1、上海究竟是上海,他们都很开心呢。——《渔光曲》 Shanghai is Shanghai. They are very happy.

2、不是每次恋爱都已结婚告终的。——《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》 Not every love is married.

3、不是非得赢,我只是不想输。——《飞驰人生》 I don't have to win. I just don't want to lose.

4、为何总是对好人苛刻,对坏人宽容?——《芳华》 Why are you always harsh on good people and tolerant of bad people?

5、人生自古谁无死,早死晚死都得死。——《爱情公寓》 Since ancient times, there is no death in life.

6、他一定穿了一条很棒的裤子。——《当幸福来敲门》 He must be wearing great pants.

7、任何时候,你都可以成为我的飞行员。——《壮志凌云》 You can be my pilot at any time.

8、但愿老死花酒间,不愿鞠躬车马前。——《长安少年行》 I wish I could die in the flower and wine room and not bow before the chariots and horses.

9、你像是从宇宙中飞来,我的天使。——《卡罗尔》 You're like flying from the universe, my angel.

10、你是盗墓者,你去解决这个问题!——《古墓丽影》 You are a grave robber, you go to solve this problem!

11、做人如果没梦想,那跟咸鱼有什么分别?——《少林足球》 What is the difference between a man and a salted fish if he has no dream?

12、八荒四海,为你而来。——《三声三世十里桃花》 Eight wasteland, for you.

13、凡事都有可能,永远别说永远。——《放牛班的春天》 Everything is possible, never say forever.

14、别看你今天闹的欢,就怕将来拉清单。——《小兵张嘎》 Don't look at the fun you're making today. You're afraid to make a list in the future.

15、古伦木,古伦木!欧巴,欧巴!——《阳光灿烂的日子》 Gurumu, gurumu! Europa, Europa!

16、只要有梦想,就要去追求。——《当幸福来敲门》 As long as you have a dream, you should pursue it.

17、女子无才便是德。——《甄执》 mediocrity is the virtue of women.

18、小孩子才分对错,成年人只看利弊。——《后会无期》 Only kids are willing to tell right from wrong. Adults only weigh the pros and cons.

19、巨大财富的背后,都隐藏着罪恶。——《教父》 Behind the great wealth, there is evil.

20、我们结婚吧,趁活着。——《最爱》 Let's get married while we're alive.

21、我原本是山中一颗包治百病的板蓝根!——《古剑奇谭》 I used to be a Banlangen in the mountains!

22、我是女的,我是弱势啊。——《我是余欢水》 I'm a woman. I'm weak.

23、我背叛你的时候,真觉着满腔正义!——《芳华》 When I betrayed you, I felt full of justice!

24、我还没出力,你就倒下了。——《西游记后传》 You're down before I can help.

25、手里捧着窝窝头,菜里没有一滴油。——《武林外传》 There is not a drop of oil in the dish.

26、无论如何,请不要瞧不起我。——《石破天惊》 Anyway, please don't look down on me.

27、月光再亮,终究冰凉。——《致我们终将逝去的青春》 No matter how bright the moonlight is, it will be cold after all.

28、有些人不能见,见一次负一生。——《沙海》 Some people can not see, see once negative life.

29、爱情就如一场大病,过了,就好。——《十二夜》 Love is like a serious illness. After it, it will be good.

30、犯了错的人,总喜欢躲在阴影里。——《猎狐》 People who make mistakes like to hide in the shadow.

31、看什么看那你,没见过美女啊?——《九品芝麻官》 What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a beautiful woman?

32、聊得挺投缘,赔点医药费算了。——《功夫》 We had a good chat. We should pay for the medical expenses.

33、臭蛋,我们一起要吃到老,玩到老!——《仙剑奇侠传》 Stinky eggs, we'll eat and play together until old!

34、讲个笑话,你可别哭。——《驴得水》 Tell a joke. Don't cry.

35、误会是不需要原谅的。——《冬日恋歌》 Misunderstandings don't need to be forgiven.

36、这一秒不失望,下一秒就会有希望。——《星苹果乐园》 If you don't feel disappointed in one second, there will be hope in the next.

37、逆境中绽放的花朵是最稀有,最美的。——《花木兰》 The flowers blooming in adversity are the rarest and most beautiful.

38、都是成年人,专业点,好,专业点。——《铁金刚》 It's all adults. Be professional. Good. Professional.

39、顶你个肺!——《疯狂的石头》 Top your lungs!

40、鸡也有爱国的!——《济公》 Chickens have patriotism too!