、不是喜欢,似乎已深爱。 Not like, seems to have deep love.

3、不知为何,总会莫名其妙的难过。 I don't know why, I always feel sad.

4、事儿你都做了,别说你错了。 You've done everything. Don't say you're wrong.

5、亲爱的自己,余生独自前行。 Dear myself, I will walk alone for the rest of my life.

6、人,唯有爱自己,方能爱别人。 People can love others only if they love themselves.

7、伤人的拉扯,不如哭着*。 It's better to cry for freedom than to pull.

8、何以解忧?唯有,抱着你。 How to solve the problem? Only, hold you.

9、你来的话,日子会甜一点。 If you come, the days will be sweeter.

10、你欠钱不还的样子,真的很丑。 It's really ugly when you don't pay back the money you owe.

11、你的一生,我只借一程。 Your life, I only borrow a way.

12、你的快乐、我怎么也不能分享。 I can't share your happiness.

13、你的思念,我独家接受。 Your thoughts, I only accept.

14、你的故事感动了我的一生。 Your story touched my whole life.

15、你说的很对,不过我不听。 You're right, but I won't listen.

16、你随便一说,我却认真难过。 If you say anything, I'm sorry.

17、做一个让女人,心动的男人。 To be a woman, a man.

18、做人一身正气,为官两袖清风。 Being a man with integrity and being an official with both sides in the air.

19、像个傻瓜,不惜付出一切代价。 Like a fool, at all costs.

20、先学会不生气,再学会气死人。 First learn not to be angry, then learn to be angry.

21、原来思念太浓,眼泪会酸。 Originally miss too thick, tears will be sour.

22、只想去深爱,无意去伤害。 Just want to love deeply, no intention to hurt.

23、只要你依然在,我就会一直爱。 As long as you are still there, I will always love you.

24、和我走夜路吧,我想趁机抱住你。 Walk with me at night. I want to hold you.

25、嘴上说不要,身体却很诚实。 The mouth says no, but the body is honest.

26、回忆是天上点点繁星。 Memories are the stars in the sky.

27、在东北,有一种回答,叫嗯哪。 In the northeast, there is an answer. It's called "en Na".

28、在你面前我扔掉了所有骄傲。 I threw away all my pride in front of you.

29、壮志与热情是伟业的辅冀。 Ambition and enthusiasm are the support of great achievements.

30、太绝对的话日后是要被打脸的。 If it's too absolute, it's going to be slapped in the future.

31、如果没有你,爱就变得不完美。 Without you, love would not be perfect.

32、孤独再残酷,也比伪装舒服。 No matter how cruel loneliness is, it's more comfortable than camouflage.

33、对我来说,你是遥不可及的梦。 To me, you are a dream far away.

34、心平何劳持戒,行直何用修禅。 It's hard to keep the precepts when the mind is flat, and it's useless to practice Zen when you are straight.

35、感动越是深刻,寂寞就越伤人。 The more deeply touched, the more lonely it hurts.

36、懂得越多越像这个世界的孤儿。 The more you know, the more like an orphan in the world.

37、我决定好好生活,慢慢爱你。 I decided to live a good life and love you slowly.

38、我喜欢你,从黑夜到黎明。 I like you, from night to dawn.

39、我壹直在这里,陪你吹风淋雨。 I'll be here with you in the rain.

40、我想结婚,差个你,怎样办? I want to get married. What can I do for you?

41、我的人品好,爸妈没烦恼。 My character is good, my parents don't worry.

42、我说我爱你,你倒过来重复一遍。 I said I love you, you come back and repeat.

43、我走的很慢,但我从不后退。 I walk slowly, but I never walk backwards.

44、明人不说暗话,我喜欢你。 I like you when you don't speak dark.

45、是梦总会碎,是心总会累。 Is always broken dream, is always tired heart.

46、没有你,世界都是黑暗的。 Without you, the world is dark.

47、流氓不可怕,就怕流氓有文化。 Hooligans are not terrible. They are afraid of their culture.

48、煮饭要放米,讲话要讲理。 Rice should be put in cooking, and speech should be reasonable.

49、爱情当回忆,伤口当秘密。 Love is memory, wound is secret.

50、瓜儿离不开秧,孩儿离不开娘。 Melons can't live without seedlings, children can't live without mothers.

51、生活,一次碰壁,一次清醒。 Life, a wall, a sober.

52、由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难。 From thrift to extravagance, from extravagance to thrift.

53、男人,女人,一样,都很累。 Men, women, the same, are very tired.

54、看你这般模样,我笑的无关痛痒。 It doesn't matter how you look.

55、真正爱你的人,一定是你的妻子。 The one who really loves you must be your wife.

56、眼光可以看多远,你就能走多远。 You can walk as far as your eyes can see.

57、给烟不给火,纯属调戏我。 Give smoke and no fire, it's just teasing me.

58、要笑的坦荡,活的漂亮。 You should laugh freely and live beautifully.

59、让梦想成真的最好措施就是醒来。 The best way to make a dream come true is to wake up.

60、重逢是始料未及,别来无恙是你。 Reunion is unexpected. It's you.